Friday, January 28, 2011


Im on the computer talking to Jordan when I hear Pai crying!
 This is why!  Im not sure if Pj did it or Pai, but all I could do was laugh!

 And yes I used the vacuum to clean her up.  She will be taking a shower with me later after my work out.  The vac was just a temp fix so I didn't get dirt all over my house.  Plus that would be a pain to wash out completely in the shower.
Gotta love some of the messees these kids make!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pantless and Sick!

Parker was sick sunday and monday!
He was miserable, but Pai was all smiles, sort of! 
 they liked cuddling with Daddy.

 And this is Pai's new trick!
 She really enjoyed walking around the house with her pants around her ankles!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011
