Thursday, August 19, 2010


Happy 11th anniversary to one terrific couple.  They were definitely meant for each other.  They have shared ups and downs, rejections and acceptances, packing boxes and moving from city and state, stresses that most of us will never understand, and life and death scenarios often in their jobs.  They compliment one another in temperament, personality, faith, service, and love.  Congratulations on your life together and the many accomplishments you have shared.  Love you very much!

                                          The picture they sent with their wedding invitations

YAY!  Vacation....together....

Todd and Megan at Johnny and Britt's reception

Monday, August 16, 2010


Brady and Laurel look scared, but Paisley looks cranky....

We got home from Hawaii and the time was speeding fast until Brady, Laurel and Paisley would be heading back to Pittsburgh.  We decided to fit a few activities into a short time.  We went to the Dinosaur Park on a Monday, since it is only $2.00 admission on Mondays.  Cheap, aren't we?  Paisley loved the park and all the dinosaurs.

Brontosaurus burgers anyone?

Isn't this a sweet picture?

Just as sweet

 Love that Stegosaurus 

Paisley liked the playground as much as any dinosaur

Look mom, no hands

Push me higher, daddy

We also went to visit Lorin and Emily and see their miniature pony.  Paisley wasn't so sure that she liked riding a horse.  

Lorin loves his dogs

Brady can't resist doing tricks on a trampoline.  He broke another one this summer.

Jocelyn took a turn on the tramp too

Now this is a tiny horse

Paisley seems uncertain about the horse

More uncertain

Eleanor loves her norse

Gwen is a horse trainer

Lorin takes a turn training

Cute girls

Jocelyn was tall enough to stand over the horse

Paisley preferred the swing set over horses

We spent an afternoon at the North Ogden pool.  I thought Paisley would love the kiddie pool, but boy was I wrong.  She slowly warmed up to the water, but loved jumping into her daddy's arms the best.  She also like the lazy river and finally would go up and down the little frog slide herself.  

Get me out of here!  NOW!

Don't make me go back in the water

See, Paisley it isn't scary

Bathing Beauty

Laurel had fun

Floating in the lazy river


The sisters getting ready to slide

Mommy and her baby girl

Brady doing more tricks

Waiting to dive

Or jump

Laurel wouldn't go on the high diving board


Fun day at the pool!

Ahhhhhh---Relaxation at last!

We had such a great time with the Mock's visiting.