Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week -


If have another week like the past one, I might lose all my hair haha... it was a stressful, crazy week! But a good one, and it went fast! I have just been all over the place lately!

On Monday I was in the office all day. We had and office staff meeting. President and I made some calls to some problem missionaries, I wrote you guys and took half a P-day.. haha it was a long crazy day!

Tuesday, I went over to presidents house for a 3-4 hour meeting about up coming meetings. We talked about agendas, trainings, assignments, etc. Lots of stuff! I walked away from the meeting with a pretty big headache haha... My comp and I have a lot of training meetings to prepare for. I can't even remember exactly we did after that... oh Ya, I finished up a slideshow for going home missionaries.. umm.. what else.. hmm.. oh ya, a bunch of people called me about byu and I got scared I was gonna miss out on classes.. luckily pres. let me call star, and I got my mothers day call with her! :) Don’t worry I can still call you on mothers day, I just got my call with her early ;) Thanks for figuring out all the school stuff for me! I'm glad I don't have to stress about all that stuff for a while... ugh, school? Can't I just be a missionary for the rest of my life? haha jk, I'm sure it'll be great..

Wednesday was crazy too. I took a small P-day to go play some kickball with the zone, which was a blast and just what I needed. I love serving in Des Moines. I think I want to finish out my mission here.. It's just so much fun to be surrounded by missionaries that I know and love. We all wake up at like 5:50 every morning to go play basketball... It makes exercise a bit more fun! Anyway, back to Wednesday- after kickball, we went to presidents, washed his car and did some other stuff to help him in preparation for the new greenies flying in. We got the big old van ready and went to pick up all the new guys! There were 6 elders and 1 sister... every time I go and do that, I think of when I first got to the mission.. it seems so long ago.. I can remember coming down the escalator, seeing president Talbot and the A.P.'s and just being so pumped to go out and do the work, but not knowing what to expect.. I could see the same emotions in all of their faces! we took them all out to lunch and then back to the mission home for some training, dinner and testimony meetings. It was a great night!

Thursday morning started early. We got all the missionaries ready to go to transfer meeting in Iowa City.. We got there, gathered up 100 or so missionaries.. I conducted the Meeting.. It was my favorite transfer meeting I've been to. as each companionship got together with their new companion I had a spiritual confirmation in my heart that that was the right pair and that they were going to the right area! It was a spirit filled meeting for sure! After that meeting we took all the old, going home missionaries back to the mission home. We had a dinner and a testimony meeting. I took president to the airport because he had a meeting in Denver, I'm gonna pick him up today.. It was a fun night though, it made me slightly trunky, but not enough to have a huge effect on me ;)

Friday morning started early too.. 4:30, so we could take all the going home elders to the airport. We got home and president gave us permission to sleep in till noon - thank you president! I took advantage of that, but when I woke up I had more than 20 missed calls on my phone. The day started off crazy once again! I was in the office almost all day yesterday catching up on a lot of organizing and stuff.

Oh, my proselyting area changed.. I dunno if I told you.. but now I am in Des Moines 7th branch. We decided to switch the area and give ours to the sisters so they can do some member motivating. The problem with s being there is all the men are gone during the day so we can stop and visit members very often, the area is really rich and prestigious, the husbands are always working at the law firm or in the hospital, and we can't have lessons with women alone, although we've had many opportunities too.. it will just be a good switch.. That area was made for sisters, and DM 7th will be sweet! I'm excited about it!

...So I need your prayers like crazy this week! Tuesday I have to give a big training in Zone Leader Council, and then I have to give another big training on the fundamentals of Preach my gospel Wednesday and Thursday.. and then again the following week... Ahhh, haha too much stuff to do! Pray for me that I can get through it all! I have so much to do right now that I can barely think! haha!

Well I love you all! Hope you're all doing fantastic! Say Hello to the ward for me.

I'm prayin for ya'll!

~Elder Holman

The Conference report - April 4th

Hey Family,

This may be rather short. I don't have a ton of time. Barely breathing as usual ;) haha., No its not that bad.. I've just never felt so busy in my life! :) There's always a lot to do!

