How did the time fly so fast! can you believe how soon I'll be home? It’s weird. How'd your week go ya'll?
Its been all good here. I gave a talk in church on Sunday. It was on judging others. It went really well.. its nice to have it over with though ;) haha
This week we've been having a lot of meetings. I've been training the new office couples, the Jahns and the Talberts on a bunch of things they need to know before I leave.
We went out working with president one night this past week.. It was so sweet.
This past week, I got an impression to call some random guy that we had talked to a while back, African American, and his name is T. We had contacted him in passing, and he recognized us as missionaries but didn't seem terribly interested. But he was so polite and so nice it was crazy.. any way, we had bumped into him a couple times after that and it was the same situation until one day where he seemed very upset… as we approached him he told us how everything was going down hill in his life, how he had no job, how his fiancé was making bad choices and it felt as though she was going to leave him along with there son they had together, he said that the future looked dark and that he had no clue what to do. We talked and testified about the atonement and about the Plan of salvation and he said someday he'd like to learn more about it but that wasn't the time… anyway I called him the other day and when he answered he said: " how did you know to call me?" I then told him that I had felt a prompting that he needed someone to talk to. His voice then slowed down and he started to cry softly. He said, how did you know to call in the exact moment that I needed it. He then explained that his burdens in life were getting too heavy. He said he needed god in his life, he said he was willing to do anything to improve the quality of his life and become a follower of Christ. I talked to him about so many aspects of his life and how the gospel would bless him.. and that most of all it would bring him the peace he needed now more that ever before. I taught him over the phone about the atonement of Christ, about his plan of salvation and happiness for us, I taught him Christ’s doctrine and then I told him: "Tyrell.. If I told you of a way to find peace, joy and happiness in your life right now, would you do it?" he said of course. I proceeded to tell him that that night, he needed to kneel in prayer, and with faith, plead with our heavenly father to grant him peace in his life, and grant him forgiveness for his mistakes and sins and then I felt prompted to promise him that if he did this, he would feel heavenly peace and he would feel the love that god has for him..
The next night we brought president to a scheduled appointment with him. he didn't want to meet in his house so we went outside.. He had the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face and tears of joy...He told us: "it works". He said he knelt in prayer, and offered his whole heart before the lord. He felt the greatest pain for choices he had made, and because of life's circumstances at the current time and he told us as he pleaded, suddenly, he felt a large hand rest upon his shoulder, he said it was warm and familiar, and when the hand lifted, so did the burdens he had been feeling and the guilt of his sins and mistakes.. it was so powerful to me, and I knew that it was true, because I, on my mission have felt that hand on my shoulder before.. in some of the toughest moments, where I didn't think i could last much longer.. I have felt a hand rest upon my shoulder and it always takes away the burden and the pain that I have felt.. I was amazed by what this humble man taught us, and then we proceeded to each him many principles of the gospel. Suddenly he became the most humble, submissive, interested child of god that I have ever taught on my mission. his heart was open, and he was sensitive to the spirit.. there were so many distractions all around us, and yet, we didn't even notice them... He is ready for the gospel and loves it.
Our second lesson we came back and he had already read almost the 1st book of Nephi (exactly what a missionary wants to hear when they come for the return appointment) and he had read the pamphlet. I asked him If he would prepare himself to be baptized by proper authority and he readily agreed. He is amazing. I want to see him baptized before I leave! I hope we can find more time to teach and prepare him!
Anyway, that was my amazing story for the week. Karol hill is one of our other African American investigators; he has a scheduled baptism on the 4th of June! We're still praying that will happen! There are lots of good things going on! I love being a missionary and I sure am gonna miss it… this is the life!
Hope all is well at home! love y'all so much!
Stay righteous!
much love,
~Elder Holman