Thursday, March 18, 2010


Happy Birthday to Brittney! Britt is the daughter-in-law from heaven. Little did I know that when I met her in Johnny's Interior Design class at BYU-I during Mother's Week, that she would become our daughter-in-law. We love Britt and we love any time that we can spend with her. We had such a great trip to New Zealand and we gained a new appreciation for her during our 14 days together. What a pleasant traveling companion, conversationalist, jokester, hair stylist, a pro at meeting new people and setting them at ease, and a perfect compliment to Johnny as they toured his former mission. We have a love of Portland because of Brittney. We love to visit Britt and Johnny whenever we can. Britt has a special way with children and babies and always gravitates to the nephews and nieces. Britt is such a willing missionary companion to the sisters as they teach and has been a great support to those who have been baptized. Britt is a conscientious and talented Dental Hygienist too. We love you Britt and hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Brittney is the ultimate animal lover

An extra sweet daughter-in-law
Britt is a very loving aunt
Britt loves sports and loves to play tennis
She is a passionate Oregon Duck fan
She was so sweet to take care of me in New Zealand
Britt is the perfect wife for Johnny

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Happy happy birthday to a wonderful son-in-law! Todd has been part of our family since he was a youngin and how grateful we are for all of the memories and times we have spent together. It has been a joy to watch Todd grow from the young 15 year old young man to the more mature and amazing man he is today. Todd's talents are endless, his brilliant mind is razor sharp and photographic in memory, his goodness is apparent when we are around him and when we aren't, he is a top notch and skilled surgeon, he is a thoughtful and kind husband, and he is funny and quirky. We love you Todd and appreciate the love you give us in return. We hope you have a happy birthday --- you deserve it in every way!

Todd loves to give cheesy or funny faces for the camera

He runs so much that he can eat dessert and actually enjoy it

The good looking boy we all fell in love with and still love

We have great memories traveling and watching the track athlete break records

Monday, March 8, 2010


John and I drove to Idaho Falls to watch Colton play in his league championship basketball game. Colton's team had won 17 straight games without a loss. Greg has been the coach of the team and done a great job. We were able to watch a practice game first and we were impressed with the abilities of the 3rd grade basketball players. When the championship game started, I couldn't believe all the bumping, elbowing, working for position, and great shots that were made. I kept thinking, "These are little 8 year old boys." They are very competitive and talented. Unfortunately, Colton's team was down by 10 at halftime. They had already beaten this team earlier, but things weren't going well for his team. Colton's team played hard and came within 3 points. Colton's team didn't win this game, but they were still the league champions, just not the tournament champions. The boys took the loss pretty hard and I had to wipe my tears to see their disappointment. This game reminded me of all the times our children had disappointments and how we, as parents, felt their sadness more intensely than they may have. We were very impressed with Colton's point guard abilities. So fun to watch him grow up and develop his talents. Colton is my WINNER always!
John sat in the very back with Cannon on the way to the game

John spent time lifting Crew up to the hand
sanitizer. Crew thought that was fun.

Emily and Crew

Cannon had to shoot baskets during halftime and time outs. Every time we would praise Colton on his game skills, Cannon would say, "What about me? I can play basketball."

Notice Colton trying to get the ball---Colton didn't ever back down. He is so tough!

Greg was encouraging the team at halftime

One of the player's little sisters was the
cutest cheerleader---GO TEAM!

Colton played great as point guard

Creed looks so good for a little boy with a stay in the hospital in February
---pretty cute mom too!

Love that little Creed

As we drove back to Utah, Crew was outside getting ready to start another sport. Such a cute picture of him getting his mitt and ball ready for Spring