Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What a day

Dental surgery day for Peter: Surgically remove an extra tooth, which ended up being very deep and the dentist had to chip away at the bone to get it out. Extract a decayed tooth, and place a spacer in its spot. And fill a couple tiny cavities.

Peter had to go under general anesthesia for these procedures. He was super nervous, so Steve and our good friend gave him a Priesthood Blessing the night before. Peter later told me that he said another prayer in the morning, all by himself!

Everything went as well as could be expected, EXCEPT, Peter was a real LION while he was drugged up. Screaming, thrashing, kicking, and throwing punches. Luckily Steve showed up when it was time to go home, and held him in his arms while I drove. I could have never done it alone, Peter would have really hurt himself. It was quite scary and stressful.

He slept a long time, but had terrors in and out.
I had to sit by him constantly because he was so unpredictable.

Luke got "sick" at school today as well.
When it rains it pours.
When I say "sick" he injured his back and neck.
It was nice to have him around to keep an eye on Peter.
They enjoyed ice cream together.

My sweet Pete.
While still drugged, he would reach for me, hug me, then fall back asleep.
His mouth is full of blood, and stitches.
He has already pulled two stitches out-"Look what was in my mouth mom."

* * * * *

In other news, a dog followed me home from my run on Saturday. Thank goodness for Facebook and the awesome community of Daybreak, we were able to find the owner.

Daybreak has a residents page, and we were able to find the owner through it.

When the owner, picked him up, Steve and I laughed. He looked just like the dog. Triangle body builder. Big on top, small on bottom, and a very poor pet owner in my opinion.

* * * * *

And in other news....
When Rachel roll plays with dolls she talks like a "mean girl".
We are working on that...

Steve painted my new rocking chairs.
I like them.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I have been anxiously awaiting a certain piece of mail all week long. It came today. I was so nervous to open it, I think I was shaking a little bit, and when I read it, I cried. Tears of gratitude.

Our school has a Chinese immersion program. It is a very coveted program. It starts in first grade and is a dual immersion class, teaching half the day in Chinese and half in English. By the time they are a sophomore in high school, they will already have a College minor in that subject.

Peter really wanted to be a part of the program. He has talked about it all year. Yet there are only 50 spots. So I was very nervous he was not going to get in, seeing as around 150-200 students applied. I knew he would be disappointed, so I had my fingers crossed.

When I told Peter he cheered and then said, "Now I get to talk like a Chinese man!"
We may need to work on being PC with this child. ;-)

He also got another piece of mail today from his teacher and Principal. It said "Peter keeps a smile on everyone's face because he comes to school with a zest for life that is infectious!"

I was so happy to get some good news. Things have been a little rough around here. It seems as though nothing is going our way as of late.
-I have a ton of pain in my fingers and feet, that keeps me up at night. I am thinking that I have some form of arthritis and need to make an appointment. But first you need a referral-great...more doctors.
-I have an injured tailbone from snowmobiling. This is going on 3 months, and it still hurts to sit down or lie down, and is getting worse by the day.
-Steve needs a new car. Not so fun when you can't afford it.
-I have skipped a "few" periods and have blood in my urine. And NO I am not pregnant!
-Do you think I have some health issues? I do!

-Peter needs has some cavities. One tooth is so bad it needs to be extracted. Upon the X-rays, they found he has an extra tooth in his gums that needs to be surgically removed as well.
-Insurance told us they will pay for general anesthesia. So we made an appointment. Then it turns out they won't cover the anesthetist who works with our dentist. Insurance is crooked.

-Speaking of insurance. We had a flood in our house. Steve has had to get pretty vocal in order to get our money from the insurance company. They quoted us one price and sent us a check for half the amount.

So you can see why we craved some good news!

Even in the midst of all this stress, we realize how blessed we are. We love living here in Daybreak. From the lake, to the quiet streets, to looking at the temple daily, all the fun parks and kids that want to play, and I love our house!

Today my parents took us bowling. Our favorite bowling alley is up at the U. Today we bowled next to poligamists. Well it is a pretty liberal school you know.... I tried not to judge them, but then they stole our ramp that the kids were using to roll their ball down. Oh, they are fair game now!

Rachel looked adorable in her bowling shoes.

Maggie is sporting green pants for St. Patty's day!

Peter was not happy with his score.....