We are in need of another black trash barrel.
Only on the reason, that there is 7 people in this house.
And I am tried of picking up trash thanks to the crows.
HOA rules state you have to have your trash out by 6am
But in reality the trash doesn't come until 10am.
So call the water company, since trash service is on the water bill.
They say call waste management people.
So call waste management
They say you have to call your property management people
So call the property management people
Our land lord is off today.
Get the voice mail of her replacement for the day.
The replacement calls me back
She has to call the owners of the house and ask them
And I am just waiting for the answer.
So we have a year lease on this house and the minumin for another trash barrel is 6months.
Duh, I had one at the old house for 5 years.
And it's an extra $4 a month on the water bill, which we pay anyways.
So what is the issue?!