
the author

七字辈 男 体重64公斤 身高175公分 O血型,白羊座 喜欢躺着看书,画画,发白日梦 被妮古拉认为是相当于怠惰的人 也喜欢春天的气息,野狗和花草 不喜欢考试,包丽珑饭盒和政府 从事建筑设计的工作 和友人经营一个图书馆 已婚 和妮古拉 一只叫黄姜的猫 住在库拉屋 位于 太阳之东和月亮之西 之间

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


“Some one claimed that he had found the magical ring at the already dried up Lake Constance.
Scientists had conducted several experiments, and they discovered that when the ring penetrates through any round hollow object, the object would become magical.”
“Objects undergone the experiments were fried onion ring, rescue float, fried calamari ring, lollipop, and of course, doughnut. "
"Oh, polo sweets are not applicable here, it is too tiny.” She said in a regretful tone.

‘有人把实验室的甜甜圈给偷吃了,此人从此对甜甜圈着了魔, 时时刻刻都在找寻世上完美的甜甜圈,就像完美的文章并不存在一样,他在追求不存在之事物,失去了生活中原有的焦点。这现象人们称之为 ‘甜甜圈化’。’

“Unfortunately, someone had swallowed the doughnut in the lab, thereafter he was so fond into doughnuts, in every single moment he was searching the right perfect doughnuts in the world, just like a truly perfect writing does not exist in this world, he is searching a non-existent perfect doughnut… he has lost the focus on other things in life.
This phenomenon is called ‘ doughnutised.’”

‘但事件却没有到此告个段落, 因为凡是被‘甜甜圈化’的人触摸过的甜甜圈都会粘上魔法引诱他人。 这事件将会无休无止地像瘟疫那样蔓延下去…


“But the incident does not stop just here. Those donuts which was touched by ‘dougnutised one’ will possess black magic to seduce others. This phenomenon will be spreading ceaselessly like an outbreak of cholera.”

‘人们欲望渴求不存在之事物, 这欲望所得到的匮欠,正好以甜甜圈的中心部分像 徵出来。’说毕,我喝了一半的卡布奇诺。这又借用了谁的话。


‘The madness of this eternal return is happening now…’ She was using Nietzsche’s perception, oh may be is not Nietzsche?
“One desires nonexistence thing, this unfulfilled desire only bring in emptiness which was best represented by the void in a doughnut.” After saying this, I drank half of the cappuccino, now whose perception did I copy?
“In other words, those who was being ‘doughnutised’, is like a doughnut itself, there is only nothing in the core, nothing at all.” I continued.

hipodamus' copyright reserved

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