Wednesday, 2 February 2011

A chance to fleece rummage!

As I have noticed that surprisingly, another month has passed since I last updated our blog, I now put pen to paper (so to speak) to rectify what is an embarrassing period of silence!

Much of January has been designated as routine husbandry work but it also gave us an opportunity to take a detailed inspection of our youngsters fleeces. I have got to say that with the birthing success last year using Cambridge Ice Cool Lad, he has surpassed himself once more with the quality of some of the fleeces on the youngsters being absolutely superb! He is still very capable of delivering the great genetics he was always famous for!

This is Easter-Wood Latte's fleece at 6 months

Here is the little fella....a real beauty!

So this last month we have completed the A,D & E injections, administered the Lambivac and Dectomax throughout the herd and completed the toe nail trimming, albeit with a somewhat high degree of resistance!! Some of the pacas have taken to simply "kushing" when they spot me with the trimmers and trying to manoeuvre an 80kg adult so that I can gain access to their toes is a tad difficult to say the least!

Today, I have promised to install some additional perimeter fencing so I am now off to let the girls out of the barn before turning my hands to that. I will return again soon.