We(myself and Andy) were invited to my friend's house warming party on Sunday night and were asked if we could bring something so I decided to make meat pie. I don't mean to brag...okay, yes, I'm bragging... My meat pie is the best! :) I know you guys are probably thinking "yea right! you haven't even tried mine" but trust me.. Mine is the best. :) I'm not a good cook so God gave me the gift of baking and I am so grateful for that. I was taught to make meat pie by my grandma. Everyone thought hers tasted the best until I made mine. Grandma even admitted that mine tasted better. Okay, so back to the house warming party. I don't know why she decided to have it on a Sunday night, but all the same it went pretty well. I just couldn't enjoy the spicy, hot goat soups and stews because I had to work the next morning and I know how African foods can affect your stomach. LOL. I set my meat pies on the table and before I knew it, it was all gone. Can you believe that I didn't taste my own meat pie? wow.
Andy ate about five of them which made me happy. He may not like Ghanaian entres, but he sure loves the pastries. The party went on throughout the night. We left around 10pm but before we walked out the door, I had all these ladies from different African countries asking me for the recipe of my meat pie. I never measure when it comes to cooking.. so I just told them that I mixed this and that together. I will put the actual ingredients and how I made my meat pie in another post. Below are some pics that I took before and during the party. I hope you guys enjoy it. :)
~Mixing things together
~Ready to be put in the oven
~ready to be eaten
~We were tired and ready to be in bed.
Have a good rest of the week guys!