Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have A LOT of swimsuits! A LOT. I love them. I never get dressed in the summer, unless you count putting a swimsuit on as getting dressed. I live in them. I have racing suits, tankini's, bikini's just for Steve, one piece suits, and tube top suits. When it comes to swimsuit styles I am a master of every domain.

The swimsuit topic came up on our way home from the gym. My (hot body workout) friend, obviously wears a bikini. She was telling us about her upcoming boating trip with her parents. Cory (our teacher) asked her what suit she was going to wear, and if she had an appropriate one to wear with her parents on board. Then he told her "You better borrow one from Sarah". Assuming that since I am LDS I wear modest swimsuit. I laughed and lifted up my shirt to show him the results of laying out in my swimsuit "just for Steve". My tummy is still recovering days later.
If you would like to hear my soapbox on LDS women and swimsuits I will include it in the end notes.

Today, another swimsuit, another story. I was teaching swimming lessons in a suit like this.
Actually (big surprise) I own this suit too.
I never teach swimming in a suit like this since kids tend to pull on your suit when they get scared. But all my students are past that point, and I felt safe.
My lovely friend Megan, told the older girls they should race me. Oh fine. I gave them a head start and pushed off the wall hard. Yowzers! Down went my suit. Lovely that a Dad happened to be in attendance today as well.

Lesson learned: there is a suit for every situation. And this was not a suit for racing!

Swimsuit soapbox
I guess you could call me a liberal Mormon. I believe the church is true. I have a strong testimony of it. But when it comes to swimsuits and workout attire, I don't quite fit into the mold of the typical members opinion. Maybe it is because I grew up in the pool. Who knows.

Last December there was an article in the Wasatch Woman magazine about a mom who stayed it top physical shape. Read for yourself. I was amazed at the comments that were written. Brutal.
All coming from people of my own faith. We are taught to be nonjudgmental, but when it comes to swimsuits and workout attire apparently all bets are off. Women are harsh with other women.

Your swimsuit is what you wear to the pool, not the mall, not out to dinner--THE POOL. If you wear a bikini it does not mean you are a tramp. Women should be proud of their bodies and teach their daughters that too. Maybe more women should have "Just for husband suits" one friend told me it will help your sex life. And OMgosh, she was LDS too!

In the end, the type of swimsuit a women wears is up to her, and what she feels comfortable in.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Swim meet 6-21-10

Feeding the fish @ cabin

Luke and Maggie had been fighting all day.
Steve told them they had to hold hands the rest of the time at the cabin.
Maggie was thrilled, jumped over to Luke in no time, and grabbed his hand.
Luke however, was not as happy...pure torture, and holding back tears.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

Dear Dad,

I hope you have a great fathers day. I have fun when I go places with you. Like when we went to lass Vegas or to the BYU Bookstore with you. I love having you as a dad. You are the best dad ever. We should go on more trips together. I have a lot of fun with you all the time. You are the best dad ever!

Your son Lucas

Happy fathers day dad. I love the way you russoel with us. I have loved you for a dad. I just wish we could play with you more often. I know you steel love me even if I make a rong choise. You are the best dad in the world. You are so so so so good dad. I love the way you just are. You are so nice dad. I love you so so so so so so so so so much.

Love, Your doter Maggie.

I asked Peter to tell me about his dad, this is his story...
Steven Dunham is my dad.
Makes me laugh when he makes funny faces.
I like playing slip with a blanket, and
playing catch, but you throw the ball too far away from
me, and Boom-Crash!
Dad likes to eat burritos.
At the swimming pool, he sinks to the
black stuff, and he is like a little tinny baby.

Q & A w/Rachel.
What is your daddy name? "Dad Steven"
What does dad like to do? "Dad Dunham"
What does he like to eat? "Strawberries"
Who does daddy love? "Me Ray Ray, Yes!"
Who do you like to tuck you in? "Dad."

Mom is glad that dad is the favorite,
because it is him that Rachel calls for
in the middle of the night.

