Monday, February 7, 2011

Happily Ever Afters

     So it's been quite a while since I updated our blog.  I started a blog because I wanted to be better about keeping a journal and a history of everything that happens in our lives.  Well, I haven't done too good at that.  It's kind of hard when it seems like all we ever do anymore is wake up, go to school and work, and then come home and go to bed.  That doesn't leave too much to write about.  Of course there are always little things and quirks throughout the week that I should write about so we can remember how goofy we are.  My goal: to post a new entry at least once a month, then get better from there. 
     Sometimes I have to tell myself that we are living our happily ever after right now at this point in our lives.  Like I mentioned earlier, it seems all we ever do is go to school and work and sleep.  I have to find the good and the fun during this time in our marriage.  Yes, it's not the most fun thing to do but someday we will look back and think that was a good time in our marriage.  I know that we have grown closer to each other during the last six months since both of us have been going to school full time.  We look forward to having two or three hours to spend with each other, not that we didn't before we were in school, but it is a more special time now because it doesn't happen often. 
     We have been trying to have more date nights now, which is something that I hope to continue even after school.  With my schedule at work I ususally have to work at least a Friday or Saturday night so whichever night I have off we try to do something a little more special than normal.  Even if the special part is just making a smoothie and watching a movie together.  We have been putting more thoughts into our weekends together.  This last Saturday we went mini golfing together then went to the grocery store and bought some fresh salsa and chips and went home and watched a movie and munched on our chips and salsa.  YUMMY!
     Last Wednesday, February 2, 2011, Bryce and Audrey got married.  
     We are so excited for them.  This marriage was meant to be.  The two of them are so happy together and glow when they are with each other.  It was such a beautiful wedding.  Elder Zwick from the Quorum of the Seventy sealed them in the Bountiful temple.  It was so cold outside but there was a beautiful clear blue sky.  After a few pictures outside the temple with the families David and I headed down to Salt Lake to check in and decorate the room they were staying in that night.  We decorated with a bunch of rose petals all over the floor.  Hope you guys enjoyed it!  After that it was back to Bountiful for the wedding dinner and then the reception.  And with the reception came dancing!  It was so much fun to get out on the dance floor with David and have fun.  Thanks Bryce and Audrey for a great time.  Love you guys! 

I'm so excited to have another sister. 
Watch out, we are trouble when we are together!  :)

     And They Lived Happily Ever After

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Annual Christmas Tree Hunt

     It's tradition in my family to go to the mountains every year after Thanksgiving and cut down our own Christmas tree.  This was the first year in 22 years that I have gone that was unsucessful.  When we were driving out of Evanston there was a sign that said the road was closed 30 miles ahead.  We were pretty sure that was where we needed to go to get to the area where we usually hunt for our tree.  When we got to the Bear River Service to buy the passes we found out we couldn't get down the road that we usually go to get our trees.  The rangers were sending everyone up another road but warned that a lot of people had been getting stuck.  They said we could hike in but it was at least a 2 mile hike to get to an area that you could cut down a tree.  My dad and Mr. Green decided it wasn't worth the risk of getting stuck or trying to hike 2 miles in snow up to your knees.  Instead we decided to try and get to the cabin and roast hot dogs there.  Down the road we went to the gate for the cabin.  Unfortunately we couldn't get to the cabin either.  So once again we had to turn around.  We decided to go back to Evanston and get something to eat.   
Here is the 2010 Christmas Tree Hunt picture.  Outside the Evanston Subway.  We'll never forget this Christmas tree hunt. 

David, Sammy, and Josie
     When we finished eating we decided that we would stop in Mountain Green where they have a place that you can cut your own tree down.  David and I found the perfect tree but it was quite a bit more expensive than if we would have been able to cut one down in the Uintas.  We decided that it would be cheaper to get that one than buy one from a Christmas tree lot or buy an artificial one.  We drove almost 250 miles and ended up getting a tree that was only about 25 miles from home.  This was an expensive Christmas tree hunt this year but one we will always remember. 

Fun in the Fall Leaves


Sammy frantically searching for her tennis ball

Jo Beans swimming through the leaves

Thinking of her next sneaky way to escape from the yard

David and Sammy

Sammy playing with her favorite toy-the tennis ball.  She will
play fetch for hours if you will play with her.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School

Yesterday it was back to school.  I haven't taken any classes for a year so this is a huge change for me.  Anyways, I have to keep a blog as part of my dental hygiene grade and the address is if you are interested in reading all about my crazy life in the dental hygiene program. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

On To Bigger and Better Things

     Today was my last day working at Dr. Craven's office.  Yea!!!  I am so excited to be done working there and move on to a new adventure.  I have made a lot of fun memories while working there and have made some great friends that I hope to always stay close to.  I have learned so much about dentisty and I have had the opportunity to work with 5 different hygienists in the 3 years that I worked there.  Because of this opportunity I was able to see each one's style and learn how I want to act around patients.
     I really wasn't very sad to leave today.  All day my co-workers kept teasing me that I constantly had a smile on my face and a spring in my step.  I was just so excited to be done there because of some of the things that I have had to put up with.  This morning my mom called and was talking to me about how this was my last day and she asked me if I was sad.  I told her no and she was more sad that I was leaving there than I was.  Don't worry mom, now you will get to come to forever long appointments with me at Weber State and then if you like me I will clean your teeth where I work after school. 
     I still haven't found a part time job yet.  I don't know how many applications I have turned in and I have only received 3 calls.  I thought finding a part time job would be a lot easier than it has been.  One of David's friends is a manager at Office Depot and he is trying to help me get hired there.  Hopefully that will work out.         
     I still have one more week before school starts and I plan on relaxing and reading as many books as I can before I start school and can't read anything till next summer. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I did it!

So I just want everyone to know that today I got one of these UGLY bugs at work and threw it in the garbage.  I had seen it crawling across the floor earlier in the morning but it crwaled under something and I hoped it would never come out again.  A few hours later I walked into the sterilization room at work and Dr. Craven was walking out and he asked me to get it.  Of course I told him no but I decided to be brave and try it.  I did it, not without some jumping up and down and squealing, but I did it!  This is a huge accomplishment for me.  I do not like bugs.  I always have David come in and get the bugs or I suck them up with the vacuum and let it run for a few minutes.  I was proud of myself but I don't plan on getting anymore bugs anytime soon. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Countdown Begins!

The countdown begins...for what? you may ask.  Well I only have eight more days left of work.  Earlier tonight I found myself saying that I didn't want to have to get up in the morning and go to work.  After I said this comment I reminded myself that I only have eight more days left with a job.  After that, as of right now, I have no other job.  SCARY!  Hopefully I will get some calls this week from businesses that I have turned my application and resume in to for some interviews.  I hope I can find a job before school starts.

The other part of my countdown is for the dental hygiene program to start.  I am so excited to go back to school and learn what I have wanted to know and do since I was five years old.  My dream is finally going to come true.  School starts in 22 more days.  I know it might sound crazy that I am excited to go to school but I really am excited to be in the dental hyiene program and make a bunch of new firends.  Just because I'm excited doesn't mean I'm not nervous...because I am.  I know that the next two years will be hard and challenging but I know with my Heavenly Father, David, and my family's help I will make it through.