Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Its been awhile....

She is my little chunker..17 pounds all ready!!

Hailey Is my little artist
Tavis is my litte Man..he helps so much!

Wow this 3 kid thing is AWESOME! My life is so full right now I love it! ahh the days of sleeping in and getting ready whenever we want ..are SOOOO GONE! For someone like me who is NOT a schedule person.. AM kindergarten has kicked my booty. But all is well..Olivia is allmost 4 months all ready and I am just about to be able to say that I am somewhat getting on a semi working routine. Before I had Olivia I had this mommy house wife thing down to a tee..my house was beautiful and clean my children were played with and read to and my hubby had a hot wife that ironed his work clothes and made breakfast lunch and dinner!! this has not been the case the past few months! BUT hope is not lost...I have really enjoyed the past 4 months, even though im not super wife/homemaker we all love each other..and I know this is just a time and season and I love it..let me explain why in one word..OLIVIA!! You guys she is sooooooooo so so so a baby every woman prays for. I call her my "nate baby" because she is soo ultra easy going like her daddy. My first 2 take after their mommy..high maitenence. Not Olivia she has been an angel since the day she was born. I put her in her nursery at 3 or 4 weeks..that is crazy for me but she sleeps through the night. Infact I put her down last night at 7PM she woke up this morning at 4 to eat and then slept till 6 and then decided she wanted to play..she is so cute and I just love her so much! Not that I dont love my others sooo much but I did not enjoy their babiness like i have enjoyed Olivias. Lots of factors play into that Im sure but she is just sooo good that it makes it easy to enjoy. I Love having a baby in the house again..its been 4 years since hailey was a little one and I didnt know how much I missed it! The baby lotion, the diapers, the baths, the cooing and smiling..oh I just LOVE IT! This time its fun too because Hailey and Tavis are old enough to enjoy it as well. They LOVE her and its been fun to fall in love with Nate again in that way you do with every baby that comes into your family..you know as you watch your hubby hold and cuddle your little one your heart melts again and again! Olivia is my calm in the chaos of our life. When she wakes up to eat she talks, plays, and laughs..I rarely hear her cry. Im tellin ya..if I was gauranteed 3 more like her..I would do it in a second! Anyhow..life is good and heres some pictures of what we have been up to!