Tuesday, April 6, 2010

as exotic as it gets

Hey Guys! How are you?

How was your conference weekend? I love conference time so much; it’s always so great to hear the words from apostles and prophets and to gain guidance in this life! I hope you're all doing your best to apply the things you learned. There were a lot of great things about families and I know that if you apply those things, especially elder Bednars talk, you will all be richly blessed. Continue strong in the gospel as a family, I know it will bless each and every one of you. I miss going to Priesthood session with Dad, Land and Brock. It’s always a bummer because it’s just not quite the same... It was such a great session. The only thing that was missing was my fantastic dad and amazing little bro's.

But ya, my Easter was fantastic! We went over to a member’s house for a big family feast, conference watching session, Easter egg hunt, etc. It was a really fun day, and we got Easter baskets from two different families... chucked full of the goods! oh ya!

So, we are soccer coaches here in Muscatine! That’s exciting and fun! We meet twice a week for practice and have a game every Saturday! We have the most awesome team. They are 6-8th graders and we are doing it through the YMCA. Half of the kids are Latino, so maybe this will turn into a good teaching opportunity, who knows! We’ve talked with several of the Spanish parents. And the kids love us cuz we can speak Spanish! haha its a lot of fun :)

As for the newest of the news, we should be moving out of the basement with tons of spiders to the nicest apartment in the mission, tonight! Our place has been such a mess lately because I've been trying to live out of my suitcase in preparation for moving, but my suitcase is basically scattered all over the apartment. I can't wait to move and get organized... its driving me insane. And I am constantly paranoid because of the huge spiders I've been seeing. Today when I was studying, I lifted up a paper and a huge one crawled across my desk. FREAKED ME OUT. It’s probably no comparison to the things Elder Wilson is seeing on his mission, but for a states missionary… that’s about as exotic as it gets! So we're getting out of there TODAY! YAY! Hey speaking of Stevey, I love reading about what he's up to, keep his letters coming mom, oh and I loved the pictures link, that was a lot of fun. I need to get some pics sent home to you guys soon, I have quite a few. I'll get on that!

Well I miss you all tons! Take care; I hope all is going well for you. Keep praying for me, I'll be praying for you! :) Love you all so much!

Much love

~Elder Holman

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hey family!

What’s going on? Well, as of right now I am just chillin' in the local Muscatine community college, writing you folks with my new companion Elder Mackey. So ya, transfers ended up going just as we thought they would.

So, the town i'm in is like right next to the Mississippi river! I didn't realize that it was so close! So that’s kinda cool! We live with a member right now in her basement. Her name is Sister Chapman, and it’s awesome because she completely reminds me of grandma Marlene :) So I feel very at home when I am around her and we get along very well. We have free washer and drier access which rocks! I hate paying for wash. It is of the devil and I feel as though i'm getting robbed blind. Not fun! So this is kind of a relief. But it probably won't last for long as we are moving out really soon.

Okay, So, Elder Mackey, He's from Atlanta, Georgia, and very proud of it… He's a pretty nice guy. I am really getting along with him great.

The ward here is pretty nice! I met a lot of people yesterday! They gave some amazing talks on Christ yesterday, oh and I sang in the choir, it was a lot of fun. They have a nice chapel, it’s big, and they have the most active going members out of all my areas I've seen. So pretty cool :)

Oh while I'm thinking about this.. In my last area there was this Guy I met in our ward by the name of Overbye I think it was, he told me he thought we may be related because he has his mother’s maiden name was holman or something.. anyway. He told me that one of my great great Relatives accidently shot Brigham Youngs favorite horse! And made Brigham pretty mad! I thought that was kinda funny. He said the Holmans have a great history and he loves talking about it... I didn't get a ton of time to talk to him, but I have his info if you guys wanted to contact him sometime to learn more about it all. He said to see if our name Holman has any ties to the name BARNS? But I dunno, you guys can check it out.

So ya, but anyway, Muscatine, there are a lot of great people here, and I'm really excited to do some work here. We already have several really good investigators.. and a family. Pray for them, they are a great family, who are really trying to understand the gospel but are really hesitant about change. They are amazing people though. They are way too much fun to hang out with, and they are a younger couple so we all really connect well.

We have a couple Spanish investigators, but I haven't met them yet. Our ward missionary leader is Hispanic, and there are several others too, but they all understand English really well, so I don't have to translate! Yay! haha... I think most of my problem I have right now is that... I can understand almost all of Spanish, especially when I am just overhearing a conversation.. but when they talk to me it’s tough to understand.. and I really need to improve my personal speaking ability.. but I understand almost everything they say... Yesterday I went to the Spanish gospel class and understood almost every single word... speaking Spanish... unfortunately, is just a whole notha’ world.. but it’s all good.. I still have what, 15 months to improve it?

Well ya, that’s mostly the news for this week. I'm getting along with Mackey really well for the most part :) The area is great. Surprisingly it has been a very smooth transition. So don't worry about me, but your prayers are always appreciated :) I love you all and pray and think about you every day! Keep me updated on all that’s going on! And just write to the mission address for now, cuz I don't know my address. Hope to hear from ya'all soon!

Much love,

~Elder Holman