Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Night Of Pumpkins

Carving Pumpkins this year was interesting due to Eric and his powersaw (Rotozip) idea. Isn't that so Eric. I mostly watched cause I am a little under the weather. Isn't my little witch so cute? Thanks Grandma Lana for the fun Birthday Witch. I think I heard Waklee say that the pumpkin on the right is her Mom because she is grumpy. Thanks a lot Wakes. And Reese just likes to blow out the pumpkin candles. We are looking forward to our Trick-Or Treating tonight!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What have we been up to?

It has been a busy few weeks. We so enjoyed General Conference. The Elders from our ward and a neighboring ward came and hung out. I was practiced up from having Uncle Ty-Ty here and so cooking for missionaries was nothing. After seeing droopy eyes and nodding heads throughout Saturday's conference on Sunday I told the Elders that if I saw any sleeping Waklee would be on guard with her water gun for a quick wake up and we finally had to pull out the super soaker. It worked! Besides I think we spent more time laughing and the Elders getting soaked than we did in listening to the talks.

After Conference we went to Multnomah Falls and hiked to the top. My little girl on the go, Reese, thought she should be hiking too. Needless to say it took us awhile to complete the trip. As you can see Oregon is beautiful!

Waklee had her Rodeo Round Up Jog-A-Thon at school and what a cutie she was. Thanks for the donations!

And well I turned thirty! What a sweetie Eric is. He planned out the entire day and it was all fun, except maybe the part about him playing strip solitaire. Ask Brock or Johnny for details. That Eric is a funny guy. He gave me thirty roses and had my family write out 30 memories or nice things to say. I guess Chad just went on and on and couldn't stop. I am pretty excited to be turning thirty. I heard that in your thirties you can be saucy and well since I started our saucy............Watch out!

And Finally Just a cute pix of my sweet girls.

Happy 30th Birthday to Penny

We had a Huge party of 30's. 180 Balloons, 30 Roses, 30 cupcakes and 30 years young. We got Penny out of the house long enough to get the party ready but I think that the kids had moore fun with all of the Balloons and the sugar filled cupcakes.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Whistle

Last week we went to Jordan Chambers birthday party at Argay Park. The kids got little gift bags and in them is this wonderful little whistling straw.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Beach Bound

This is for you Grandma! We went to the nice warm waters of the Oregon Coast. Girls rode the carousel which Reese loves! We played the arcades and Waklee and I did a some bumper cars and air hockey. As usual we ended up wet and cold in the ocean and so we warmed up with some "Mo's". Waklee was excited because she likes shrimp and knows that her Grandma Jan likes seafood too. It was really cute because at one point when we were driving around Waklee says, "I love family vacation." I love that she thinks a daytrip to the beach is family vacation. I think it is our turn for a surprise visit from some Idahoan's. Just let Eric first know so he can clean the house.Ha.Ha.