As I have been experiencing trials in my life as of late, I have relied heavily on prayers to God. I recognize his hand in my life. He has a plan for me, that I don't necessarily understand, but know that he does.
Gods hands are in everything good on this earth. They are everywhere we look. I love this song by George Straight. Take a listen below. "I know he is there, but I don't look near as often as I should, yeah, I know I should. His fingerprints are everywhere, I just slow down to stop and stare, opened my eyes, and man I swear, I saw God today."
This is where I have noticed God this week--
*The early stages of the sun rising and lighting up the peeks of the mountains.
I saw God today
*Rachel looking at Maggie in admiration while rubbing her back.
I saw God today
*An older gentleman taking his daily walk, picking up trash along the way.
I saw God today
*Peter asking if I would like a hug.
I saw God today
* My kids wonderful church teachers. They are all so great and provide different strengths. I feel incredibly blessed for Maggie's teacher. Maggie was moved down an age group in Primary in order to help out a struggling friend (who sadly enough does not come any more). I think there was another reason she was moved, that no one could have foreseen. Her teacher, a single lady in the neighborhood, is beyond wonderful. Maggie has learned so much from her lessons, her love and friendship, that I am forever indebted to her.
I saw God today
*My kids running around the yard with butterfly nets in hand. Pure happiness is on their faces.
I saw God today
*People serving others: A plate of cookies dropped off on my side door placed between dirty diapers, a thank you note in my mail box, a friend aerating our lawn at no charge.
I saw God today
*A lady at the grocery store who smiled at my troubles with ill behaved children, and gave me words of encouragement.
I saw God today
*A scout master who dedicates so much time and love for the boys he loves and program he so strongly believes in.
I saw God today
*Spring flowers and blossoms in bloom everywhere, along with green grass.
I saw God today
*Rachel carrying her baby doll around the house.
I saw God today
*My sweet Peters white legs, lined with bruises.
I saw God today
*My husbands job being spared (for now at least.) As I prayed for my husband and our families future, I felt a calming spirit come over me. I felt the Lord was telling me to go on with life, not to stress, and everything would be alright. I later learned Steve's boss was praying too. Deciding if she should stay at home with her children. My family is a beneficiary of her prayers being answered. She decided to resign her post. A job that she has so much talent in-a true leap of faith.
I saw God today
I would love to know where you have seen God this week in your life...

I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you.
D&C 84:88