Happy Fathers Day Steve.
There is nothing more attractive than a man who loves
his children and values the role of fatherhood.
Which is exactly what you do!
I love listening to the kids squeal with
laughter when you play together.
And this weekend I am so glad
you were home for the two head injuries that occurred.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

US Postal Service vs. Animal Control

A couple weeks ago my dog bit the mail carrier. I thought I handled it ok, but it ended up throwing me over the edge with stress. After many dealings with both the postal service and animal control, I have come to a realization: I am not a fan of the US Postal Service and Animal Control gets a bad rap.

For about the past nine months we have had an older woman deliver our mail. She is not friendly, and hates dogs. She will not deliver your mail if you are outside with your dog, if you are holding your dog, or even if your dog is on a leash. It is a big fat NO! She has been the topic of many conversations around the neighborhood, at play groups and at mother-get-together's. No one has nice things to say about her and she is notorious with people who own dogs.

Lucky for me she was not delivering my mail the day of June 3rd, when my dog decided to bite the substituting mail carrier.

Our mail has been piling up at the post office and we finally went to pick it up today. The clerk told us we did not need to get a mail box on the curb if this was our first offense. So we made the call. They immediately knew who we were, and were not friendly in the least. They did not want to listen to what we had to say, or our concerns. The manager even told us, we were lucky that she was such a new carrier and inexperienced, for if she knew better we would be in a lot more trouble.

By no means do I think what Max did is alright. I am embarrassed and much more attentive now. But the post office treats us like we are second class citizens, and I am required to get a mailbox on the curb that is going to put me out a min. of $100. Not really in my budget, or did I want it to be in my budget.

Contrast this to my experience with animal control:

Previous I always had a negative taste or impression, but after this experience, I have nothing but respect for the department. The first man I dealt with was so compassionate, understanding, informative, and helpful. He offered information about where I could get shots at a much cheaper rate. I had many questions for him, and through our conversations it came out that he did not agree with how the post office handles the problem with animals. Interesting.

Then just yesterday I noticed the animal control truck outside my home again. Great, what have I done this time? I was nervous but for no reason. The visit was to make sure everything was fine with Max, and to let me know that he was now off quarantine. She sat down on the porch with me and Max, where we visited for ten minutes or so. She was very sympathetic to my cause and understood what I was going through. She had a dog bite someone as well. When the post office came up she rolled her eyes. Again interesting.

It is hard to feel sorry for an agency that is going through financial turmoil, when you are treated so poorly from them. I believe the post office has self inflicted problems. They act like they are a monopoly, which sadly they kind of are, and that you can take it or leave it, when it comes to their service. I feel like leaving it. We are trying to do most our bills online. And with the trend of going green, shouldn't that mean less mail being delivered? If we get less mail, why pay more? But in the end, I am sure we will be digging a hole and placing a tacky mailbox on our curb. Maybe they should make everyone do this. It would save time, thus money, and any potential encounters with dogs.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Ensign Peak & changed feelings

On the agenda today-hike Ensign Peak.
Before we left however, Luke found his old scriptures in a lovely green case and gave them to Peter. Peter was ecstatic. "Mom, I am so excited to go to school, I mean the other place, and take these scriptures. My feelings are gone now!"
You may notice in these plethora of pictures that Peter brought his scriptures on the hike with us!
Every person we passed was told, by Peter, that he was on a hike and brought his scriptures along. We received a lot of snickers, but mostly people were super cute with him.
When we reached the top, he unzipped the bag, and started reading, or pondering, or whatever three year olds do with scriptures.
Maybe I do have a future missionary in Peter.

As soon as we pulled up to the trail head, I realized I had forgotten the hiking backpack. No worries this tough little two year old plugged right along and insisted on doing this steep hike on her own. Thats my girl!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Summer is...
a)dog pilling ontop of dad!

b) chaining Peter and Rachel up to a bball hoop,
and feeding them water and snacks.
This creative little activity engaged the kids for over an hour!

c) Relaxing in the grass-country style!

