I missed the club this week due to illness. But I did get some gaming in at home. We played the February and March turns of Pandemic Legacy (Season 1) and managed two more wins.
As the months have worn on, we've been introduced to new mechanics (an incurable disease, the quarantine action), a few new characters and structures (army bases), and we've been modifying the game board (recording outbreaks, making certain diseases easier to cure).
Because we've been successful, our research funding has been cut which limits the number of event cards we can put in the deck each time. This is a nice balancing mechanism (when we lose, our funding goes up) but it shortens the game if you are successful and takes away important events! We've started to select as upgrades a few events that always appear in the deck (i.e., stickers that attach to city cards).
I've also continued painting in anticipation of meeting the orbat for Tricorne when it is released. These American militia are from A Call to Arms and are very nice plastics. I wish they did more than two boxes!
I painted these guys mostly with washes to give them a more ragged look. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, especially given how fast the painting went.
The one figure I'm not super chuffed about is the third one (below). I often forget how washes mess with colours and he turned out super bright! Not as bad as the red wash I did last year (pink shirt anyone?) but a bit of a surprising result nonetheless.
Anyhow, they will fill out the ranks of the American militia and lights well enough. I was painting them to match some similar guys in hunting shirts from All The King's Men.
The ATKM figure is on the left (below) and I think the match is close enough. The details on the A Call to Arms figures is about the same (versus the chunkier sculpting on the Armies in Plastic regulars I have been painting).
Up next: I hope to finish an Aurelian campaign with Bruce on Tuesday. I have some more American regulars ad some British grenadiers underway. And I have two orders out to (almost) finish up the figures I need for Tricorne (also need to place an order with ATKM but that requires more cash!).