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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas to All...

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you had a wonderful day....  Here are a few random pics from over the past few weeks.  December was a crazy busy month for us with festivities every weekend as well as school plays, parties and more!
 Singing their song at the school Christmas Concert.
 Little guy stole the show! So cute!
 Sorry, majorly biast here but can you say "Gap Ad"??
 Festival of lights at Vandeusen Gardens - so amazing!

 Our one day dump of snow! So fun while it lasted...gone the next day...
 Fun times with my gals!
Hosted a gift exchange and had a great time with some amazing ladies!
We got in our Christmas Eve Day walk with the family - loved it and adore this hat on her! (I want one!!)
 My sweet boys!
We made it to our destination! A little treat at Starbucks for everyone!
 Mom's office party at the local pub - even Santa came for a visit!
The morning after the office party.  Was feeling a LITTLE icky... but what a spread we had - love my gals!
 Santa made someone VERY happy this morning!! Cannot WAIT to start playing with this crazy toy!
...And to all a Good Night!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Last Guest Post for Inkido

Santa's coming tonight!!!  For those of you who celebrate Christmas, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful year in 2014! What a ride it has been this past year with so many things to celebrate and so many milestones that have been met.
For my last post as a Guest Designer with Inkido, I wanted to share a layout with you using their always gorgeous Happy Christmas Collection.  I love challenging myself to use themed papers (aka, Christmas) in a non-themed way. 
I looooved the cool tones in the faux wood finish paper and decided to pair with the darker musical notes for a totally different and edgy look.
As always, I added in heaps of layers of papers as well as different textures found in my metal items, ribbon, left over packaging and bling.
I also added in some stamped images with black archival ink to help tie in the darker tones in the black papers.
Thank you so much for stopping in today.  Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and a safe and exciting New Year!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Little Stroll Down Memory Lane

Hope you are all having a fantastic December so far!  It finally snowed here today! I am soooo excited - hope this evening we get a little bit so the kids can at least play in it for awhile before it melts.  Today I have another layout to share with you using the gorgeous Happy Christmas Collection from Inkido!
There are so many rich and beautiful reds in this collection - perfect for your holiday photos.  Normally, I prefer to design with black and white photos so that they aren't in competition with bold patterns and colours from the papers but I loved adding in a hint of red with this photo of my daughter.

The beautiful gold, crochet flowers were so beautiful and complimented the rich, warm tones in the reds.  To stretch the life of your embellishments, don't be afraid to cut them into smaller pieces.  I've done this with most of the flowers you see on this page.
More paper layering as well as the pop of neutral from the newsprint.  I have always had a tough time with 'whitespace' but adding in too many patterned papers can sometimes look too busy.  The subtle pattern in newsprint adds the perfect neutral tones and just a bit of busy at the same time.  Its been my go to 'filler' for quite some time now.
A few fussy cut blooms tucked in behind some papers and added to your 3D flowers can give a great opportunity to introduce different deapths and textures to your project.
Thank you so much for your visit today!! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Patterned Papers: Happy Christmas Collection/Inkido
Flowers: Inkido
Edge Scraper: Making Memories
Border Punch: Martha Stewart
Ribbon: May Arts
Metal Hinges: Graphic 45
Misc: Doilies, newsprint

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It is FINALLY December!! The holiday season is fast approaching and I have sooo many more things to do - EEK!!  Thankfully, my crafty time helps me to slow down and refocus on the important things in my life; the calm, peaceful moments that are often missed in our haste to complete a million tasks on our to do lists.
I created this layout featuring a photo of two of my little ones in full on snuggle mode (a RARE sighting for sure!)  The papers are from the Happy Christmas Collection from Inkido which I adore!  SO versatile and perfectly suited for my shabby, vintage scrapping style.
I inked the edges of each of the Inkido flowers to help them pop a little more against the otherwise monochromatic tones in this project.  I also tucked in some darker toned petals within the white bloom to add a little dimension.  Did you notice the Inkido packaging behind my photo!?

