Saturday, April 30, 2011

False Advertising

I am sure you have all seen the new Walmart commercial, "Match it!" If not, I included it for you to watch.

My thoughts after watching it: TOTALLY UNREALISTIC. Sure Walmart will match a competitors price, but have you ever spoke to anyone at Walmart that can actually help you? I really do not even find too many employees that speak English. Once my husband found someone who spoke our native tongue, and we thought we were going to be successful in getting help. Nope. "That is not my aisle," we were told.

So, sure, you will come out with your price match, IF, you don't mind asking a 4 different people, and if you don't mind endlessly, trying to explain what a price match is.

My advice to Walmart. Change your commercial, to every employee yelling "match it" in a various languages. Now that would be realistic!

"igualación de precios," "Preis angleichen," "价格匹配 (Jiàgé pǐpèi)"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snow Canyon

My sweet 3 year old loves hiking. Loves hiking uphill,
and is not afraid of heights.
This picture is proof.

I love Snow Canyon.
It has such a peaceful feel to it.

I adore this picture of Peter. He is so stinkin cute.

Dad and his girls, checking out the view.

I am so nervous for Luke falling off the edge,
I stopped to take a picture.

I love the contrast of these purple flowers against the red rock.

Buried alive!
Notice Rachel is shirtless.
She wanted to be like her brothers.

We all got some sun from this outing at the Dunes.
I was in charge of not loosing Luke's dog tags.
Nice accessory to my desert hiking garb.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Our family had the greatest (3.5 day) weekend in St. George. No wonder I am in a bad mood today-it is hard to come home to dreary weather when you have been basking in 80 degree temps. We had so many great adventures, the first being Zion's National Park.

Steve was confused by this white line at the top right.
Just to clarify-it is a contrail.

Friday morning we hit the park, ready for some hikes. It is shuttle season, so we had to park our car, and take the shuttle from destination to destination. This is where my favorite story comes in.

The shuttles were packed, and there was not even standing room, it felt like we were in a New York subway. A cute girl scooted over with her sister, and made room for Maggie on her bench. They were instant friends, and Maggie had not sat down for 2 sec, before the were talking away. It was the cutest thing ever. Sometime during the ride, many people around us heard the following come out of my daughter's mouth, "Does your mom get mad when you say potty words? Mine does." I laughed and laughed. After we got off the bus, the new friend gave Maggie a big hug!

The shuttle rides were definitely a highlight for the kids. While adults were uncomfortable being so crammed, it does not even phase children.

Our first hike was to the emerald pools. The kids were awesome hikers.

We brought the backpack, yet Rachel never even needed it.
The trail under the lower emerald pool is very muddy. Everyone tries to side step it, which is basically impossible. They should all take a lesson from my son Peter, or come to think of it, maybe not. He ran right through the mud and puddles and fell flat on his caboose.
Good thing there was lots of fresh water to wash Peter off.
We also did the weeping rock hike. Short and sweet views.
My kids have been taking all the dollar gloves and cutting the fingers off. (Notice Peter and Maggie's) They wear them everywhere. It grosses Steve out, especially when the kids are eating. He makes a big fuss until they take them off. I guess there is a "little" gay in all of us.
We ended the trip by driving the tunnel. Flipped a U-turn, and drove through again. Awesome!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Brunch

We went "all out" for Easter Breakfast--
McDonalds @ the park in St. George.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just another day

Granted, Rachel has been my favorite subject to take pictures of, as of late. But it is all the kids that have been wearing me out. My mom found me asleep in bed today at 12:30. Yeah, I am exhausted.

Caught Rachel climbing the back fence today. She later decorated my house with Easter basket grass. Son of a gun--it was everywhere, and not fun to clean up.

It used to be that where ever Peter was, Rachel was there too. Right behind. Not so much anymore. Actually the opposite. Yesterday Peter ran clear around the block, while Rachel lolly gagged picking dandelions. Which child do I pick to watch, or run after?

After watching for weeks, my neighbors tulips bloom. My first couple were spotted yesterday. The red is Rachel's favorite. I am partial to the yellow.

But these Gerber Daisy's are my ultimate favorite.
I could not pass them by at Costco. Love them.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Airborne Trampoline Arena

First day of Spring Break. I love to try out new things with the kids. Today's destination was Airborne Arena in Draper.

