Saturday, June 25, 2011

good byes and good riddances

 My last day with the kiddies was on Thursday and Friday was just a clean up day. It was cute because J* came in to say bye to me. Though most kids said their goodbyes in class, he was especially funny. We had a couple rough patches during the year where he thought I was picking on him. Well, he came in during his 15 minute break with his buddies and awkwardly and quietly said bye. He did make eye contact but was acting different. I think he realized that we would miss each other and I really do like him a lot. He is really smart but just likes to mess around too.

Other memorable goodbyes are from my 3rd period class. About 6-7 of them joined in on a group hug with me in the middle. I felt squished and happy. I hope they all come visit me next year. I'll be full time and teaching 9th and 11th graders. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Did I really do it?

Have I really come to the last week of school? Oh my baby lord jesus! (That's what one of my students says.) I think every teacher loves their students very much but after such an intense period of time, we all need adult time. 

The great thing today was that everything went wonderfully. Students understood the assignment and worked independently. They were motivated and asked for help at the right moments. I got to follow up with kids that didn't have their assignments in and I was relatively relaxed. I know I made a connection with at least 2 students. E* came in to talk to me at lunch about another student that was bothering her and we ended talking about who she is and  wants to become. A* stayed after school to catch up on work because he's been feeling down and actually ended up confiding with me about life in general. These were 2 very different moments with 2 different students but it made me feel sad that the year was ending and that I had to start over with a new batch of kids. I hope that they still come by and find themselves more prepared for next year.

Well, maybe I will get bubble tea tomorrow to celebrate.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm a Master. Yeah.

Kids kept asking where I was on Saturday Study Hall and I was at GRADUATION! Woo-Hoo! I hope they don't think I'm graduating undergrad...

Favorite moments from graduation, mostly revolved around little Evan. Greeting me as I walked out and giving my mom "sly" eyes when she sat in his mini read chair. Totally a fun day!

We had so much pho and bbq that we forgot about picking up the cake!

Yay, me!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mixed day at school. I received my end of year evaluation and it was sort of good with some stipulation. After talking on the phone, my boyfriend sends me and email that says "I'll support you" 
This picture was attached :)

Thanks A***. It helps. I must be the black kitty.

In other news, I'm in a flash mob. I'll post when we get it done. I hope I can carry a beat.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sine wave

In high school, I described life as a sine wave. I still think that it is true. For as many downs you have, there are that many ups as well. As much as the year has been tough, I think that I have true created a bond with my students. I don't believe that any of the hate me if you ask them on a regular day. I even have visitors every morning and occasionally during lunch. I would not say I am the popular teacher that everyone wants to visit b/c (s)he is super nice, cute, or captivating. I 'll leave that up to a friend of mine. I would say that I fly under the radar, get my work done well, and come home to a normal balanced life. That's what I am hoping for anyway.

I am told that the 2nd year is better than the 1st. And the years after that get even easier. I sure hope so. At least I've overcome my anxiety of speaking in front of a group of people.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

snooty or snotty

Notice that snooty and snotty are only 1 letter off? Yes, it can be a hard distinction for some kids who think they are better than others but really they're not sooty, just snotty.

Today, I just needed one of these...
Thank you, friends.
 I'm glad I had a good conversation with all the important people in my life. Whether in person, by phone, by blog, or by facebook, it really did make it better. Thanks for connecting.