Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Parkers Preschool Graduation!

Well you will be suprised to hear that I didnt cry. Not even one tear.  I sure was suprised.  Almost lost it when I threw him the "I love you" sign and he threw it back at me.  I cant believe how fast time goes.  I remember it like it was yesterday the day we brought him home from teh hospital.  He spent a majority of the night crying.  I remember finally just saying "just go get him a bottle"  And after eating formula he slept for four hrs.  Ok I dont remember exactly how long her slept.  I just remember it was a relief. 
Preschool was one of the best decision we made for him.  He has grown so much and come so far.  He is a very timid little boy and before preschool, we knew he could count to 10 but he rarely would actually do it for us.  Now he can  count to at least 12{ (he still doesnt like doing things he isnt absolutely sure he can do) hahaha in fact when hearing we were going to the splash pad in springville he said "I'll watch mom" because he just didnt really know what the splash pad was, of course he jumped right in when he got there.}  He sings his abc's and the days of the week.  In fact his favorite thing is to ask what day it is.  Then of course I make him sing the song and figure it out.  He has even taught his sister all of the things he learns at school.  He is very thoughtful when it comes to his little sisters.  I catch him sharing and helping out Paisley all the time.  Although the sharing not as often.  He loves to give Kennedy loves and play with her.  I never really knew how much he loved playing with me til he has mentioned it not only in this video but also during a similar thing at the mothers day brunch.
I sure do love you Parker and as much as I am excited to have one less kid for three hrs a day, I sure will miss you for those three hrs!
 I LOVE this face Ellie is pulling.
 Paisley was so good during the program, she even laughed at the silly parts.
 My handsome little graduate.
 You seriously have to be a special person to be a preschool teacher.  It took alot of patience to keep these kids quiet.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Strange girl

Kennedy now crawls on her feet, I think because her knees are sore.
I couldnt get her to stop eating dirt.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The luckiest mom!

Happy Mothers day people.  Even if it is late.  I consider myself very lucky to have such adorable and great kids.

She really doesnt like the grass much.  But I feel she was tolerating it well.
 Until I laid her down.  They she just couldnt handle it.
 I LOVE Ellies face in the one under here.

 She did NOT like that I wouldnt let her eat the chalk.

 This one is from today.  She fell asleep on me.  And I LOVED every minute of it.  I wish she would do this more often.  This one she was so tired cause her brother woke her up at 5am since he couldnt find the remote.  Unfortunately I couldnt just lay there and cuddle with her.  I had to shower and get a nap in so I could make it to 8pm tonight. (I worked last night)

For mothersday we have made it a tradition to go pick out flowers for the front flower bed.  This saturday we found some REALLY pretty flowers.  We got some lillies, and petunias (sp?) some white flowers I dont remember the names of and two pink rose bushes.  They are all so beautiful and Parker and Paisley had a lot of fun helping Jordan plant them.  Happy Mothers day.  Just a day late. hehehe.

Friday, May 10, 2013