DIY Flower vase - Craft 13

Anushya (12 yrs) tried this flower vase from a waste juice bottle using simple things available at home.

Materials required

Any old/waste water/ juice bottle
Blade/Cutter for cutting the bottle
Glitter tubes, stickers, satin ribbons and any decorative material

Mark a round a little below the neck of the bottle. Now, we have to cut this- TO BE DONE BY PARENTS ONLY . Cut it with a blade/cutter neatly on the marked round.

Start decorating it using glitter tubes, satin ribbons, stickers or any decorative material which you have at home. 

Your flower vase from waste materials is ready.

DIY Mandala Art - Craft 12

Mandalas are a very colourful and satisfying art form. I tried it for the first time too..

Materials required

Any plain paper
Compass to draw circles - I used box lids of different sizes.
Sketchpens or pencil colours or crayons or water colours- Your choice
Sharp pointed pen.

If you are using a compass, just draw circles of different sizes to cover the sheet. But since everyone maynot have it or not know how to use it, I am sharing pics of how I did using different lids like small paint bottle, medicine bottle cover, small and medium steel box lids.

 When we use compass, you can start with smallest circle or biggest one- whichever you like.

When using lids, it is ideal to start from biggest to get the other circles at even distance between each other.

So, this is the biggest circle which I drew first. Then I kept the second biggest inside that circle and ensured there is even space on all sides. 

Similarly repeat for the rest. You can draw any number of circle. No restrictions on the gaps between circles too.

 I suggest that using a pencil and scale, draw lines to divide the circles into 6 or 8 or 12 or 16 equal parts depending on size of the circles drawn. Then it would be easier to get even shapes all over the circle.

Now, you can draw the designs between the lines. Use a pencil to draw these lines so that you can erase them later after you finish drawing. 

Colour them in vibrant colours..preferably one or two colours per circle will make the design look good.

Lastly use a sharp point pen to draw strokes inside the coloured patterns. 

DIY Magic Scratch Painting - Craft idea 11

Fun idea contributed by Anushya (12 years)

Materials required

Wax Crayons
Chart paper
Black water colour.
Toothpick or we can use end of brush.

Cut the chart paper into required size and randomly paint it with multiple colour wax crayons. Paint covering every area.

Now paint the entire sheet with black crayons covering all the other colours without gaps.

Finally paint it again on the black layer with black poster/water colour. Note that you shouldn't use even a bit of water..just use it thick and directly on the paper. Allow it to dry well.

Now your magic scratch sheet is ready. Use a toothpick or a pencil or end of the brush to draw a design of your choice or write some quote which you like.

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