Sometimes I have to tell myself that we are living our happily ever after right now at this point in our lives. Like I mentioned earlier, it seems all we ever do is go to school and work and sleep. I have to find the good and the fun during this time in our marriage. Yes, it's not the most fun thing to do but someday we will look back and think that was a good time in our marriage. I know that we have grown closer to each other during the last six months since both of us have been going to school full time. We look forward to having two or three hours to spend with each other, not that we didn't before we were in school, but it is a more special time now because it doesn't happen often.
We have been trying to have more date nights now, which is something that I hope to continue even after school. With my schedule at work I ususally have to work at least a Friday or Saturday night so whichever night I have off we try to do something a little more special than normal. Even if the special part is just making a smoothie and watching a movie together. We have been putting more thoughts into our weekends together. This last Saturday we went mini golfing together then went to the grocery store and bought some fresh salsa and chips and went home and watched a movie and munched on our chips and salsa. YUMMY!
Last Wednesday, February 2, 2011, Bryce and Audrey got married.
We are so excited for them. This marriage was meant to be. The two of them are so happy together and glow when they are with each other. It was such a beautiful wedding. Elder Zwick from the Quorum of the Seventy sealed them in the Bountiful temple. It was so cold outside but there was a beautiful clear blue sky. After a few pictures outside the temple with the families David and I headed down to Salt Lake to check in and decorate the room they were staying in that night. We decorated with a bunch of rose petals all over the floor. Hope you guys enjoyed it! After that it was back to Bountiful for the wedding dinner and then the reception. And with the reception came dancing! It was so much fun to get out on the dance floor with David and have fun. Thanks Bryce and Audrey for a great time. Love you guys!
I'm so excited to have another sister.
Watch out, we are trouble when we are together! :)