Monday, November 15, 2010

The best 3 years.

My beautiful girls.  I can't believe they are 3.  Where does the time go.  Seems like just yesterday I was wasting away in the hospital.  Seems like just yesterday they were coming home for the first time.  Or taking their first steps.  Now they back talk and tell us stories and jokes.  They want attention and affection more and more.  They fight with each other.  And dance with each other.  It is so beautiful to see the little girls they have become so far in their few short years here. 

Evelyn loves Cinderella and all the Disney princesses.  She loves being bossy.  She loves to make us laugh and loves to show off.  She is very nurturing and damn funny.  She loves her daddy more than anyone.  Her favorite thing besides dressing up, is making robots. And she is really good at it. She also loves babies especially Harper. she gets her feelings hurt very easily.

Emery loves Jesse from Toy Story, and the princesses too.  She is so stubborn, and discipline does not really work with her.  She hates saying sorry.  She like to sing a lot. She is eccentric and likes to play alone.  but when she wants to be can be the most passionate little girl ever.  She is really good with her letters and numbers, not as good at making robots.  She is a Mamas girl. And throws the biggest fits this side of the Mississippi.

They are both now potty trained. yeeehaw. They are amazing and everyone who meets them, loves them.  They always comment on their BIG personalities.  They might be very difficult, but they are so worth it.  I have never seen little kids with such amazing little personalities. (They get it from me) haha but really.  They are awesome and I love them dearly.

They got some really great things for their birthday.  They had 2 parties and loved them both very much.  Thanks to everyone who came, we love you.  Pictures soon.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independence day and what not.

The girls were not fans of the fourth. Like me.  They cried and asked to go to bed.  Ev held a sparkler but that was it. I won't even hold one of them.  I am terrified ever since being badly burned as a child from the Huntsville fireworks.  No thank you. haha When they get older we will watch fireworks and make more of an effort til then I am just fine with celebrating at home while watching movies:) We went swimming at the aquatic and out to dinner just us four it was nice and relaxing.

Ev Has decided she will now like to be potty trained for the third time now.  No accidents.
She goes all on her own. And Em has gone here and there.  Cross your fingers please! hahaha

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where do I begin?

It is all facebook's fault.  I have been a huge slacker, so I though I better get back to the blogging world.  The girls are two and half now.  Where does the time go, right?

Evelyn and Emery love good music, like real good music and this makes mommy proud.  Some favorites are Led Zeppelin, Florence and the Machine, Rilo Kiley, and Fleet Foxes to name a few.  The love love dancing, it is pretty ridiculously cute.  They also unfortunately love to fight with each other.  not so fun.

Evelyn is extremely bossy, and is always telling Emery what to do.  She is more of a princess and loves to look pretty and get her nails done.  She loves make up and getting dressed.  She is on the verge of being potty trained but too stubborn to commit. :) Ev is a ham and loves her photo taken.  She loves church and she will tell you jesus is her friend and lives in her heart.  She is a lefty.

Emery is so intuitive and always knows when someone is talking about her, or sad.  And she will let you know she knows too.  She gives the most passionate kisses.  She would rather play alone and loves mommy and daddy's bed.  She always crawls in it before bed time and tries to trick us. Emery is a mommy's girl and always whines for me.  She has separation anxiety.  She does not like to nap.  She loves to sing " I know you" from sleeping beauty. She is a righty.

Most days I feel overwhelmed and want to cry with these two, but I am so blessed to have them.  Luckily Derek is home to help or I'd be dying.  Don't know what I will do when he goes back to work:)

I promise to update more.

Monday, March 22, 2010

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Look what we got and how excited we are! Don't look at the mess

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Monday, November 16, 2009

TWO that are TWO!

We had a little family party for the girls on their birthday, They had so much fun! They loved all their presents! And they ate their pieces of cake exactly how they did on their first birthday, Ev ate the whole piece and emery ate the frosting off. so funny!

They are so big i want to cry!

They love their babies!!!

and barbieS!@

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE! we will be buying the movie for sure. they love monsters!

They opened presents in the morning with daddy:) We were all getting over the swine flu and the girls had ear infections... We did the best we could. It was awful. due to runny noses we cancelled their friend party on the 7th... maybe next year!

I can't believe how grown up they are. they are so spunky and full of character. I see so much of myself in them, The greatest parts of me are deep in them, and it makes me love myself a little more when i notice those things.
"I've got tulips for daughters, and their two-lips look like their father's"
Thank you ev and em for challenging me everyday, and "feeling" my life full of joy and utter happiness.
"With you, I knew God's face was handsome"