So this past week has gone by pretty fast! We stayed extremely busy! I have been on the road all week! Monday I drove to Iowa City to pick up a bunch of missionaries, stayed over night and the next morning, bright and early, drove all the going home missionaries to Nauvoo for their last temple trip. It was an amazing trip. I really enjoy Nauvoo... there is something incredibly different and amazing about that place. The second you get into town you can just feel the spirit of the restoration of the church and recognize the hard work and sacrifice of the early members of the church. I hope someday you all get to go and visit! We got an amazing tour; I bumped into some of the temple engineers and told them my dad was coming soon. They were really nice guys!

That night I traveled back to Iowa city to drop everyone of and then continued north for a while till Cedar Rapids. Our mission has been doing a friendly competition for the missionaries in there zones. The zone that extended the most baptismal invites last transfer got to take a trip to the Nauvoo temple as a zone! So I went to the Nauvoo temple again the next day! Back to Back! haha I'm so lucky... SO MUCH DRIVING THOUGH!! haha but its worth it for the spirit that you feel in the temple.. Its amazing. I want to go every Saturday when I get home. I plan on it. Hopefully I can keep that commitment.

On Thursday we began Transfer training in the mission home.. We spent several long hours doing so, planning which elders go in which place with a certain companion... which elders will be the new leaders... who the future leaders of the mission are... such an amazing experience that otherwise I would not get unless I was serving with president. AMAZING. My favorite part of doing transfer planning is praying about it. President asked if I would pray and ask by name and area if we had selected the best places for our missionaries to go, as I did so we felt the spirit very strong in the room, and meanwhile sensed promptings of the spirit to change some things.. I love watching president, the second I said amen he started switching things and said: " while you prayed a received very distinct impressions and know without a doubt that elder ... so and so... needs to go here, and this elder needs to go here, and this sister is needed here instead of here. I love it! President is so in tune, it just astounds me! He really is one of my role models. He is strict, but loving. Obedient and hardworking. Confident but soft, and one of the most charitable people I have met in my life... I feel the pure love of Christ when I am around him, there is no other way of explaining it.

The next day we did the same thing, its a long process, but an amazing experience! That night I worked on the slide show for the going home missionaries a ton. I finally finished it yesterday! About time! It takes so long to do, that is, if I want it to look nice and presentable.

Saturday and Sunday was like being in a spirit packed powerhouse! I love general conference! I love the apostles and the prophet, does it ever blow your mind that there is a man on the earth today like Moses, or Abraham, or Joseph smith.. ah... I just love it. I love hearing his words and listening to his voice! I got several messages out of conference. Focus on becoming more like a child, for of such is the kingdom! Its so true, children are so believing and so kind, so willing to help those who are in need. I want to become more like a child. I'm also pretty sure I need to get married as soon as I get home, after a talk like elder Scott's and pres. Monson's in priesthood session... I don't think I'll waste much time ;) Hopefully I can find her quick haha!

I loved the talk on To be or to do! That was a good one that got the wheels really turning in my head. If we try and BE the right person, we will naturally DO the right thing... I need to work on BEING the right person..

I also enjoyed Elder Oaks talk on Decisions. Believe it or not, decisions determine your destiny. Be careful and watch yourself at all times... everything you do has its eternal effect.

This morning we had big long staff meeting, where we talked about all the stuff going on in the mission. We organize and coordinate our schedules so we can effectively accomplish all our tasks for the week... this next week we pick up the new greenies, we have a big transfer meeting, we take the going home missionaries home, just a ton of good stuff! oh, I'm also changing areas, but I can't talk about it too much yet as its not official info. I'll tell you next week!

So anyway! That’s the latest! I love you guys! Hope you're doing well! I so enjoy your letters and hope you'll continue to write! I have tough time writing back as I'm constantly on the go, but when I get a sec I'll try! You guys are lucky though… you get a weekly email. I wouldn't mind a weekly letter... hint hint... Jk I love you guys! And I'll see you soon enough any way! 3 months baby! And a month until I will be calling you guys up! Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies!

Love ya,

~Elder Holman