Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Swim Team

Swim team was an awesome experience for our family this year. The swim program is run so well at the Tennis Club, and I have nothing but positive things to say about it.
Luke was a strong swimmer before he started the team, and came away even stronger.

He did not make Conference, but I think it is better that way. Conference involves sitting at a meet for 2 whole days, to watch your kid swim for maybe a minute. Not worth it.

Monday night the club held a special Tom Thorum Sr. Swim meet for the many, many kids who did not make the Conference team. It was so fun and rewarding. Luke swam every event, while I timed. Every parent mentioned how they wished every meet was this fun, and not because we were drenched in the rain storm.

After the kids swam it was time for the adults to race. Dang, I left my swim suit at home. It was fun to watch people I used to swim against get back in the pool years later. Next year, I am in.

Luke received a medal with his name on it, and has been beaming all day long. Swim team is going to be a must for our family every summer. Next year Maggie will join in!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Itchy Hike?

We have been spending a fair amount of time in the mountains this week. We have also been spending a fair amount of time itching the various bug bites we have received.
As we drove up the canyon yesterday, Peter asked where we were going. We told him a hike. He then asked, "Is this going to be an itchy hike?"

Take it from us, DON'T FORGET THE BUG SPRAY!
The worse culprit is the flies, ouch their bite stings!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Classic Water Park

Every year our neighborhood has a water slide party. We get the park to ourselves for around two hours. The kids are running and sliding non stop. The park is a little ghetto, but no one complains.
Maggie and her friend, came down like a pretzel
every time. And lost their mat every time.

Peter was awesome. Steve and I both loved riding with
this kid. Even though he hit his head hard, he kept
on going.

Rachel flaunted her Buddha belly in her
green bikini.
I like to put her in this for two reasons,
she is super cute in it,
and easy to spot--the only girl wearing
a two piece!
You like the goggles? Goggles on a water slide. Whatever.
My kids love goggles. I sometimes think that Maggie will
be a diver in high school and still wear her goggles.
There is a first for everything!

Me and my nose picker.
Sometimes after running errands,
I turn to get her out of the
car seat to find her with a bloody nose.
YUP, she's been a pickin'.

You like my cleavage? Steve does!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hiking through Aspens

My friend and I took our kids hiking today. It was relaxing to get out of the city, and into nature. I love this trail with the tall aspens surrounding you. I told the kids it was like we were walking through a forest. Dustin reminded me that was exactly what we were doing. Duh!

As Peter ran ahead, I realized he could not lead the pack. The trail was like "The Feild of Dreams." You would diappear as you walked deeper into the brush/shrubs.

My legs are tired. After a couple days of hard runs, and workouts, this hike added to their exhaustion. Carrying Rachel up, and Peter down with the backpack, but I don't mind. I love having them with me.

The wildflowers were fun to see.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Girls Trip

Besides seeing Tarzan, here are some highlights of our time together.

Maggie and cousin Annie.
Cooling off w/ a Tweety Bird ice cream.
What you don't see is that she insisted on hiking in flip flops.

Sight seeing and a little shopping.

Swimming-of course.
Splash pads.

Mom found a cute little baby to cuddle.

Fiesta Fun Center.

When we got home I was welcomed by some other cute kids. Rachel was dressed in Maggie's clothes. Poor Steve, when I told him, he said, "I thought they looked a little big!" And Peter was running around with his new invention: Underwear masks.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Watch the progression.

1. First dive. I thought it was pretty good.

2. Second dive. Teacher has her put a kick board
between her legs to help keep them together.

3. Third dive. BINGO!
Straight legs that are together.
Not to forget the pointed toes!

Monday, July 12, 2010


For Maggie's B'day we gave her a trip to St. George and tickets to see Tarzan at Tuacahn.
This past weekend we made the trip down, and had a ton of fun!

Why have I never been to Tuacahn before, the place is breathtaking. Watching a play in the desert scenery just adds to the excitement and makes it easy to get lost in the story.

It was worth every penny spent. Simply Amazing! They use the surrounding elements in nature as special effects. At the beginning they flood the stage with a nearby stream, and when Tarzan makes his grand entrance he zip lines down from the red rocks. Talk about breathtaking-the actor that plays Tarzan is just that! My only complaint is that he did not get more stage time. I think every man should have a physique just like his. And if that wish came true, they should also wear loincloths daily!

When Tarzan would carry Jane on the zip line he would cradle and hold up her body with his muscular leg.
The show has monkeys, and butterflies, and jungle men flying over you with zip lines. The director said it is like "Peter Pan on steroids."

Maggie of course wanted this monkey. She may have been spoiled this weekend, but not enough to get this.
Entrance to Tuachan
Stadium seating, along with our snow cones, made
the 100 degree temperature
The show ended around 11:30, and once we got to our car, drove down the canyon and back to the condo it was pretty late. Steve woke me up at 10:00 the next morning. I don't think I have ever slept in that long!

Friday, July 9, 2010


This just in: Peter has shed his life jacket!
And could not be happier!

He can now be seen swimming under peoples legs, jumping courageously off the diving board, and floating endlessly without a breath. "I will take a breath next time ok, mom."

When he woke up this morning he asked if we could go swimming today without the jacket. Sure thing buddy. This life jacket has seen better days, and I am ready to toss it out. This was Luke's jacket, who is turning 10 soon. I think Rachel deserves a new one.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My water rats

I like Peter in this first video, he just keeps floating, and floating.

Peter is a fish, and is inbetween stages of swimming classes. The class he was in yesterday was a little advanced--he was not quite as strong as the 5 year olds. But todays class seemed too easy...but as long as he is having fun.

His coach is a hoot. The swimming program at the TC is one of the best in the state. The swim team has over 200 swimmers. There is a joke that all the moms want their kids to do swim team so they can watch Tommy do his magic on the kids (and their eyes).

Today about half of Peters class had to take a bathroom break. This really irked Tommy. He started yelling at the parents: "Parents, it is common sense, make your kid go to the bathroom before class!" Then he looked around and noticed no one was listening, so he repeated it even louder to the parents, and this time added "This is not a bathroom party, this is a swimming class!"

He is really cute with the kids though.

Maggie and I decided spur of the moment to sign her up for diving lessons. So glad we did! Her first day she did a back dive. She is having a blast.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Long Weekend

Who remembers such a chilly 4th of July weekend?
We headed up to Oakley where it was even colder.

Our favorite past time-swimming.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


4th of July
(or 3rd of July)
Breakfast & Parade

Writing letters to the troops.

Maggie's Birthday parties!

w/100 year old Nana

Her first American Girl Doll.
She named it Clairice.
Grandma says that is a black name,
Steve says it is little too "Silence of the Lambs."