Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lagoon, sticky, tired, long lines,expensive....I could go on with my opinion of the place..but that's all been changed by our last visit ......The day was ...PERFECT!! the weather was in the mid 70's, we got free and discounted tickets, food was free and GREAT! Kids didn't have to wait longer than 5 minutes for every ride(and this was on a Friday) Hailey was really tired but too excited to care..she is my little dare devil. the only ride she cried on was the bumper cars...go figure. She kept asking me to take her on the catapult ride which is that big iron ball you sit in and they catapult you forever into the sky and all for just an extra 40 bucks!!! I told her when she was 20 she could go...she kept saying..."I 20, I 20 now momma" It was a great day, and to top it all off we had Grandma Bonnie, Aunt Mandy and the cousins to enjoy it with!! How crazy is's all most the same to go to Disney Land as it is Lagoon...there needs to be some competition up in here guys...
Adult pass: 45.00
child: 42.00
Toddler: 21.00
Parking in the cow pasture: 8 bucks

Friday, June 26, 2009

Interesting Time Out places.......!

JUST KIDDING!! This is how I found them Tavis, Tyler and Hailey...when we were moving in..last November. This is Haileys room and all the Toys were still packed. I might add that Nate helped in this idea...I had to do alot of damage control of that idea in the next few months. Tavis and Hailey couldn't understand why they couldn't sleep on the shelfs instead of their beds. Thanks NATE!

Sweet Dreams....

Okay so..this is what our bed looks like in the morning at least once a week. I will note that they all ways end up on my side of the bed. Another little interesting fact is the way Tavis is laying with is arm behind his head. Nate sleeps like that..has since before Tavis was born..So has Tavis. In one of his ultra sound pictures his little arm was behind his head showing his cute little preborn sleeping position..some things you just can't stop from genetically inheriting from your parents!!!!

Home Sweet Home...

This is our home now and we LOVE IT!! However this is the before we moved in picture. I'll take a picture of it now...IT's got more of our personality to and stuff. YEA!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The "Quiet Game"

So this picture was taken at my step sisters wedding a month ago. these guys are like the three amigos. You've got Hailey(2) on the left, Tyler(4) in the middle and Tavis(4) on the right. They are EXPERTS on the "Quiet Game" well.....not Hailey but come on she's a girl, she has to talk all the time!! But as far as Tavis and Tyler they have gone as long as 20 minutes before...Infact Tyler won flat out a couple months ago cuz he fell asleep during the challenge and Tavis couldn't last that long!! We love living so close to family. My kids and Mandy's are sooo close. Tavis and Tyler are only 4 months apart and they act like brothers. its great. I allways wanted to live close to family growing up, so did Nate. we never got that chance. So when Nate and I moved to Missouri to try the no utah thing..we decided that giving our kids what we never had but allways wished for was more important than "being on our own". Plus the Quiet game is no fun when you play it with just your parents...right Tavis?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My soon is not your soon...I get it!!

Thankyou to all that have patiently awaited my exciting news!!! 5months is along time to wait! What can I is good and when your having fun it's hard to make yourself sit down and write about it..cuz then your missing it!! plus its hard when you don't have a COMPUTER!!!! But I have one far as a camera...well iv'e allmost got that one. so thats another reason why I haven't posted..ive been waiting till I could show you my exciting news!! MY FIRST HOME!!! We finally closed on our home the day before Thanksgiving. so yep we have a home, a garage, even a yard. And get this we planted a garden and flowers!!! I love it here. We live in Layton and that is close to my sister, if that wasn't enough my mom just got a job offer up here and will be 5 minutes away. she moves up here next week from St. George. My ward is to die for. infact, when people have to sale their home in our neighborhood because times are rough, they allways ball their eyes out their last day of church and vow that they will be back to build in a year or whenever they can get back. We had no idea how great the area is. Our neighbors are exactly what you would ask for. they have a little boy Tavis's age and size, a little girl who is 8 and dances extraordinary!! I get to do her hair everyonce in awhile. she loves Hailey and they all play so GREAT!! if that wasn't enough, our neighborhood is full of children tavis and Hailey's age. Infact, our ward has over 250 kids in the primary that mean 2 sunbeam classes of 13 and 4 nursery's. WE LOVE IT!! I got called as the assistant camp director for the young womans ..we leave in 2 weeks!! and NAte and I were called as the Webelos Den leaders!! Nate is very good with the 10 boys we have..I am not so good at this scout's a whole other world. I recently finished my "little Black books" for hairdressers..a 3 year journey!! a dream of mine for awhile. and now a reality!! I taught my first Taylor Andrew Guest artist Class last week in layton and It ROCKED!! I sold my books and had sooo much fun teaching future hair stylist how to take control of their passion!! I also have salon owners interested in my books for their commission fingers crossed I meet with my first few salons this week!!! Everything is falling into place for Nate and I. we were just admiring our lives together the other day, we realized that just 4 and a half years ago we dreamed all this up..and now we are partaking!! We decided we can't wait what we cook up in the next 5 years . Tavis is 4 now..he is my big helper, Hailey is 2 and a half and refuses to potty train. I love that I have two kids who can get up on saturday mornings, turn on the cartoons and let mommy and daddy sleep!! Not sure im quite ready for the baby stage again. and since im NOT pregnant I won't have to worry about that for awhile. ( i just know some of you thought I was pregnant!) I also started working in a really nice new salon up here in Layton. it's brand new and I only work 6 days a month booth rent I LOVE IT!! Nates Job is BOOMING right now. tis the season to make your home energy efficient and Nate is the guy in all of UTAH who is an expert onall areas you could explore. I know with all Jobs you have famine and feast. right now we are in the feast stage and I am VERY grateful for this time in our lives, heaven knows we have been in the famine. However I know another time will come so i will allways be grateful for this peaceful time in life, and also prepare for the times that will surely pass us all upon our journey in life. My family is doing well. Except for my Daddy. he has Cancer and it has spread into his bones. This is very hard for me. I found out yesterday by a sweet call from my Dad who lives in Missouri. He has been in pain for over a year now and the doctors have just found it. I am so grateful that they have found the source of his pain..and now the source of all who loves him... tears. However I have great faith that God will love him and does love him and that through the atonement he will not ever suffer more than God's own personal knowledge, and so he will comfort my father in those dark hours when no others will be present, in the wee morning hours when memories pass in and out of his mind between the pain and the present, I pray, fast and kneel in my fathers behalf that our love, his childrens love, his mothers, fathers, wife's, brothers, sisters all living and past on will be with him. He is my Father and I his daughter, I will not fail him now in his time of need..his right of passage that may lead him into the next phase of this here eternity we are all apart of and going forward in. I love you Daddy. it's been to long since i called you that..but it's never to late to change. I love you.