I added a few things of my own as well like the crochet doilies, newsprint and a few other blooms I had in my stash.  Love how the different textures (wood, paper, flowers, bling, lace) and multiple layers add to the overall shabby feel of this project.

Thank you so much for your visit today!  I'll be back again next week with another festive project to share with you all!! Have a great week.

Patterned Papers: Happy Christmas/Inkido
Flowers: Inkido, from my stash
Pigment Ink: ColorBox
Metal Elements: Graphic 45
Edge Scraper: Making Memories
Scallop Circle Punch: Marvy
Tacky Glue: Aleene's
Filmstrip: Ranger
Misc: Doilies, newsprint, wooden word, twine

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Inkido Guest Designer

Hello there everyone!  I am so happy to have been asked to Guest Design with Inkido this month and to have the opportunity to play with all the amazing products! Thank you so much to Papercrafts Scandinavia for extending this wonderful invitation to me & sending me a whole heap of gorgeousness to enjoy!
For my first project, I created a warm, holiday layout with the beautiful New Happy Chirstmas papers from Inkido.
There were SO many gorgeous blooms included in my package and to create a more vintage look, I decided to add a little paint and Gesso to the tips of each.
Layers and layers of pure paper heaven!! In case you've not noticed, I love lots of thick, rich layers - the more the merrier!  Here I have included some painted doilies, newsprint as well as the beautiful patterned papers from Inkido.  The 'Merry Christmas' peeking from behind the doily was actually created from one of Inkido's gorgeous stamps.
More layers, more paper distressing and more painted and curled edges give way to a vintage inspired layout with lots of warmth and depth.  Thank you so much for your visit today!!  Please come back to see my next post coming up next week!!

Patterned Paper: Happy Christmas Collection/Inkido
Festive flowers: Inkido
Merry Christmas Stamp: Inkido
Acrylic Paint
Edge Scraper
Metal Hinge, clothespin and key

Monday, November 11, 2013

Knock, Knock....Anybody Home!?

Is this thing even on??  ACK! Talk about a super long break from blogger!! I AM sorry to have been MIA for so long - but a break was what I needed and it helped a lot!  I am slowly getting the scrapping bug once again and am actually starting to miss blogging with all of you... YEA!
Just wanted to share a card I created this weekend using the new 9th Wave Collection from 7 Dots Studio.  Shabby Chic to the max - love everything about this line!!

Over and out from me - promise to check in a titch more often than every month - EEK!! Oh yea, I MIGHT be Guesting for a FAB lil' company in the next lil' bit.... Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Perfect Fall Day

Did I mention how much I love the fall??  Here's me and my mommy enjoying a lovely walk along our Dyke.  A titch windy, but no complaining here!

See you soon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Little Things

Hi gang! I know I've been totally MIA for the past few weeks!  I fully intend to blog but then something comes up.  I have taken a huuuuge break from my crafting actually and I have to say, although it feels good to free up some time, I do miss it.  This weekend I puttered around my craft table and made something - finally!  Nothing major, but its a start in the right direction. 
A little card created with the new Messy Head papers from 7 Dots Studio, a few Bo Bunny embellies as well as some beautiful bling from ZVA Creative.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hawaii Part 1 (photo heavy)

Soooooo my sister thought it would be a good idea to get a 'professional' photographer to capture our family vacation moments.  I fought her on this big time - thinking it was a total waste of money, but after seeing the beautiful photos we were left with - I am so glad that we decided to do it 'her' way.  Here are a few shots from our family vacay in Kona this past August.  I'll post some of my 'own' pics this week.  Enjoy!!!

 My mommy and daddy - love them to bits!
 Our little family of five...
 The guys and gals.

 The whole gang.  We had such an amazing time together - until next year!
See you again soon - happy back to school tomorrow!!!

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