Yesterday I got a text, telling me my dear friend, Cory, had suffered a stroke. Cory was my gym instructor up in
Sugarhouse, but he became a close friend as well. After class we would always walk home together, his daughter is my favorite babysitter, and he is just a great guy all around.
If he were not gay, Steve would have been worried about how much I talked about Cory. But once Steve met him, he loved him too. A couple weeks ago, I got a text from Cory, telling me he saw Steve on TV, and that he looked hot. That made Steve blush.
When Cory did not show up for class Monday morning, my friend taught for him, not knowing what had happened yet. As I talked to Tricia later that day, she asked me if I remembered him telling us how he thought his cancer was coming back. That is how in tune he was with his body.
On Sunday night his behavior became more and more unusual, as did his movements. His family called for an ambulance and he was taken to the closest hospital.
He is still in ICU. Cory had throat cancer at a young age, and the effects of the chemotherapy have ruined his arteries which caused the stroke.
How sad, a cancer survivor, a physically strong and active man, only 36. I am sad to see this happen to him.
The neat thing is to see how many people love and are worried about their friend. Prayers are being offered by so many.

I stole this picture off of his daughters facebook page.
This was on their trip to San Francisco this summer.
He was always taking his daughter on amazing trips-Paris included!
Cory has inspired so many people,
and I know he will continue to inspire all of us on his road to recovery.