Monday, July 30, 2012

Casey's email 7-30-2012

 well funny story... it involves my index finger and a chainsaw.. hahahaha no worries i still have a finger... just a minor cut..i was using a chainsaw to cut up fallen trees...
caution don't look if blood sensitive!!

ya itll be a pretty bad scar.. but i have literally no pain.. and its healing super quick... its so hard to button a shirt with only one hand

me and the chainsaw that cut my finger... then me and my comp with pappy the toy maker... hes the guy we were cutting the wood for

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Casey's Email 7-24-2012

hey everyone.. sorry i wasn't able to get on yesterday, i was in DC :P
My appartment

Washington DC and China Town

Monday, July 16, 2012

Casey's email 7-16-2012

i was playing zone sports.. they had it early this morning.
life is hot and humid... i cant walk to the car without sweating bullets...i sweat a lot..

we get rain but only at night and it just makes the humidity 10000000%

the spirit works in crazy ways...  we only have one real investigator... everyone else is going no where

well everything is "woods" here. my wards bad at referrals, we have done nothing but tracted and called and street contacted for the past few weeks..  i am proud to say tho that my arms have gotten to 17 1/2 inches around and I'm the strongest of the 4 guys in the apartment and in the top three in my zone.. that's really the only accomplishment i can say I've gotten for these past 2 months.. I'm going to talk to my zone leaders and tell them that i'm not ready to train so hopefully ill be transferred this transfer instead of elder bentley... cause its custom that after a greenie is done being trained then the greenie becomes a trainer...
i haven't been able to get to bed untilll midnight every night because everyone thinks our room is the party room and i just lay there in bed waiting for them to leave 
i pretty much figured id send a letter to every single living person i know to hopefully get a letter from someone.....

i do everything... i do lunges while holding a 35lb weight in each hand...i jump rope for half an hour... i am doing crazy bicep/tricep work outs cause i want to get to a 20" arm... 

Did I tell you that Nate met your new Mission President?  He actually was in their meetings at the MTC and was passing a mic around for them.
 that's awesome... president riggs is LEGIT...first time he met us all he already had everyone's names memorized..

Monday, July 9, 2012


 Casey's mouth is open in every picture lol

Casey's email 7-9-2012

How was your 4th. Tell about all you did.
For the fourth we got to watch a parade with Winston (the 91 Year old WW2 Vet) and his daughter and grand daughter.. we then went back to Winston's house and taught the daughter and grand daughter about the plan of salvation... they are our two new investigators..

How are you handling the heat?
heat is nothing... it was 80 degrees yesterday and i though it was 70... so its not bothering me.
Ive always had power... our phones are gay tho and don't get service at our apartment.. .we only get service when we drive into our area...

They finished the gym floors and the smell was so bad that they couldn't hold church on our building so they had sacrament only at the stake center.
hah... gotta love new floors... i have forgotten what 3 hours of church is like... since i cover both the Bristow and Prince William wards every other Sunday i got to 7.5 hours of church....

Have you gotten to meet the new mission president yet?
President Riggs is awesome!.. he looks super young and acts super young... he brought along his family too... so its a little different..

Who was the guy in the suspenders in your picture? Did you by matching suspenders? You look happy.
the guy in the suspenders is pappy the toy maker... he has a closet full of those suspenders so he gave elder Bentley a pair... i look happy cause i am happy.. I'm always happy... 

Remember the lava rock rest stop in dubois Idaho? They tore it down and built a really nice one. It even smells new when you go in.
dang.. i miss that lava rock place... i used to skateboard there whenever we stopped there.. remember that??

please send pictures of the cars including mustang

Monday, July 2, 2012

Casey's hat he had made

 Tie drawn by his companion Elder Bentley for President Albright before he left

Casey's Letter 7-2-2012

Hello my dearest family

So I thought that since you guys are going to Utah for the 4th I could send this letter to Grandma's house, but I didn't wanna risk it not getting there in time. 

I got your package and I absolutely LOVE the penguin booboo thing and the big eyes penguin named waddles! The other Elders tried to make fun of me for liking and getting penguin stuff.  They said "wow your mom must be obsessed with penguins or something. What are you, 5 years old?" But I said "no it's a thing called love and I'm 20 years old and 10 times stronger than your so there." So they all stopped and went on their merry way.  It's funny how people think that the length of time they have been out makes them better than a greenie...Oh well.  The whole package was awesome and I'm glad I finally got my pretzels!!! My flight to DC I  didn't get a single snack! 

So I'm not really getting any letters.

We we met our new president today, President Riggs and his family.  They brought 4 kids with them so they are going to attend school here.  He is a great guy and super funny so I'm excited to get to know him more.

Lots of love, your son,
Elder Casey James Chaffin

Casey's email 7-2-2012

You still there, did you get blown away? How did last weeks storm affect you?
well we had a ridiculous storm Friday night.. 80+ mph winds, lightning every second for hours on end. our cell phones still aren't working right, luckily we are still with power

Have you met your new mission president yet? What's his name, where's he from?
i haven't met president Riggs yet but he is from Arizona and he is a lawyer

What all has happened this week?.
well this week was a bummed week... elder Bentley dropped a dumbbell on his foot and Ive been kinda sick so we haven't been able to do much. we are still working but the work is super slow not only because we are slow but because the area is as dead as a squirrel on the side of a road being ran over by a car constantly

Did you get my package and card?
i got your package!!! thank you so much for the penguin stuff i love them!! 

Looks like we are heading down to Utah for the 4th. Do you have any plans for the 4th?
I miss Utah and everyone in it.. for the 4th we are going to a pancake breakfast with the Bristow ward then going to a  parade with one of our eternal investigators who is 90 years old. he served in WWII and he is so funny.. hes a baptist. his son was a member but he died about 6 months ago.. we are slowly working with him... then after the parade we are going with our ward mission leader and his family to DC to see the fireworks show.

It still has been cool here and still raining on and off. We're lucky that it's in the 70 and we sometimes make it to 80. But we haven't had to use our ac much and we are green so we don't have any fires so i wont complain too much.
well... we have 2 temperatures here... hot and hotter.. 100 degrees in the mid day and 80 at night... when we had the storm friday the rain was hotter than the air...

The Lahtinens are in Peru this week picking up Mark. My how time has flown!
that's crazy... john should be going soon shouldn't he??