Friday, January 10, 2014

Bellevue Botanical Garden Lights

     I kept hearing from people in our ward about the Christmas light at the Bellevue Botanical Garden and how pretty they were.  We decided to head out there and check it out for ourselves.  We weren't disappointed! 
 Adilynne all bundled up and ready.

 This was my favorite display.  Grapevines and grapes in a basket.

December 13, 2013


     I finally received my Washington State Dental Hygiene license about the beginning of November.  David had told me that if I worked at least 3 times before Thanksgiving that we could go to Utah for Thanksgiving.  I took the challenge and within about a week I had 5 days of work lined up before Thanksgiving.  We were going to Utah!
     We left our house on Tuesday November 26 at about 7:30pm.  Adilynne was all snuggled in and ready.  She didn't know what was coming and wasn't very happy 2 hours later when she realized she wasn't going to be sleeping in her bed.  She finally fell asleep about 11:30pm and slept until about 1:30am.  Between 1:30am and 6:30am she screamed and cried.  It did help to keep David and I awake.  She finally fell asleep again and slept for the last 3 hours of the drive.  She wouldn't take a nap when we got to Grandma and Grandpa's and she didn't sleep much that night.  Needless to say, David and I were exhausted!
She loves to play in the car!
It was sunny and warm while we were in Utah.  It felt great to be outside and play.
 Darby ride!  This was Adilynne's first ride with Darby.  She didn't show any emotion but I think she liked it.
 Playing in the toy basket at Grandma and Grandpa Olsen's.
 Riding the horse.
Thanksgiving Dinner!  Yum!!!
Cousins playing together.  These 3 loved to spin around in the chair together.
It was so funny to see what would change during their rotation around in the chair.
So funny!
 Cute girl.
 All the cousins love this dump truck.

 Grandpa Evans and Adilynne
Crazy David.

     We loved our time with family during Thanksgiving but we didn't have nearly enough time.  We left Saturday night and drove through the night again.  Adilynne did much better this time and slept the whole way.  

Saturday, November 2, 2013


     We had a fun Halloween!  We went Trick-or-Treating with some of our friends from the ward and then went back to their house for hot chocolate and apple cider.  Adilynne didn't understand what was going on with Trick-or-Treating but she loved being outside at night.  That girl will do anything to be outside. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

When a Tree Falls in the Forest

      We had a bit of a surprise Sunday evening.  It was about 8:30 and we were just relaxing and getting ready to put Adilynne down for bed when we heard a loud crashing noise.  To me it sounded like Sammy had ran against the door coming from the garage into the house.  It scared the begibbees out of David and I.  We both jumped up which then scared Adilynne and she was screaming.  David opened the door to see if something had fallen in the garage and both of the dogs were looking out the dog door.  David went to the laundry room and looked out the window and saw that a tree had fallen in the back yard.  We put on our shoes and headed outside to see if there was any damage.  From where the tree fell it probably should have fallen on the back patio or the house.  We were very blessed that it didn't.  The only thing that it did to the house was dent the rain gutter a little bit.  
On the right side you can see where it broke then fell the other way.  This is what kept it from hitting the house worse than it did.
View from the upstairs window.  It was a tall tree!  Where it broke off was 20-25 feet up from the ground.  The trees in Washington are crazy tall!

One of our neighbors has warned us about the wind storms that we get here in the fall.  He said that they usually sit in their house with hard hats on when the wind blows because they have had a tree go through their roof before.  We kind of just thought he was crazy but now...not so much.  Having this tree fall makes me a little nervous because it really wasn't very windy Sunday night, just a little breezy.  It is supposed to be windy again this weekend so hopefully we won't repeat this. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fun Pictures

     Here are some fun pictures from the past few weeks.  Enjoy!
Adilynne loves to sit in the big chairs and look at books.  This is a common sight daily.
  Adilynne figured out that there are buttons on her swing and she loves to push them and turn on the music and dance to it.
Eating a sucker after her 1 year check-up.
We had lily plants in our yard this summer that were taller than me!  Lily flowers are my favorite so I was pretty excited to find out that they were in our yard.
Cute girl!
Looking at books with dad.
 This girl loves to swing and go down the slide.
 Playing with her bib.
 Swimming in her pool.
 Cruising around the yard.
     We have enjoyed our summer and we aren't ready for it to end yet!


     This summer we have spent quite a few weekends hiking and exploring new places.  We found a really neat place by the river that not a lot of other people know about.  There is a nice beach with a shallow area and you can cross some rocks and get over to the main river.  When Sean and Alison came to visit us for Labor Day weekend we took them there and the guys fished, the kids swam and later we started a campfire and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows.  It was a lot of fun.

 The first time we found this area Adilynne got right in the water.  We weren't planning on her swimming so she had no swim suit.  Luckily I had brought some extra diapers with us so she got carried out with a diaper and a shirt.  She loved it!

Whitnee, Adilynne, Alison and Garrett
Adilynne and Garrett
David and Sean fly fishing
Playing in the sand.

Adilynne and Garrett were exhausted and they both slept on the hike out.