Singing their song at the school Christmas Concert.
Little guy stole the show! So cute!
Sorry, majorly biast here but can you say "Gap Ad"??
Festival of lights at Vandeusen Gardens - so amazing!
Our one day dump of snow! So fun while it lasted...gone the next day...
Fun times with my gals!
Hosted a gift exchange and had a great time with some amazing ladies!
We got in our Christmas Eve Day walk with the family - loved it and adore this hat on her! (I want one!!)My sweet boys!
We made it to our destination! A little treat at Starbucks for everyone!
Mom's office party at the local pub - even Santa came for a visit!
The morning after the office party. Was feeling a LITTLE icky... but what a spread we had - love my gals!
Santa made someone VERY happy this morning!! Cannot WAIT to start playing with this crazy toy!
...And to all a Good Night!