Peter had to go under general anesthesia for these procedures. He was super nervous, so Steve and our good friend gave him a Priesthood Blessing the night before. Peter later told me that he said another prayer in the morning, all by himself!
Everything went as well as could be expected, EXCEPT, Peter was a real LION while he was drugged up. Screaming, thrashing, kicking, and throwing punches. Luckily Steve showed up when it was time to go home, and held him in his arms while I drove. I could have never done it alone, Peter would have really hurt himself. It was quite scary and stressful.
He slept a long time, but had terrors in and out.
I had to sit by him constantly because he was so unpredictable.
Luke got "sick" at school today as well.
When it rains it pours.
When I say "sick" he injured his back and neck.
It was nice to have him around to keep an eye on Peter.
They enjoyed ice cream together.
My sweet Pete.
While still drugged, he would reach for me, hug me, then fall back asleep.
His mouth is full of blood, and stitches.
He has already pulled two stitches out-"Look what was in my mouth mom."
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In other news, a dog followed me home from my run on Saturday. Thank goodness for Facebook and the awesome community of Daybreak, we were able to find the owner.
Daybreak has a residents page, and we were able to find the owner through it.

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And in other news....

When Rachel roll plays with dolls she talks like a "mean girl".
We are working on that...
Steve painted my new rocking chairs.
I like them.