Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Move back HOME!

It is still ALIVE!

Yes, after giving it CPR!

I abandoned this poor blog of mine for 6 months. The sad truth is I didn't have anything to write. Oh well, let's just put it this way... I was LAZY!

Some short updates...

1) For those of you who don't know yet, I will be moving back to KL for good. Taking up an offer with a Japanese company. Hopefully my new job will be rewarding. Meanwhile, I am packing up and will enjoy my last week in Melaka.

2) Since last week (until now!), I have a viral infection known as a cold sore on my face. According to the specialist, the reason of the infection is STRESS (Hmm, I wonder stress from what?!). It it disgusting and painful. I am now praying hard that it won't leave a scar on my face. *Sob Sob*

3) A week ago, my aunt was admitted to the hospital for a surgery and trips to the hospital are never pleasant. You'll see so many sick and unwell people. Life is so fragile. It is scary! The lesson from trips to hospital - "Never take things for granted. Appreciate life and love the people around you. Enjoy life to the fullest."

4) I have taken up yoga and enjoying it for almost a year now.

Ok, enough updates. I am feeling lazy again. I should go back to planning for my holidays. Hmm, where should I go? 2 weeks of holidays... :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I survived!

How I ended up where I am now still remains a mystery. It is one month and yes, I have survived Malacca. Well after Japan, anywhere else is a breeze. A friend asked me yesterday, “Is life in Malacca similar to Japan?” YES and NO.

YES coz’
I am staying alone
I have to think about what to have for dinner

NO coz’
I am working now and working hours are much (MUCH MUCH MUCH) better than lab hours
I have a car and I can drive to wherever (No need to walk!!)
I don’t need to do laundry because I go home during weekends
Bonding with friends and colleagues here are much easier (We speak the same language).
Looking for food is easy
I can go home (only 2 hrs drive compared to 7 hrs flight!)

Talking about Japan, I miss Japan. I really really do miss it. I miss the cool autumn breeze, the red autumn leaves, the yummy desserts, the chestnuts, the fruits, the house and my room in Oji Koen, the shopping, and of course my friends. I wonder when I will be able to make a visit back to Japan.

I guess meanwhile I will just have to enjoy Malacca instead. :-)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dedicated by my aunt to ME

Poor Ole Fungeline

Today we went to Chilies for dinner
But clearly we made a grave error
Their service was in total disorder
And they even missed out an order

Although the food was quite tasty without a doubt
Refilling drinks was another matter
We had to wave hands around and call out
For us to catch the attention of the waiter

Poor old Angeline said she became Fungeline
(She said it’s Fungus & Angeline)
She wanted to enjoy the Chocolate Molten Cake
But all it did was gave her a heart ache

First they told her the kitchen had no power
So the dessert cannot be delivered
Then the power came back and the crises was over
But her Chocolate Molten Cake was still not served

Half an hour later the dessert was delivered to our table
But spoons were nowhere to be found
Fungeline stuck out her tongue, mimicking Gable
She wanted to eat it like a hound

Luckily spoons were finally found for us
So she got to enjoy it properly
She filled up the feedback card with gust
Hopefully their service will improve greatly

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Best friend getting married!!



(They both have a blog entry pre-proposal and on proposal date itself :P)

Boon was so sweet... I am so happy!! Can't wait for the wedding :) :)

The first amongst us...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Grandma's Birthday dinner

Last Saturday, we celebrated my Grandma's 81st birthday. This is a yearly occasion whereby the whole family will gather together for dinner. Being away in Japan means that I have missed the previous birthday dinners. So this year, we have the whole family again. :)

The happy granny. :-)

The birthday cake..erm or should I say birthday jelly. Beautifully decorated with gold fishes and longevity peach.

Grandma and her great grand son.

Grandma and ME!

My family and grandma. (Mum's gonna kill me for putting this up!)

The ANGELs of the house.

The family potrait.

Choices and Decisions... DIFFICULT!

One week after bringing Maya to Melaka, I was back in Melaka. This time for a job interview.

The week before I received a call from XX company asking me to go for an interview. I had trouble trying to remember if I had actually sent in the application. Upon searching through my files, I found that the application was dated somewhere mid July. Well, since I haven't started working, no harm to go take a look at the place and to gain more experience from the interview. I was pretty lazy to actually drag my butt to Melaka but since my Aunt and Sis offered to accompany (erm, of course their main purpose was for the food and sigh-seeing) me there, I went to Melaka.

Not sure if it was a mistake or an opportunity! Within 3 hours, I filled up the application form, sat for 2 personality tests, spoke to the manager and then to the CEO and was offered the job. Which, of course explains the title of this blog.

I was suppose to start work with YY company next Monday. So I am now with a dilemma. Where should I work?

1) In KL or in Melaka?
2) Should I go for the one with better pay?
3) Accept the offer with better opportunities?
4) More stress? or less stressful job?
5) Sigh... how to choose????

Photos taken from the Melaka day trip.

HOT! HOT! Having Lychee Lemon Ice. Sour!!

Sis and I in front of the Clock Tower.

Going around Melaka in formal working clothes... darn uncomfortable!

Maya in Malaysia

2 weeks ago, my very good Japanese friend, Maya came to Malaysia for a visit. I missed spending time with her. We use to see each another almost everyday back in Japan. Complaining about lab work. Going to her house for New Year. She driving me to dinner after a hard day's work in the lab. Going on holiday together. All those wonderful memories.

I sure do hope that she had a great time here. :)

Maya admiring the yummilicious roti telur bawang.

Us, in Melaka - with the first train of Malaya

Us, in Melaka - in a trishaw.

Us, in Melaka - in one of those historical houses.

It was great seeing you again. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I love and enjoying being a full time sloth.

Wikipedia: Sloths move only when necessary and then very slowly: they have about half as much muscle tissue as other animals of similar weight. On the ground their maximum speed is 5 feet per minute. They mostly move at 0.5 to 1 foot per minute. Sloths are among the most somnolent animals, sleeping from 15 to 18 hours each day.

I will have to be an ant from next month onwards.

Yes, I am employed and will officially start work in September.

Hooray... I can now go shopping. I need a whole new wardrobe. :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dog for adoption!

Anyone interested to adopt this cute lil' thing (not the basset, basset is Daisy our family dog :p)... call me.

Found him running across the main street. Rescued this cute lil' chap. Anyone want to adopt him?