I had many fun interactions today. This is possibly because I was getting sick and not really feeling like I had the energy to 'slave-drive' my kids into learning. But see? When I crack the whip, learning goes up Up UP!
Ahh, progress.
1. We're in the computer lab with rolling desk chairs and 2 kids are playing trains. Choo choo. I ask, "what do you have to say to me?" and T quips back, "I'm sorry. We're just playing. I love you... no really I'll get back to work." Oh, T. You are such a goof ball that is slowly getting better. SLOWLY.

2. I am walking towards a student and suddenly an arm is held straight out (like a T). In my head, I'm thinking, "This is going to be the slowest that anyone is ever going to get clotheslined." Well, turns out that H was giving me a hug :) He's just a little bit taller than me. Isn't that always true?

3. Earlier in the day, I gave a student a "side-hug." Yes sometimes awkward but most of the time meaningful. She had felt singled out for talking. Anyway, later on in the day, I saw her with her friends in the hall, and she goes, "There's Miss ____! She and I hugged today! Our first real hug. Do you see this? Tear, tear, tear." Pointing at the corner of her eyes and bringing her finger down like a teardrop. So sweet.
Good thing I am now feeling sickly. Great kids but germ buckets too.