"Beyond Reasonable Doubt:
The Warren Report And
Lee Harvey Oswald's Guilt
And Motive 50 Years On":
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, is one of the most studied and most controversial events in the history of the world. It was a pivotal and life–changing event for many people around the globe.
Ever since the President was killed on the streets of Dallas, Texas, rumors of conspiracy, cover–up, witness coercion, altered evidence, hidden assassins, corrupt and dishonest governmental and police officials, and a host of other rumors and speculation about President Kennedy's murder have flourished and grown to monumental proportions.
Regardless of how much evidence is presented which indicates Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt in the two murders he was charged with committing in Dallas on November 22, 1963, the members of the
Anybody But Oswald club will find some way to disregard that evidence. They will merely claim that all of the evidence against Oswald (and there's a great deal of it, as this book will show) has been planted, faked, manipulated, or manufactured in order to frame the 24–year–old ex–Marine named Oswald for the murders of both John F. Kennedy and Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit.
As will be shown in many places throughout this book, President Kennedy's assassination has been
falsely shrouded in mystery and cloaked within a web of
perceived "conspiracy" for fifty years. But the contents of this book will demonstrate that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and will also demonstrate that conspiracy very likely played no part in Oswald's actions on that terrible Friday in Dallas back in 1963.
David Von Pein
March/April 2013