Thursday, December 16, 2010

Slow and Steady...

... and SICK?! So close to winter break and I'm sick. I am told that your first year of teaching is spent getting sick on the breaks. This may very well be true. I am sick, and trying to get better even though I have to wake up hecka early. At least I get done at 1:30 tomorrow! Yea! I love early release days :)

For all my loopiness and trying to teach through my foggy head, watering eyes and dripping nose, my kids are finally THERE. You know, as in, 'shushing' each other if someone is talking, and simply understanding classroom routines. Ahhh, and I though we may not get there. I hope they remember this when they get back from break!

And if you are sick too, I just bought a product for my poor red dry nose called 'Ayr'. This is the freakin best thing ever if you are constantly wiping and blowing your nose. It eases the pain of a stiff crackly nose. Thanks for the recommendation, Andis and Safeway pharmacy lady!

 Seriously, read the reviews on this thing. It could not be better.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I had many fun interactions today. This is possibly because I was getting sick and not really feeling like I had the energy to 'slave-drive' my kids into learning. But see? When I crack the whip, learning goes up Up UP!

Ahh, progress.
1. We're in the computer lab with rolling desk chairs and 2 kids are playing trains. Choo choo. I ask, "what do you have to say to me?" and T quips back, "I'm sorry. We're just playing. I love you... no really I'll get back to work." Oh, T. You are such a goof ball that is slowly getting better. SLOWLY.

2. I am walking towards a student and suddenly an arm is held straight out (like a T). In my head, I'm thinking, "This is going to be the slowest that anyone is ever going to get clotheslined." Well, turns out that H was giving me a hug :) He's just a little bit taller than me. Isn't that always true?
3. Earlier in the day, I gave a student a "side-hug." Yes sometimes awkward but most of the time meaningful. She had felt singled out for talking. Anyway, later on in the day, I saw her with her friends in the hall, and she goes, "There's Miss ____! She and I hugged today! Our first real hug. Do you see this? Tear, tear, tear." Pointing at the corner of her eyes and bringing her finger down like a teardrop. So sweet.
Good thing I am now feeling sickly. Great kids but germ buckets too.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lunch Leftovers

I used to hate taking leftovers for lunch when I was in high school. It was so uncool. I just wanted to bring a sandwich to fit in. Now, I just think about how gross my white bread, square ham, and kraft singles lunch was. Eww. Though my sandwich making has evolved, I'm even more excited about cooking an awesome dinner that I can take for lunch the next day. Yum, check out the best looking leftovers I have EVER packed.

Next, if only I could get the rice cooker to stop boiling over like crazy.

In related food news, I picked up a coworker that had an extremely delayed bus and was repaid with a Me-sized loaf of honey, maple, walnut goodness. So cute! I was very happy and totally adore him and his family.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bubble Tea

I love bubble tea. Somehow, the guy at Ambrosia knew my zodiac symbol and gave me the Libra lid. Even more so, he gave Andis his zodiac symbol. Not mere coincidence that our symbols are right next to each other on the calendar. Though this may be the first time that Asian things translated into English makes sense. 

So true. Actions are louder than talks.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Evaluation Time

...Well, not completely. I had a formal evaluation today that made me start thinking again of the implications of teacher evaluations. Sure, it is a great way to keep teachers accountable, up-to-date, innovative, etc. but can you really come up with a good way to evaluate that? Linking teacher performance to test scores is always problematic because student scores may not reflect on their improvement. And, we will always be challenged by students that don't belong in that particular class. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching a wide variety of kids but there are those that I literally can not serve well because of their specific needs in a classroom. 

Sometimes, life gives you lemons and it is pretty darn hard to make good lemonade without hecka sugar. So you have to make green tea with honey and lemon juice because you're sick, sleepy, and losing your voice.