Monday, May 31, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

Rachel and I found ourselves standing in line at Costco, behind a Cowboy. He was wearing the whole sha-bang! Rachel points and starts singing "E-I-E-I-O! With a quack, quack here..."
Peter got a buzz cut, and looks so, so cute. I asked him, "Who is this cute little kid?", and he answered with, "I am still Peter, but I am missing my style!"
Just realized I did not have a picture of him with his new cut--so I tip-toed down stairs.
We have taken a couple of short trips, and can not keep up on the house work. Packing, unpacking, laundry, and cleaning up mess after mess. I looked at Steve and told him I felt like crying because of the mess. Peter, who was sitting on Steve's lap, looks around the room, and then at me, and says, "I wouldn't cry about that!"
Peter had his last day of Preschool last week. So sad for me and him. The teacher had a field day in her backyard with various activities. When we picked Pete up, Rachel jumped into the swimming pool full of balls. When she stood up her diaper fell off, AND IT WAS LOADED! I was so embarrassed!

The gal to Pete's left is Ireland.
She would be his favorite!
Does this picture tell you how much Pete loved preschool and his teacher?
And where is this kids mom?

Who wants to come over for dinner?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I am never going to pray for you again!

Luke said the family prayer before bed last night. He prayed for Maggie in her upcoming dance recital. I opened an eye, and saw a huge smile come across her face. After the prayer I told Luke how nice that was of him to pray for his sister. Maggie agreed and wanted to give him a kiss. Luke did not want a kiss and made it clear that he was never going to pray for her again.

I am biased, but think my daughter is beautiful and a great dancer!

This is how Luke looked throughout the
whole recital.
So excited to be in attendance (insert sarcasm).

We had a busy day, and I told Maggie I was
sorry that I did not have time to buy her flowers.
"That is ok, my dad will remember and bring some for me."
Apparently she has A LOT to learn about her dad!

Then the next thing I know she hands me a bushel of flowers
from our yard.
"Here are some flowers for you to give me tonight."
How can I be mad at that? How sweet that she picked her own flowers.

I guess she gave up on her dad surprising her with flowers.
Yeah, smart girl. I gave up long ago as well.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Welcome Home

After a weekend in the sunny southern part of Utah, we woke up to this!

Words can not explain how much I dislike this weather.
We have a narrow driveway with no workable garage.
Thus, I step in a deep puddle of water to get into the car.
Did I mention I always wear flip flops?
When I open the car door, the snow that has piled on my car
then lands on my seat.

Today I think I will stay in PJs
all day and finish my book!

That sounds nice!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

St. George weekend

Just like brother.
Luke is quite the swimmer. Peter is not, but thinks that he is.
Being the great brother, Luke has literally saved this kid a couple of times
in the pool.
Peter is oblivious, and just keeps going. Fear is not in his vocabulary.

We met my brothers newest addition for the first time.
He is so cute. I quickly traded my baby for a smaller one.

I loved this cute "little" Noah.
I think it made Steve and my sister in law nervous,
that I held him for so long!

Took a hike, hoping to catch a lizard.
Which Steve did, but did not know it.
"Dad caught a lizard!"
"I am trying, I am trying," Steve called back.
Steve looks into his net, "Oh, how bout that!"

Bathing Beauty #1
Bathing Beauty #2
You think I loved holding this little guy,
Rachel was in heaven.
And the guy who made this all possible!
Does it look like he is crippled?
Maybe sitting in a wheelchair?
Just sayin'. Actually he said it first.

Monday, May 17, 2010


It was Smores night @ the Dunhams this Sunday.
I guess we need smore practice...

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Tonight was girls night out. That is what it turned into at least. I wanted to go watch my friend in her first roller derby match, and for the life of me could not find one person to go with. So Maggie was brought along, and sold on the story that it was a special night for us.

Tricia is the last person on the left. Super cool!

Kids get in free for roller derby bouts. I think because it scars them for life. These guys were spotted as we walked in, and Maggie wanted to go home immediately.

My anticipated activity for the night ended earlier than I thought. I was bummed.
We then headed over to Gateway hoping to catch a movie. No such luck. We were stuck in the parking lot for 35 minutes and never found a parking spot. I started to cry.

We ended up at the dollar theatres watching "The Tooth Fairy" movie. You know, the one with "The Rock". Oh shoot me now! I guess it serves me right for taking her to the roller derby bout. Halfway through the movie she turned to me and said "I am having so much fun with you tonight, I am glad your my mom." Then I cried again.

Friday, May 14, 2010


The best part of Mothers Day was the cards that the kids made for me. I had been told about them ALL week, and that they were hidden in their bedrooms.

Nothing like kids waking up early, remembering it is Mothers Day, finding their treasures, and approaching me with shy smiles while hiding their notes behind their backs. So cute, and I loved it.

Here is a snip-it of the letters I received:

My Mom
by Maggie
My mom has green eyes and black hair. She is nice. She knows how to make spaghetti. She can make mizithra. I love her name, her name is Sarah. She loves roses. I do too. She always has a coke in her hand. My mom has a crush on, aaaaaaaaaaaa, Steve-the monkey in the movie, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. That made me laugh. She is silly. My mom has a lot of friends. I do too. My mom loves me. I know how to make her laugh. My mom is funny. My mom is the best mom in the world. My mom almost every night has a salad for dinner. My mom is cute. My mom loves Steve!