Summer also includes:
d) whinning for mom to take you to the park.
e)@ the drive through Peter yells to the clerk "Hey you dumb lard!"
f)lots of blood, cuts and scrapes.
g)the very popular question "What are we doing next?"
f) mom hiding for a quick minute to escape the chaos!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Petes must have accessories

Sunglasses and Snow Boots!
Pete can be seen wearing these daily.

Peter: "Mom, did you know that I hate church?"
Mom: "Yes, I pretty much knew that.
But, what is it that makes you not like chuch buddy?"
Peter:" My feelings make me feel that way."

*If you look closely,(at the picture) you can see the new window box Steve built me and hung! It is a great touch.

Friday, June 4, 2010

When your dog bites the mail carrier, you get a scarlet letter

Who knew? Who knew that my split second decisions would end up causing such a mess? Who knew that the dog we have had for a year would without even barking, would bite the mail carrier? Who knew that when this scenario plays out you are branded for life, with what I feel is a Scarlet Letter? Who knew?

A new frozen yogurt eatery in our neighborhood was having a grand opening, and offering free frozen yogurt. A group was going and I got sidetracked and remembered I needed to pick up Maggie and her friend who were walking home from school. They would be almost home by this point, so I jumped in my car, leaving my side door open and drove literally down the street to pick them up.

When I returned I saw an unfamiliar mail carrier standing on one leg talking on her cell phone, on the sidewalk in front of my house. Luke says she is faking it, and rides away on his bike. In the meantime I have a million kids in my backyard, and a neighbor wanting to tour my basement, not to mention phone calls galore.

The mail carrier finally comes over to me, and tells me what has transpired. I am shocked and mortified that my dog would do such a thing. I offer a million apologies, first aide, drinks, cookies, maybe gold fish crackers. I finally talked her into a water. Her leg is gashed and bleeding.

We wait, and wait, and wait. What the heck am I suppose to do? In the meantime the kids are begging to leave for yogurt.

Her supervisor shows up, very unsympathetic to her, and tells her she has until 6:00 to finish her route. Well that was the just of it.

Then animal control came. The mail carrier filled out papers, and then it was my turn.
At this point another friend shows up to drop off her daughter. She looks at the animal control guy and says "Is my friend in trouble?" as she puts her arm around me. "Yes, she is going to jail!" I knew he was joking, but my friend let out a gasp. She testified for me that I am a good person and left.

Turns out, Max was not licenced. He was (licenced) in St. George, but not here, so it does not count. His rabbi es shot expired 2 weeks ago, and he is quarantined to the house for 10 days. Now Luke can not take him for pet day, and he will miss his much needed grooming appointment.

And to top it off we now have to put a mailbox on our curb. You have got to be kidding me. My heart sunk. My pride diminished. I do not want that, and felt immediately like I had just received the scarlet letter placed on my chest. No mail until it is up. Steve is in no hurry, he sees no need for receiving the mail. Maybe he could fix the post office deficit with his attitude?

After 2 hours of that mess, I had girls antsy to go, and had at this point missed out on going with friends. We get our free yogert and no one likes it. Great, just, great. Back in the car and off to Maverik where I know everyone will be happy.

What a day!

**Side notes**
-The mail carrier was filling in for someone on our street, and had only had this job for 2 months.
-It was field day at the kids school. Maggie did not have hardly enough water, and was sick with heat exhaustion all night.
-The mail carrier waved her right to give me a citation and fine. The animal control guy says he has never seen that happen before. Ever. One good thing that came out of it. Wait actually there were two things. Today Steve brought me home chocolate covered fruit for handeling so well and despite being sick myself.

Now what to do with this damn dog? Steve says we will call him Cujo.

I hate to be mad, he was only protecting Rachel who was inside sleeping. I must say I am conforted to know that he will attack if someone threatened us.