Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Luke thinks this Angel Moroni trinket, looks great as a top to the paper towel holder.
I tend not to agree with him, and take it off. But it keeps reappearing.

Below, is the original topper.

I was at the school today, looking for some supplies for an upcoming event. I walked into the computer lab, where Luke's class happened to be at the time.
I asked one of the boys if I could borrow his chair, to peek up above the cabinets.
I told Luke about this (since he seemed oblivious that I was even in the room). He asked who the boy was. I told him who I "thought" it was, and then asked him, "Is _____ Hispanic?"
His answer: "No, he is Catholic!"

Made me laugh.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I heard on knock on my front door Friday night. It was our new neighbor, who has gutted the house and remodeling. Every night he comes and checks the progress.

He put his hand out and showed me a blue piece of paper, and asked me if I knew what it was about. It had been placed in his mailbox.

At first he seemed annoyed, thinking my mail was going to be delivered to his house. After I gave the long explanation, he calmed down.

Here are my bullet points of anger at the post office:

you delivered a slip that was not suppose to be delivered.
you helped me make a hell of a first impression on my new neighbor.
This is almost a breach of confidentiality. Almost.
why are you still bothering me about my dog?
I have my mail forwarded. I have had it forwarded for 8 months or better.
My dog is never anywhere to be seen. Never in the front yard. Always in the house, or a quick bathroom break in the backyard (which is fenced.)
my dog is not aggressive.
this note seems very extreme to me, for someone who has completely complied with what we were asked to do.
What is going to happen if they cross my lawn?

I think Jerry Seinfeld was correct in his portrayal of the mail system.
Newman: "When you control the mail. You control information."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

sweet like sugar

Happy Birthday to my husband.

Pictured with 2/3rds of his favorite girls.

To quote Peter's favorite saying, as of late,
I hope your birthday is....
"Sweet like sugar!"

Love you

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I handed Peter his cargo pants to put on. I found them lying on the kitchen floor. Since he is visiting the bathroom, oh so very often, he prefers pj pants. That way they are easy to pull on and off.

I asked him to put on his cargo pants.
Peter: "No, they are lame!"
Mom: "Lame? What in the world? When did you learn that word?"
Peter: "Mom, lame means NOT COOL!"
Mom: "And pj pants are cool?"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happiness 21

Love this commercial.

Monday, March 21, 2011

First Day of Spring,

and Rachel is ready for a walk!
I opened the door from her nap,
to see her dressed in a jacket, sunglasses,
and backpack.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What the....?

Peter: "Grandpa, your not gonna want to hear this....."
Grandpa: "What's that?"
Peter: "The doctor pulled down my pants, and my underwear too!"

Since we were up on campus,
we made a quick trip to visit Grandpa.

Tuesday, I took Peter up to Primary Children's. His doctor had referred us, since he could not figure out what was taking place.

We made the trip, paid a specialist to tell us that, Peter has what is called "Extraordinary Urinary Frequency."
I am no doctor, but I already knew that my child had Extraordinary Urinary Frequency, before I made the trip to the hospital. In fact, that IS why I made the appointment in the first place.

I was so annoyed. She gave me a prescription (I did not exactly understand what it was for). My friend says it is probably a prescription for sugar pills.

Peter has quite the history, of unexplained, odd health concerns.
Do you remember this?
Or this?

And when Peter was 5 months old he had blisters and peeling skin on one of his toes. Doctors were baffled at that too. Infact a group of doctors all gathered around to look at it. My mother in law was sure it was caused by his "fancy, unnecessary shoes".

Ha! Anyone who knows me, knows I am not "fancy" and own nothing that is "fancy!" It was not the shoes!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lace them up

Just registered for two half marathons.

Here is to more injuries!

Steve said he would rather me just go run the races, rather than train. It is in the training and over training that I always get injured.

I am excited. It has been 5 years since
I have done any big races! Babies will do that!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snow & Pee, But not peeing in the snow!

While facebook status' were buzzing about hatred of snow, I personally thought it was amazing. There is nothing like an early morning run, where everything is freshly frosted.
Since my feet were soaked from the run, I decided to shovel. Didn't mind that either. Luke even joined me for awhile.

Peter is on a month long hiatus from preschool due to Gary's death. Turns out it could not have come at a better time. Our lives have come to a halt. Pete has been having to urinate ALL the time. The longest he can go is around 10 minutes. The doctors are baffled. We are headed up to Primary Childrens Medical Center next week. I pray we can get some answers--until we do, our minds are thinking the worse.

Love my sweet teddy bear.

Monday, March 7, 2011

No school=ski day=long day for mom

No school today. So I shuttled the kids up to the ski resort. I must say, I am itching to put on some ski's and hang with the kids. But until then, I love watching their happiness.

As we arrived the snow was lightly falling. By the time we left-blizzard! Very beautiful however.

The kids teacher was 25 minutes late returning them from class. (We got our moneys worth and more!) He took them all over the ski resort and showed them new lifts and runs that they are capable of skiing. Love it!

The teacher always gives a report card and updates you on how your kids did in class. (I get more information out of these chats than I do at Parent Teacher Conference at the kids school.)

Today's update in a nutshell went like this, "Maggie is a ripper, and Luke..(pause) is a little more cautious." Nice choice of words!

He also told me that Maggie does not like to do her turns. Maggie chimed in and said "That is because the turns slow me down!" Typical Maggie!

Both kids are having so much fun. This is a great sport for them, letting them go at their own speed and pace.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Do you think these kids have Spring Fever?

Friday afternoon chillin'
in the hot tub.

Luke actually does not look too upset.

I peeked out the window later and may
have seen Maggie doing this to
Luke's friend as well.

We are in for T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr. Seuss

This week was the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
The kids always have a celebration at school.

Maggie came home very excited telling me about what transpired.
I asked her "Did you eat green eggs and ham?"
She perked up and got a big grin on her face.
"You remember that book, mom?!!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happiness 20

I laughed, and laughed,
and laughed.

Thanks for the recommendation Laura!

Durring the movie, I turned to Steve, and whispered that (the bikini girl) was
Andy Rodicks wife.
He wasn't convinced, and had recognized her from something else.
Maybe the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Women's perspective vs. a mans perspective.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my sister in law.
A new shopping center is going up in our neighborhood.
She noticed the clothing boutique, but not
the Great Harvest bakery that I noticed.

Clothing connoisseur's perspective vs. a sugar/sweets connoisseur's perspective.