Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes extreme sweating, which can be recurring or even non-stop. Areas commonly affected by this condition are the underarms, palms of hands, and soles of feet. Hyperhidrosis can cause those afflicted to be embarassed or uneasy in public, and can interrupt normal daily activities. Sometimes the condition can get aggravated, making for worse conditions than just the usual sweating. There are two types of Hyperhidrosis, Focal Hyperhidrosis and Generalized Hyperhidrosis, the cause having to do with the bodys sweat glands. There are various ways to treat Hyperhidrosis.People normally sweat when they are in hot conditions, nervous or stressed. However, those suffering from Hyperhidrosis sweat an abnormally large amount, often to the point of soaking through clothing. Also, the palms of their hands and soles of their feet are often very clammy or literally dripping wet with sweat. These over-sweaty episodes normally happen at least once at week, and are unprovoked. It is hard to lead a normal life with this condition, as having wet hands or wearing a shirt with drenched armpits makes it hard to work and/or have a social life. Also, suffering from this condition always carries the threat of body odor, which makes it even harder to relax around others.
Focal Hyperhidrosis affects the underarms, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, normally while awake. This type of Hyperhidrosis can occur for the first time before the age of twenty, and is not usually related to another condition. Generalized Hyperhidrosis affects much larger areas of the body and very well may be related to another condition, including, but not limited to: low blood sugar, leukemia, heart attack, infections disease, and lymphoma.
Hyperhidrosis can be treated several different ways. If your condition is light to moderate, your doctor may have you try aluminum chloride, which is a prescription antiperspirant. For more generalized sweating, anticholinergic drugs may need to be used. Iontophoresis is another treatment, in which a dermatologist gives a weak electric shock to the affected areas, while the patient is in water. Botox injections can be used to treat Hyperhidrosis, however, the results are temporary, only lasting a few months. If none of these treatments help, surgery to remove the sweat glands is an option.