Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Traffic warning signals on the East 92nd Street drawbridge over the Calumet River. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012.

Traffic warning signals on the East 92nd Street drawbridge over the Calumet River. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph while on a group photo outing to the far southeast side of Chicago, back in late November of 2012.
Seen here in this up close and detailed view, are the old traffic signals and gates on the East 92nd Street drawbridge over the Calumet River, in the South Chicago neighborhood near the Indiana border.
Northern Pacific Railroad short wooden caboose. Cloquet Minnesota. July 7th, 1966.
The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois. July 1988.
For those who grew up in the city of Chicago Illinois prior to 1958, was the sight of the electric streetcars on Chicago's many busy streets.
Preserved Chicago Transit Authority car # 4391, built by the St. Louis Car Company in 1948, helps to bring back that lost era of Chicago history, at the Illinois Railway Museum. www.irm.org
Car # 4391, is seen here during a July 1988 visit to the museum, at the east end of the museum's trolley loop.
Eddie K.
Snowplow equipped pick up truck. Elmwood Park Illinois. Late October 2012.

Snowplow equipped pick up truck. Elmwood Park Illinois. Late October 2012., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph back in late October of 2012.
The greater Chicagoland area was in to the begining of the late Autum season, and several people with pick up trucks and S.U.V's, began installing their snowplows just in case of a heavy lake effect snowstorm, or any kind of a snowstorm.
So far, it has been a mild December in Chicago with temperatures in the 40's and low 50's. Who knows...Chicago's unpredeictable weather could change anytime with little or no notice. It's good to be prepared nonetheless, and make a little side money plowing snow if one has the equipment to do so.
Eddie K.
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Bar-Kays - Soul Finger
Hi everyone!
This is Eddie K, your host and photgrapher here at Eddie's Railfan Page.
I was born in Chicago in 1962, and I grew up enjoying some really wonderful music from the era of the 1960's and 70's firsthand.
I was only 5 years old when the song Soul Finger from the Barkays was released in 1967, but it has always been one of my all time favorite instrumental hit songs.
The Blues Brothers did a cover version of this song I believe in the late 1970's or early 1980's.
Eddie K.
A large Canadian freighter ship passes underneath a railroad lift bridge on the Calumet River channel. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012.

A large Canadian freighter ship passes underneath a railroad lift bridge on the Calumet River channel. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
There is nothing quiete like passing the time and doing a little ship watching just before sunset occasionally.
I took this photograph back in late November of 2012. A large Canadian freighter ship from the province of Quebec, has just passed underneath a railroad lift bridge, and is heading north through the Calumet River channel with a tug boat at each end.
I took this photograph facing southeast, from the East 95th Street drawbridge in the South Chicago neighborhood near the Indiana border.
Eddie K.
New York Central steam action
Heres a nice little historic video for all the fans of the former New York Central Railroad here at Eddie's Railfan Page http://eddiesrailroad.blogspot.com
This video that I spotted on You Tube, comes to us from Herron Rail Videos.
Eddie K.
The former Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad's Bridge # 631. Hammond Indiana. Sunday, November 25th, 2012.

The former Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad's Bridge # 631. Hammond Indiana. Sunday, November 25th, 2012., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph during a group photo outing to the far southeast side of Chicago, back in late November of 2012.
My good friend and fellow Chicago railfan Anthony C, took us to this little known steam era single track railroad drawbridge over the Little Calumet River in Hammond Indiana.
Tucked away and hidden in an industrial area of Hammond Indiana, is the manned Bridge # 631 from the former Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad.
Saint Michael's Catholic Church on East 83rd Street. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012.

Saint Michael's Catholic Church on East 83rd Street. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, November 25th, 2012., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph during a recent group photo outing to the far southeast side of Chicago back in late November of 2012.
Chicago is a wonderful place fro a man like myself who grew up in the Windy City. Although I was born and raised here...I have yet to see and experience everything this place has to offer locally.
This beautiful photograph, was taken inside the spectacular Saint Michael's Catholic Church, located at the northeast corner of East 83rd Street and South Shore Avenue, in the South Chicago neighborhood.
This magnificent and very artistically ornate European Cathedral style church, was built in 1907, and is quiete a sight to see and experience in person.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Rock Island runby.
Digital Live Sound Video: Rock Island runby. a video by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I photographed this digital live sound video recently, at the Oak Park Society of Model Engineers,H.O Scale Model Railroad Club.
An early 1970's era freight train from the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, is viewed exiting the tunnel and making a high speed runby past the camera location on the club layout.
Northbound Indiana Harbor Belt RR transfer train. Argo Junction. Summit Illinois USA. December 1990.

Northbound Indiana Harbor Belt RR transfer train. Argo Junction. Summit Illinois USA. December 1990., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph way back in December of 1990.
A northbound Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad transfer freight train, is viewed passing through Argo Junction in southwest suburban Summit Illinois.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Pasadena City Lines short GM old look bus. Pasadena California circa 1960's era.
Eastbound CTA Rt # 62 / Archer Avenue bus. Chicago Illinois. April 1990.

Eastbound CTA Rt # 62 / Archer Avenue bus. Chicago Illinois. April 1990., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this classic Chicago Transit Authority bus photograph, way back in April of 1990.
An eastbound CTA Route # 62 / Archer Avenue bus enroute to downtown Chicago, passes the locally popular eatery Firehouse Hot Dogs in Chicago's Archer Heights neighborhood.
Ford paratransit bus # 5841 at our old garage facility, located at 1832 Pickwick Avenue. Glenview Illinois. Febuary 2008.

Ford paratransit bus # 5841 at our old garage facility, located at 1832 Pickwick Avenue. Glenview Illinois. Febuary 2008., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph during my first year of employment as a paratransit driver with First Transit.
Seen here shortly after I had hired on, is now retired 2001 Ford paratransit mini bus # 5841 at our former garage location at 1832 Pickwick Avenue in Glenview Illinois.
The CTA bus terminal loop located at West 63rd Place and South Kedzie Avenue. Chicago Illinois. December 1985.

The CTA bus terminal loop located at West 63rd Place and South Kedzie Avenue. Chicago Illinois. December 1985., a photo by Eddie from Chicago on Flickr.
I took this photograph way back in December of 1985.
Buses from the Chicago Transit Authority's Route # 52 Kedzie / California bus line (Left) and the CTA Route # 52 A South Kedzie line, wait at the bus turn around terminal loop at South Kedzie Avenue and West 63rd Place, in Chicago's Marquette Park neighborhood.