
General Comments

This is the place for any comments you have that don't relate to a specific post. This is a place where you can leave any requests, suggestions and opinions that you have about this blog. It will always remain at the top of the blog so that it is visible to everyone. We can use this as a forum for an open discussion on music in general, as well as just simply saying hi. Let's get the ball rolling.

MF DOOM: Spell his name with ALL CAPS

According to sources close to the legendary rapper/producer MF DOOM, he died on 10/31/20.  His family has chosen to keep this news private until now, and the cause of death has yet to be disclosed.Below is a screenshot of the heartfelt dedication from Doom's Instagram account posted by his wife Jasmine. I am completely gutted, and am hardly able to string words together for this post. Doom's material throughout the early years as Zev Love X with KMD, to the last two decades spent with the alter egos of MF Doom, King Geedorah, Viktor Vaughan and Metal Fingers has thoroughly enriched my life. Madvillainy , his unprecedented collaboration with Madlib in 2004, will go down as one of the best records in the history of hip-hop. Doom's style is difficult to pinpoint, as he was able to rap fast with a slow, booming baritone, while delivering his lines in a cadence that was like no other before him. He made what he was doing seem effortless, but he was undoubtedly giving it his all....

Favorite Albums of 2020

  It’s once again that time of year where I normally find myself frantically scrolling through everyone’s “Best albums of the year” lists as I tirelessly work to compile my own year-end list. However, this year I decided to abstain from looking at year end lists completely in favor of compiling my list from what I had already discovered on my own throughout the year via blogs, Bandcamp, Tidal, etc.   By doing this, I feel that my list will be more representative of my daily listening, and I can hone in on the albums that truly meant a great deal to me in 2020. Also, I won’t continue to second guess my choices as I uncover more gems that had flown under my radar to this point, and the stress and overwhelm of making a perfect list will no longer be present. With that said, I welcome all of you to sound off in the comments about   any records that you feel should have been on my list. 2020 has taken us on a crazy ride that was seemingly never going to end, but the arti...