Monday, August 16, 2010


Saturday, August 7th, my niece, Ashlyn, competed in her first rodeo queen contest in Hooper.  Ashlyn has watched her big sister, Makenzie, compete and win for a few years now.  Ash has plenty of confidence and  she was convinced before the competition that she would win, even though she was the youngest in her age group from 5 to 8.  Well, she was right!  She did great and made all of us believers.  

Ashlyn posing before the competition
Ash has the rodeo queen wave down while riding a HUGE horse

Ashlyn with big sister, Kenzie, who won as first attendant last year

Look at the model pose....Way to go Ashlyn

Jocelyn had spent the weekend with Emily in Idaho Falls and so I asked her to bring Crew and Cannon down to Utah with her since I was driving back up to spend some time with the boys before they start school.  They arrived Sunday night.  Monday morning we got up and got ready to visit some friends visiting here from Kansas and then go to Chuck E Cheese.  

Ashlyn is holding Molly and Mindy is holding new baby Mya.  Jill and I are standing behind Mindy.

Grandma Nancy with baby, Mya

Mindy has a knack with babies

Jill and her oldest daughter, McKenzie

We left Jill and went to Chuck E Cheese.  Colton and Cannon love to go there when they visit us.  Crew was adorable holding his tokens and walking around to decide how he would use them.  He did decide to crawl and climb up into the basketball shoot over the barrier so that he could stand next to the basket and shoot the balls.  He wasn't happy when I removed him. Cannon danced with a group of children and Chuck E. Cheese.  I told Cannon he needed to do his break dancing.  He is definitely a dancer! I can't believe I didn't get many pictures of our afternoon there.  We had lots of fun with Mindy and Ashlyn too.

                                                Cannon and Crew driving the jeep together.  

Tuesday morning we woke up and Crew decided that he wanted to go home.  I was planning on going to Idaho Falls on Wednesday morning, but Crew has become a homebody and it doesn't matter if he is camping, with friends or family, or even playing.  Crew says, "I done.  I go home."  So we changed our plans and got ready to leave Tuesday afternoon.  Colton is playing tackle football and so we pushed the two youngest boys in the stroller over to watch some of Colton's practice.  We ate a yummy dinner that Emily made and then it was off to the Chukar's baseball game.  The boys had free tickets so we all went.

Cute Crew with the Chukar mascot

Cannon was all smiles with nachos in hand

Wednesday, we went to Olive Garden for lunch which is always good.  Colton had a big scrimmage with another team that evening.  Colton and Greg take his football very seriously.  We went to the field again and watched the practice game.  

Emily is such a wonderful mother

This little Creed melts my heart

Cannon ran around playing with his friends

Crew kept playing around this pipe and we saw a little boy use it as a toilet
 so we had to keep pulling him away---Boys!!!!

Crew playing with a friend

Even with Colton being tired, we decided to go to Riot Zone in Rigby.  It is a lot like Boondocks with many things to do.  Colton and Cannon were so fun to be with and they loved all the rides and activities. Emily and I didn't think it would be so chilly outside.  Since Riot Zone didn't close till 11:00 pm, we stayed till closing with quite a few BYU-Idaho students who were there to play.  

One of their favorite rides was the go carts.  Colton would not let Cannon get in front of him and rammed his twice so that Cannon spun out and was heading the wrong direction and the worker would have to come and spin his car around.

                   Riot Zone has a whole area of the inflatable slides, obstacle courses, and castles.

They have a ride like a rocket but the kids control it going up and down.  Colton and Cannon rode together first and then decided to race each other.

We went miniature golfing too.  The boys both hit their balls into the bushes on the first hole.  They found them and a few holes later hit them into the water.  At this point Cannon said, "I stink at golf.  The only thing I did in golf was break my mom's nose."  He really did break her nose once when his ball ricocheted off of a rock and smacked Emily.  We had fun with the golf!

Another ride was called the Buck-a-roo.  The boys were on a ride similar to a teeter totter.  The cute gal running the ride would help the boys lift up and reach the bell so they could ring it.  

One of the most fun rides of the night was the bumper boats.  The boys rode it first with a bunch of college kids and they got soaked.  But they also rode it with just each other and had a blast.  The boats go fast and spin.  

The boys also had a lot of fun rock climbing.  The night was a great success and we made lots of memories together.  Both boys wanted to go back the very next day.  

Thursday morning was Monopoly contest!  We played Monopoly on a board and also on the Wii.  I love that the boys love to play games too.  Creed stayed downstairs with us and crawled all over with Crew playing in the play room and then with us.  Fun morning!  I left to drive to Ogden about 2:00 pm, just as Greg's sister and her family arrived.  I had a great time visiting the DeVries'.

I was home about 10 minutes and Jocelyn and I headed to the Weber County Fair.  Ashlyn was competing in the Stick Horse Barrel Racing, Goat Ribbon race, and the lasso contest.  We won't know until the end of August how she officially did, but she probably won 2 of the three and will add two new belt buckles to her collection.  

