Monday, January 31, 2011

Custodian Friend

I made friends with the custodian today. He surprised me by calling me out in Vietnamese. Somehow we got from talking about putting up chairs so I would have clean floors to getting married. Weird.

He seems friendly enough and maybe he will help me move heavy stuff or bring me ladders. Every teacher's dream  is to have more muscle on their side.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Style, not so much please.

 Ok, admittedly I do not have good teaching clothes. I definitely do not look as sharp as that lady but I guess I also do not use a pointer and a chalkboard. The big dilemma is, "how can I be professional, young, AND comfortable all at once?" I guess the answer will always be cardigans, cardigans, cardigans.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Next year...

I haven't been posting because something a student said was really eating at me. I was exasperated at my class's inability to quiet down and a student commented snidely, "ohh, first year teacher..."

Well this bugged me a lot because, it is true. Yes, I am trying and struggling. I have to turn this around because it is still pestering me. This year, I am trying a lot of different things to figure out what works for me. I had successes and not so great moments. The good thing is, I am going to take all these experiences into account next year when I am not a first year teacher. I will know that teaching from the book is just about as boring for the kids as it is for me. I'll know that I can teach with 6 hours of sleep but pay for that later. I'll know who is honest and worth helping.

In a bittersweet note, I think to myself, "I will not be a 1st year teacher next year but this student (whose words are affecting me so much) will most likely be a freshman next year because of the number of courses failed." Do I sound like a bad person? Yes. If I didn't think this all through, I may not feel strong enough to finish the year.
This is what bittersweet means. Thank goodness I didn't have cavities.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Something I learned today...

I didn't know that you could ride an ostrich. It looks like he's having a lot of fun too.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

So, dentist friends, I don't know how accurate this chart below is but according to it, I am about 4 years behind on erupting teeth. My wisdom teeth are slowly and painfully coming in. I'm finally committed to getting at least 1 removed. 

Somehow, I was blessed with a teeny tiny jaw. I've already had 4 premolars pulled, why not 4 more wisdom teeth? I also had an expander with my braces. After all that I am sure as hell going to wear my retainer :)  Luckily, I will enjoy my 3 day weekend having lots of soup and bubble tea with jelly. Solid foods will come later.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I know that break is over but I am still stuck in break mode. I can see why a lot of teachers do not go back after break. It is a rude awakening to waking up at 6 am and jostling around school. I really miss seeing so much family and having time to relax. These were the pictures that made me feel better and hopeful.

I know, Debbie Downer.

This is most likely a product of planning for the last 3 hours. Feelings of stress will fade soon enough.

Friday, January 7, 2011


This is a real product.

Sometimes, I think it really would help me. I am not addicted to caffeine or nicotine and I really just don't have any vices but this might just be my downfall.

Signing my life away.

Great news! When I started the year, I signed a 1 year contract stating that I would teach 0.6 fte for just one year. Since then, I've been bumped to 0.8 fte and signed up to teach IB biology. Today, I found out that my contract is being extended. So instead of teaching for just 1 year, my contract will continue on to the next year! It's a good thing!

Aside from converting to a continuing contract, I have to share a rose and a thorn.

Thorn- 2nd period was awful. Unfocused, loud and annoying.

Rose- I told my 3rd period that I was frustrated by the class before them and that I needed to cool off. They listened and were great! This is such a gift because I was really concerned about my ability to direct and teach such a rowdy 3rd period but they get me. It was just a great feeling that I put in some work and they turned themselves around. Ahhhh... at least something was redeeming today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ahh, changes are happening. I will be sharing my nice quiet classroom with another teacher this coming semester. I am so sad that I will be loosing my peaceful 4th and 5th periods of planning. On the bright side, I will be able to observe a veteran English teacher without having to leave my classroom.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Loquacious is not a word I use every day. In fact, I never say it. This is the perfect word to describe the day. It was not all bad or good. I got a lot of warm greetings and "Hi, Miss XXXX! How was your break?!" I also got, "this is BORING." Kids, they just can't make up their minds.

Someday, I may find the balance between challenge that is "too hard, I give up" and "too easy, I'm bored." Until then, I only have 1 lesson plan and that's what I'll have to do. At least I am beginning to understand them better and meet them where they are at and build up from there.

This is helping...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have you ever...

...tried to get 24 high schoolers to concentrate on the first day back from a nice long break? It does not turn out well. Good thing I plan on easing back into things with a science filled crossword puzzle! Yea! I feel like a genius because I know that it won't cause me emotional distress. Sometimes, well, a lot of the time, I over plan and have too many things to do in 1 day. Then I just spend the day pushing through things rather than being slow and thorough. Better to have depth than nothing at all.

Either way, winter break was wonderful and I am not ready to go back. I know that I will end up loving the work I do but having NO work is a different kind of love. Maybe I will be crafty in the summer...