Thursday, January 20, 2011

Molly had her 1st birthday!

I know I haven't been very good at keeping up on my blog, so I feel bad about Molly not getting any props on how darling she really is! She walks about half the time, smiles huge with her gap tooth grin, climbs up and down the stairs to follow her siblings, loves Marcus more than life it's self, and isn't afraid to put down some serious groceries! So here is a little Molly Montage for your enjoyment!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to Olivia!

Livie had her birthday yesterday and turned the big #3! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by. We had her little party today and all she wanted was a Minnie dress and a pink cake. We've had this number three mold for a cake since Wyatt turned three, so we pulled it out for the occasion. We also gave her the presents that she never opened on Christmas. We slightly over did it for her on Christmas, she wanted to play with her kitchen and stroller and didn't want anything to do with opening gifts. So we put the others in the storage room and waited until now to give them to her, that worked out well! We also hit the pool later on and discovered that Molly is a little fish! While Olivia clung to Nate with all her might, Molly was kicking her legs and laughing, she loved it! We had a really great day. Happy birthday to you Miss Livie, you are a miracle and we love you!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Rockies Game

We got hooked up with some sweet tickets to the Rockies game, right next to the Rockies dug out it was unreal! We had such a great time and it was so fun to get to see the players up close! They were cool and even gave the boys some balls throughout the game. Also, I got my little 5 seconds of fame when they showed me and Molly on the jumbo-tron during a pitcher warming up. That's the closest I'll ever get to the big screen!

At one point Ian Stewart noticed that Marcus had a Stewart jersey on and came over and gave him a "rock" and talked to him for a minute. Marcus acted all cool about it, but me and Nate were freakin' out!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Life is Good

I know I haven't made a post forever, turns out having four kids can be a little crazy! Here are some pics to catch up since the last post...

Who doesn't love a little matching dresses action! The gals looked pretty darling in their spring dresses!

The boys had a ball on their first ever snowboarding lesson, I think they're hooked!

We decided to combine Wyatt's baptism and Molly's baby blessing into one big day! It was so much fun, we had a bunch of family come out to help us celebrate, it was kind of amazing because all of my siblings and their families made the trek across the Rockies to be here along with both sets of grandparents! What an awesome family we have! Unfortunately, amidst all the chaos we only took just a couple pictures, that's my only regret, better luck next time with that!

Marcus turned six years old, what a big man he is! He loves taking care of "his baby" and doing tricks on the trampoline, his new one is a backflip, don't ask me how he learned. He's full of energy and is always on the go, I'm just glad he has a big brother to chase after! They get along great most of the time and Wyatt is pretty much his hero. He also says the funniest things and is always full of hypothetical situations for me, like for instance, "Hey Mom, what if a guy called 911 so the police could come to his house and see how cute his baby was..." I just have to laugh at his little thoughts! I'm just glad he loves his siblings so much!

Nate and I traveled down and met my parents and my brother Anthony and his wife Emily for conference. We were so happy to get to be there during the second session of General Conference where my Dad (Allan Webb) was sustained as a new seventy. He will be an area authority called to serve in Idaho. He was very humbled and is excited to get going with it, he will be over the Pocatello-Blackfoot area. It was really great to be there for it, I felt so proud!

Nate's bro Owen and his wife Ashley brought their girls over for a little Family Home Evening hot dog roast. The kids loved it so much, we need to do it more often!

And finally... the update on our newest addition! Molly is doing wonderful, she is three and a half months now and has been puttin' on some serious lb's! She's just right for a good squeeze! Her hair is also the source of a lot of grocery store conversations with strangers, if I had a dime for every time I heard, "Oh my goodness! Look at all that hair!" I'd be rich. I guess there's something really magnetic about a tiny baby with a big wild head of hair, people can't help but stop and coo at her. And I hate to speak too soon, but seriously, she is my nicest baby so far. She sleeps like a gem, is happy to be carted around by her big bro Marcus, doesn't mind having Liv shove her paci in every time she turns around, rarely cries, smiles at the drop of a hat... I mean for real, she is so good! I hate to boast, but I guess what I am saying is that there is something magical about number four, they are always just the best... I also happen to be number four, funny how that works... Maybe all you three children families should bump it up one more... I'm just sayin'...
Anyway, we love that little buddha baby, I'm clenching my teeth right now just thinkin' about it, eeww she's cute!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Three weeks old

Holy Cow!! Has it already been three weeks!? The days really all blend together when you don't leave the house. Things are getting more and more settled everyday. And Molly is such a great baby! She went to her 2 week appt last week and weighed 9 lbs! She is in the 90% in weight and height. The nice thing about having a big baby is that she sleeps like a gem! Last night she slept for 5 hours, until I finally went and got her up. But don't worry, Olivia decided to get up and party in our bed for a couple hours so we still got our middle of the night wake up call. That's the problem with having four kids, if it's not one, it's another. But how boring to not have kids waking you up in the night all the time, right... I mean, I look forward to changing wet sheets, or feeding the crying baby, it keeps life interesting...
Anywho-- Life is good, here are some pics of our little dolly Molly.

