Peter can be the sweetest and most loving child around, but his middle name should be "trouble."
His middle name is Steven, so theoretically, it is one and the same.
I took the younger kids with me to Harmons. Peter kept wandering off and Rachel would follow. It was all I could do just to contain Rachel. I thought Peter would learn this lesson best if I let him get lost and scared, rather than chasing him. The only person who became scared was me! The minutes kept ticking away and Peter was nowhere to be found. Actually, that is not all true. At first I would catch a glimpse of him a couple aisles away and he would squeal and run even further.
After a "undetermined" amount of time, (undetermined-because you will judge me) I went to ask for help from the produce guys. They were in the process of calling in a "Code Adam", when I spotted the little dude. I asked them to watch Rachel and I took off full speed. As I gained on him, I noticed he was carrying something under his arm, like a football. It was a cantaloupe!
Once I got the heck out of dodge, I headed straight for a cheeseburger and Diet Coke. I now know, I eat when I am stressed!
The picture above describes Peter during the entire process. He never gets sad, or feels bad. He just laughs at you!
By the end of the day he asked me a riveting question. "Does Fat Lard mean your stupid?" I did not know how to respond, and don't believe that their is any good answer for that! Thank you Napoleon Dynamite for teaching my child that phrase!