
We hope you enjoyed the Bushman Family Blog- a way to share pictures, thoughts, and events with family and friends who we cannot talk to every day! If by chance, We impair your outlook on family matters, world, religion, education and your opinion; please remember; this is our little bite of cyberspace and we are capable of sharing our opinions. If that bugs you, we invite you to stop reading our little piece of cyberspace. Thank you for sharing! Have a nice day!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Random factoids

What happens when your jewelry turns your skin green?
It's cheap jewelry.
It's fake gold and has copper in it.
A couple of tricks can clean your jewelry up.
Use clear nail polish on your pieces. The polish will create a barrier between you and your cheap jewelry.
If your skin has a green mark on it from your jewelry use 70% rubbing alcohol and a rag or cotton ball. Rub gently or place on green spot for a 5 -10 minutes. The green stain from you jewelry will disappear.
You will also need to use some lotion afterwards. Rubbing Alcohol is drying.

Christine Bushman
"a mom of all boys works from son up to son down"

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

fruit & jr and mack


Justice and Mack went to the store with me. I don’t normal take anyone to the store… not even dad. We went through the produce section to get bananas. Justice was a bit weird out because of the exotic fruit. He had never seen any of them in person. He had never seen a whole pineapple before.  He found a plantain and thought it was just an over grown banana.  They were shocked to see a dragon fruit or pitaya. I usually get that in my smoothie at Keva juice.
The one that just floored Justice and Mack was a kiwi. They just couldn’t wrap their heads around how a hairy fruit could be soft inside.  Mangos were strange to them, along with a papaya and guava.

I’m thinking I need to take them more places so they can learn about different cultures and food. We came home with a 59cent plantain to cook up later.

Friday, May 10, 2019

understanding EXCEL

For part of my college class, I have to learn about EXCEL. Excel has often been a foreign language to  me. I don't understand most of it. This week, I was trying to put my best foot forward and actually understand it.  This is what I did for one of my  assignments. I was able to build pivot tables. Jason said he was impressed, since he always had to do them the hard way.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What day it is...exactly?

 This past week... since Wednesday of last week, has seem like a blur. My aunt passed away last Wednesday. So my head has not been in the game. I was also a chaperone for my son's high school winter guard squad. Winter guard is the dancers who dance with the marching band during the high school football half times. We traveled to Phoenix AZ on Friday morning. The competition was all Saturday. So when I got a free moment, I did homework. I was a dance mom to 10 high school girls. Can you picture that?! Since I am a mom to many kids, I can multi-task to the best of them. 

My son and I got special permission to stay on Sunday after the competition. My brother picked us up from our hotel.

From Sunday on to Tuesday was full on funeral planning and dividing up of my aunt's personal stuff.  Jason and rest of the family came over on Monday, not without a flat tire on new tires.  It's been a tradition when we get new tires, we always seem to get a flat. 

 It was like everyone was wanting to just erase her from the family. Interestingly enough, she was buried right at my dad's feet in the same cemetery. Somehow we came home with a u-haul full of my aunt's stuff. I really don't know what to do with most of it. I don't have much room in my house. I don't want to look like I am a hoarder.

On our way home, our windshield wipers stopped working. It was also raining/snowing. I think just by prayer and faith we got to the nearest truck stop. While at the truck stop, our cell phone flashlights were slowing dying. 
Somewhere out of nowhere a sweet little old lady came up with a super bright flashlight. She was traveling in same direction as we just came from. She was also travel alone. As quick as she appeared, she disappeared. She was truly heaven sent. We didn't have time to thank her. $20 to fix our windshield wipers.
We had lost a nut that connects the wipers to the wiper motor, which tells the wipes to turn on and off. When we fixed them, the wipers somehow got stuck right in the middle of the windshield. But hey, they actually worked, so ....

Today was the 1st time since last Wednesday, that things seem like normal. My whole family is still tired from traveling both physically and emotionally. I still have boxes to go through and things to sort out, plus it's my kids' spring break. They have not had a good spring break.

But for now, I am going to enjoy PIE, since it is PIE day = 3.14 . And wonder how long, its going to take me to get through a mountain of dirty laundry from our trip
Don't worry if you don't know about Pi day. I think its a made up holiday, by math geeks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mack’s class valentines

Yet another year we used old crayons to make something new. The machine is slowing dying. But that's ok, it's like 7year old

Monday, February 4, 2019

Tithing blessing

A tithing blessing, is using the change jar for a cake mix, frosting and wrapping paper. But what I needed was butter, powder sugar, wrapping paper and ice cream. But what I found was a cake mix and frosting and single serving of ice cream and paper. For $6.08 all from the change jar

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Super savor

I like it when I can save just as much is I spend at the store.