Ashlyn running the barrels

The backs of MaKenzie, Dylan, and daddy, Rod giving Ashlyn tips and support

Competition complete and all smiles

Jocelyn and I went to find the American Monument display.  We found Jen (one of Jocelyn's newest and dearest friends from working with her this summer) and went to get something to eat.  Of course, Jocelyn had to have a huge funnel cake.  We all made funny faces for the camera.

Like the back of my hair?

Boss, Devin, with his two favorite employees
We went back to the arena to watch Dylan compete in roping and also to see the chicken catch that the little kids were all excited about.  Ash is the little girl on the left side at the end in the yellow shirt.  Ready, set, let the chickens loose.  Mindy asked me about going in half on a bid for a pig that one of her neighbor boys had raised.  So ----- TA DA------we are now the owners of almost 300 lbs of pork.  Yes, we are cruel.  The pig went from the fair to the butcher.  
I took a turn at the American Monument display giving out information and pamphlets.  I am very proud of my brother and sister-in-law, and their company.  
Jen and Jocelyn kept craving caramel apples.  After some searching....

The next day was Jocelyn's last day at work.  Jen had decorated with a Back to School theme.  Jen had also put together school supplies, lots of yummy goodies, and a darling purple purse.  They had Wingers for lunch since it is one of Jocelyn's favorite places to eat.  
Boss Devin, showing off his U football and Jocelyn giving her opinion, thumbs down!
I am so glad that Jocelyn loved her summer job and learned so much.  She worked with a great group of people and made some wonderful new friends.  Thanks, Devin, for giving her the opportunity!  

Well, "that is the week that was."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We got up early Saturday morning excited for Brittney's baby shower.  Brittney's mom, Stephanie, was having the shower at her house.  It was fun to all work together to set up and finish the food.  The day was beautiful and the location was perfect.

This is a picture of some of the backyard and pool area where we had the shower.

We served yummy cucumber, turkey, and cream cheese sandwiches, homemade eclairs, mini cupcakes, fruit cabobs, snacks and raspberry lemonade.  

Brittney and her grandma, Hope

Look at the adorable clothes for Lincoln.  He is going to be the best dressed baby boy.

Carrie, Brittney's sister-in-law, put together the cutest decorations and game.  Gemma is her little girl.

Jocelyn captured this adorable picture of Gemma.

Carrie made a question game about Johnny and Brittney and used these photos that she put on a clothesline.  The questions were great!

Karen made the eclairs and they were the best I have ever eaten.  Karen was a big help putting everything together.  Karen is one of Stephanie's best friends and they have worked together until Karen recently retired.

            Britt with her mom, Stephanie

Carrie, Brittney, Stephanie and Tressa, another sister-in-law

                       The 3 Wolthuis girls

                   Britt's grandma and Karen

Grandma Sue Collins with granddaughters, Sarah and Kristen
         Jocelyn was the gift giver outer

This is the cute knitted hat that grandma Char gave Britt

Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag from the Wolthuis clan

Stephanie's step daughter, Erica, entertaining Zella and Melia

John's other three mom's---Tricia, Kathy, and Michelle from
his office.  I absolutely adore these dear friends.

Britt with her nephew, Grady.  His parents are Britt's brother,
Justin and sister-in-law, Tressa.

Shower is over---please take home some of these
yummy party favor cinnamon rolls

While we were at the baby shower, John and Johnny went to downtown Portland to the OMSI, which means Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.  There was an Einstein exhibit that they thought would be interesting.  They had a good time together and played in the Chemistry lab with Einstein.

          There was a great submarine exhibit the two 
          boys really enjoyed too.

    Two VERY CUTE Johns in front of the submarine

          Pretty big sub propellor

The guys came back to Steph's and helped us finish the clean up.  We went back to Johnny and Britt's and looked at each adorable gift that Lincoln had received.  We decided to go to P F Chang's for dinner and while we waited for our table, Johnny found a deer head that he thought Brady could use to decorate their home with at Z Gallery.  Dinner was yummy!

After dinner we ran to Babies R Us and saw the beautiful crib and changing table Johnny and Britt chose for Lincoln.  

           The two boys chose matching outfits.

We stopped to visit Johnny and Britt's firends Mike and Karen on our way home.  Their son, Jace, is almost 8 months old and weighs 25 pounds.  He is the cutest chubby baby and has such a happy personality.  Mike is a HUGE Oregon State fan and Johnny is a Huge Oregon fan.  Mike had a sweet vintage Oregon Duck hat for baby Lincoln.  Johnny tried it on Jace first.  Love this picture.

We got up early and went to church at the Willamette Ward with Johnny and Britt.  We had a very nice time at church.  They have a great ward.  I love Hydrangeas and if the soil isn't alkaline, they will not turn blue.  These beautiful blue Hydrangeas are in front of their chapel.  

John and me in front of the Willamette ward building

We ate lunch after church, took a little snooze and then drove to see the new chapel that John and Britt will be in when it is finished in September.  We also drove through some local neighborhoods to look at some of the houses in their ward.  Off to the airport and we gave big hugs goodbye and our Portland trip was over too quickly.  Thanks Johnny and Britt for a great visit.  We love you!