Dear Mom,
You are the best! You help me with cleaning my room, finding books to read, finding things to do in the summer. I have a lot of fun with you. The best part is swimming with you. You can swim so well. I think it is cool that you and Rachel share the same birthday. I think we should go somewhere, just me and you. I bet you could beat me in a swimming race. You are really fast when it comes to swimming. I have so much fun with you in the summer. I hope you have the best mothers day this year.
Love, Luke

These were great to receive and made my day! Maggie is also into drawing a portrait of my face.

Steve is making me an awesome flower box for my big window. I wish the weather would cooperate, so we can hurry up and finish it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Luke is on the swim team!

"Welcome to swim team. We start on time, we end on time. Swimmers are to be here at 4:15, now lets get started!"
That is what we heard as we arrived to our first day of swim team, and I was thinking we were early.

They did not mess around at all. The kids were put to work immediately. The main coach asked an assistant coach for a warm up. She said "400 touch and pulls". That is 16 laps for you non swimmers. I started to freak out, thinking this was for all levels. As I started to walk over to voice my opinion, another coach started laughing and said "We want these kids to come back." And with that the warm up was changed to something much more doable for the first day of workout.
Luke did so well. He swam laps for an hour straight, and looked strong. I think he is going to do great!
I must say that I was in heaven watching him swim. I loved the atmosphere and quickly remembered why swimming is my true love.
Prior to this workout I was nervous for Luke. I now know he will be fine. It is me I am worried about now. It looks like a lot of swim moms from hell. I was ignored, and approached equally. When talked to, it was to ask if I would chair a committee! We will see...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

36 plus months of pregnancy...

...Resulted in the outcome of this.
Am I the luckiest mom ever?
"In these last days it is essential—even critical—that parents and children listen to and learn from one another."
Elder M. Russell Ballard

Mothers Day 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

I saw God today

As I have been experiencing trials in my life as of late, I have relied heavily on prayers to God. I recognize his hand in my life. He has a plan for me, that I don't necessarily understand, but know that he does.

Gods hands are in everything good on this earth. They are everywhere we look. I love this song by George Straight. Take a listen below. "I know he is there, but I don't look near as often as I should, yeah, I know I should. His fingerprints are everywhere, I just slow down to stop and stare, opened my eyes, and man I swear, I saw God today."

This is where I have noticed God this week--

*The early stages of the sun rising and lighting up the peeks of the mountains.
I saw God today
*Rachel looking at Maggie in admiration while rubbing her back.
I saw God today
*An older gentleman taking his daily walk, picking up trash along the way.
I saw God today
*Peter asking if I would like a hug.
I saw God today
* My kids wonderful church teachers. They are all so great and provide different strengths. I feel incredibly blessed for Maggie's teacher. Maggie was moved down an age group in Primary in order to help out a struggling friend (who sadly enough does not come any more). I think there was another reason she was moved, that no one could have foreseen. Her teacher, a single lady in the neighborhood, is beyond wonderful. Maggie has learned so much from her lessons, her love and friendship, that I am forever indebted to her.
I saw God today
*My kids running around the yard with butterfly nets in hand. Pure happiness is on their faces.
I saw God today
*People serving others: A plate of cookies dropped off on my side door placed between dirty diapers, a thank you note in my mail box, a friend aerating our lawn at no charge.
I saw God today
*A lady at the grocery store who smiled at my troubles with ill behaved children, and gave me words of encouragement.
I saw God today
*A scout master who dedicates so much time and love for the boys he loves and program he so strongly believes in.
I saw God today
*Spring flowers and blossoms in bloom everywhere, along with green grass.
I saw God today
*Rachel carrying her baby doll around the house.
I saw God today
*My sweet Peters white legs, lined with bruises.
I saw God today
*My husbands job being spared (for now at least.) As I prayed for my husband and our families future, I felt a calming spirit come over me. I felt the Lord was telling me to go on with life, not to stress, and everything would be alright. I later learned Steve's boss was praying too. Deciding if she should stay at home with her children. My family is a beneficiary of her prayers being answered. She decided to resign her post. A job that she has so much talent in-a true leap of faith.
I saw God today

I would love to know where you have seen God this week in your life...

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you.
D&C 84:88

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The apple does not fall far

Maybe I am just grasping on for any hope, but I really think Rachel is starting to look like me.
I told Steve this the other day, and he gave me a blank stare. After a moment he answered with, "well, if you mean that you both have chubby cheeks, then I can see it."

Chubby cheeks and diet coke are both pretty awesome!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I have a great job

Being a mother is a great job! I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my children, and it benefits me as much as them.

As the kids are making new friends at school, they are going to new houses, many that are much, much larger than ours. Their eyes get big with envy and ask why we don't have such a luxury. I tell them I would have to go back to work. Luke and Maggie get nervous looks and admit that it is not such a great option.

I love these videos of the kids. Rachel has been given a nickname. Even Luke's scoutmaster, who also works in the nursery with Rachel calls her this.

I like that she has to preface it with, "It's me."

In our home we need to say an opening prayer and a closing prayer. Not because we are overly righteous or anything, but because Peter insists on saying a prayer. His prayers are full of nonsense along with random wishes, and they always include something about cheese.
Thus we feel it is important to have another prayer while he is still learning. Here is a sneak peak at one of his prayers. (I apologize for the camera work-I had to sneak in the camera so he would not notice.)

I have a testimony of prayer. That Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.
I was lucky enough to be in Nursery last week when they gave the lesson. This cute woman told the story of Jesus healing the 10 lepers, and only one of them said thank you. I was touched by this story and thought how typical it is as humans to ask and ask, but to never thank our Heavenly Father. I am going to try and do better.

I gave the same lesson for Family Home Evening. I asked the kids if they knew what a leper was. They described them as short people that wear green. Confused with a leprechaun.