Doesn't every little girl just need a sister?! I am so happy for them that they have each other. I can't imagine life without my sisters! Even though you go through rough stages sisters are the best. So far Liv is completely in love with Molly and is such a little Mama to her, what a good big sis she is! Can you believe these girls came from the same gene pool!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two weeks old

So I took my dear sweet Mother to the airport Wednesday night and I am now a full time Mother of four children. First of all I would like to tell you all how unreal my Mom is. She pretty much didn't let me lift a finger the entire two weeks she was here. I can count on one hand how many times I have changed a diaper or burped my little Molly since she was born. Merr-bear was on it from day one. She left me with a completely clean house, dishes done, laundry? What laundry? Bathrooms scrubbed, floors mopped, kitchen stocked, storage room completely reorganized. I could go on and on, the woman is a machine. For any of you who know her, it's no surprise. What a woman! I only hope to be more like her someday. To you Mama, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you!
Anyway, so like I said, I'm on my own now. Nate is working a lot the next couple days, so we'll see if I can survive! So far, so good. I really can't complain, I have about the nicest baby there ever was! She is so calm and sleeps like a gem at night. It has made recovering from a c-section much more doable. All the kids really like her so that's another plus. And so far Olivia doesn't seem at all jealous which was a concern. She does like to be a little Mama to her though. She is all over that pacifier like it is her job. If Molly makes so much as a peep, she is there to shove the paci in. She also refers to her as my little sister, which is pretty darling too. We are now a family of six, that is insane! But I'm sure we'll get used to it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Meet Miss Molly!

Molly Rose Eames has arrived! She was born at 8:37 a.m. on Friday January 8th. She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 21.5" long. She came out with a full head of dark hair! It totally threw us all off for a while and we had to rethink her name, and after much deliberation, we settled on Molly. It was the boys favorite from the very beginning of my pregnancy so they were super happy with the outcome. She has been a great baby so far and we are so happy to have her here! I'm recovering well and looking forward to settling into a routine with our new little addition. Thanks for all your well wishes, we feel so loved! Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Holiday Overview

I thought I probably ought to do a quick catch up before I get too busy and tired with a new baby to do it! I am headed in to have the baby at the end of next week, so watch for more pics to come of our new baby girl!

The boys looked awesome this year in their Mario and Luigi costumes, they loved them!
Olivia was about the cutest Tinker Bell you ever did see! Too bad she slept late on her nap and missed the whole trick-r-treating idea. Oh well, she didn't seem to mind running around helping pass out candy.

New Moon Women's Weekend
We had an unreal women's only weekend at my house the weekend New Moon came out! All the Eames ladies came out and we had a blast going to see the movie (twice) and yes, we did have matching shirts! Pretty cheesey, I know, but it was just about the funnest weekend I've had in a long time. Thanks ladies!

Thanksgiving 2009
Then Brent and Linda stayed over for Thanksgiving. We had a super yummy feast, Nate made the rolls, I made the stuffing and Linda tackled pretty much everything else! It was a great collaboration! We were so happy to have them here since I was too preg to travel.

Wyatt's 8th Birthday
Wyatt had his big number 8 birthday! We celebrated with just us here at home. It was actually really fun. He is going to be baptized the same weekend we bless the baby in February.

We had fun kicking off the holiday season with the Winslow's. We made ginger bread houses and had dinner. The kids had a ball, I think Olivia and Hallie ate more than their body weight in chocolate, but that's what it's for right!?

Tree Picking

The boys got to see Santa at the Comfort Dental Christmas party. Liv was not too hot on the idea, she wouldn't go near him with out freaking out. Maybe next year...

Christmas 2009

The kids got PJ's from both grandparents, so the kids had lots of options for Christmas Eve!

So that is what we've been up to for the past few months. I am large and pregnant these days and looking forward to meeting this little doll. My heartburn is off the charts and she likes to party late into the night, thus keeping me awake until all hours. Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come! I crave chomping on crushed ice like no other (it also doesn't give me heartburn which is a plus). I also have a nonstop urge to watch 'The Dog Whisperer' is that weird? I have even put it on my DVR as a series recording. Nate is convinced it's a pregnancy thing. I dunno, I just love Cesar. We don't have a dog, and don't plan to anytime soon, but if I did, I'm convinced I would be an unreal pack leader. ANYWAY- sorry for the random side note.
Everything is good with us and we're excited (and semi freaked) for our new baby to arrive. We'll definitely keep the pics coming once she gets here!
Stay tuned...