The warehouse if full of trampolines, foam pits, and a trampoline dodge ball area. While I did not jump, I did have a dodge ball experience. As I sat on a couch overlooking the kids, a ball shot towards me, very fast, and smack in my forehead. Someone's aim was very off, yet very accurate at the same time.

Notice Luke's frightened face, and Rachel's little summersault.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Learning as I go

"You are the best mommy in this whole family!"

Maybe in a polygamous family, that might be a compliment.

This sweet girl is full of hugs, laughs and odd compliments today.
I even caught her falling asleep in her chair at church.
Sleepy eyes & head bobbing.

Lately, I have been busy and overwhelmed with emotions. From being on the school Art fundraiser commitee, to Peter's urinary problem, to facing reality that my best friend will soon be moving to Texas.

Here is what I have learned from the experiences listed prior.

Our school, like many in the SL school district, does an Art Night. This is a huge fundraiser to keep the art and music programs in our school.

First off, volunteers are few and far to come by. Yet there are many complainers, who have "suggestions" galore, and are quick to point out that they have all the right answers. Needless to say, I was not prepared for the criticism. Granted it was just one. But one very overwhelming and loud one. Because of this, I learned to stick up for, and defend myself. I also learned that negative attitudes are a detriment to accomplishing a goal, and make everyone miserable. My theory is that few people want to volunteer, because of the flack they get from (what my husband calls) the "Monday-morning quarterbacks."

These Monday-morning quarterbacks are starting to rub me the wrong way. It seems like everyone wants to have a say in everything. Whether it is the SL school district, or the Jordan School District where my husband works. They want to be part of the decisions being made. Here are my two cents: Do you vote? Because if you do, we elect the School Board to make these discions. We pay them to make the discions. Yet, people still think they need to form a group, to help the Board make descisions. How about this brilliant idea-write your school board represenative and tell them how you feel.

This world needs more Indians, and less Chiefs.

Next off, Peter's frequent trips to the bathroom. One night I fell apart and lost it. I was convinced that Peter had cancer. Many people started praying for me. In the days to come, I could feel my burden lifted. While I was still concerned for my son, I was no longer anxious and scared. From this, I learned that I should pray for others more often, since I have been a frequent beneficiary. God listens, and God answers prayers.

Last, but not least, I live in a neighborhood with a huge turnover. People move in, have one child, maybe two-and then move. I am always sad when a friend moves, sometimes I cry, and now I am just heartbroken. Good friends are so hard to come by, and now mine is moving far away.

I have not figured this one out yet. So, I run, and run, and run. Literally. Running is my release and coping mechanism. Many days Steve pushes me out the door, since he knows that I will come back a happier person.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

mid-life crisis?

As I was fixing dinner, and chatting with my husband about the day. This is how the conversation turned.

Steve: "Well, I was reading the obituaries today.."
I give a questioning look, and raise an eye brow.
He continues, "Once you turn 40, it is something that you are just obligated to do."

Is 40 the new 80?

Monday, April 11, 2011


Peter: "Mom, did you know that scriptures have powers?
And, if you read them everyday, something happens. But I can't remember what."
They must have been singing the primary song "scripture power" yesterday at church. Peter had his ultrasound today, it went well. We are so relieved.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Potty Trained!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring day

It is a VERY difficult task to get
Rachel to smile for a picture.
I feel lucky to have gotten this one!

It seems that nice weather is hard to
come by this year.
We are trying to take advantage when we can.

Today, was a beautiful day on Temple Square.

My husband has been super busy, as of late. Read about the latest fire he is putting out, and his nice quote in this story.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Popcorn Tree

Bright and early Saturday,
the girls headed out to play.
Early enough that hair had not been
brushed, and Rach was still in pjs.

Steve cut off some branches from our Apricot tree.
They made magic fairy wands, and fairy dust/flowers.

Have loved listening to the messages
from my church leaders this weekend.

I know what they speak is true, the spirit touches
my heart, and tells me so.

"Every sermon given, is always, by definition, both a testimony of love, and warning.
Even as nature herself, will testify with love and a warning in the last days."

Elder Holland