August 4, 2016

Let the record show...

Apparently this is now the place where I post pics of the kids once a year. I'm sad that I don't have the daily log of the Towers circus on the blog anymore, but love looking back to our crazy days with little kids. It was a fun time (at least in retrospect, which is all that matters!). So here are the annual photos! Cowtown edition! Trevor is 8.5, Tatum is 7.5, Trey is nearly 5!

October 13, 2015

Fall 2015

Prepare for photo overload! Moving into a new house made it painfully clear that we have very few photos of anyone in our family that doesn't exist solely on a phone. In an effort to remedy that, I decided to take the kids out for pictures this week. And if the backgrounds look familiar, it's because yes, we went back to our old faithful stomping ground to do so.

Trey turned 4 at the end of September, and Trevor will turn 8 in a couple weeks. Tatum is 6 until the start of next year. Not sure how it's possible that these three could already be FOUR, SIX, EIGHT!!! This train moves faster every day!

October 9, 2015

Hello October, Pumpkin Fun!

Thank you Target dollar spot for the inexpensive crafty pumpkin fun! I bought the little pumpkins elsewhere. These are real, but you could easily use a fake pumpkin and have something to use year to year. I had no clue when purchasing, that 2/3 of these little kits contained paint! Messy but fun! And yes, this is my pathetic, half-committed attempt at blogging again!