Italian Rainbow Cakes
*Buttercream Italian sgt sedap ( choice of coffee flavor atau Orange )..for me it's Coffee walaupun kite kurenggg dgn kopi kopi ni tapi percayaaaalahhhh....sedapppppp sangatttt!
*Berat cake ni 2kg..
*RM65 ( add on wording @ lain2 extra caj akan dkenakan )
Red Velvet New Revolution ( maksudnya recipe baru laaa ) ehee :)
*Cake yg sangatt gebu, lembut, wangi semerbak..boleh?
*Bak kate sifu (Kak Lea Oven) saya...ape laaa Red Velvet without cream cheese...
*Berat Cake 1.8kg
jadi saya dah x guna dah recipe Red Velvet yg dulu yeee....sbb da jumpa the hooottttesst recipe ni....kalau cuba kompem x rugi punya la...
anyone yg nak rasa (xkan nak bg pree lak kan hahha) boleh send email .
Cakes by Hani*