Thursday, April 29, 2010


Peter can be the sweetest and most loving child around, but his middle name should be "trouble."
His middle name is Steven, so theoretically, it is one and the same.
As we walked in the door from the grocery store, Peter told Luke, "Mom is very angry with me!" What mom wouldn't be after this happened:

I took the younger kids with me to Harmons. Peter kept wandering off and Rachel would follow. It was all I could do just to contain Rachel. I thought Peter would learn this lesson best if I let him get lost and scared, rather than chasing him. The only person who became scared was me! The minutes kept ticking away and Peter was nowhere to be found. Actually, that is not all true. At first I would catch a glimpse of him a couple aisles away and he would squeal and run even further.

After a "undetermined" amount of time, (undetermined-because you will judge me) I went to ask for help from the produce guys. They were in the process of calling in a "Code Adam", when I spotted the little dude. I asked them to watch Rachel and I took off full speed. As I gained on him, I noticed he was carrying something under his arm, like a football. It was a cantaloupe!

Once I got the heck out of dodge, I headed straight for a cheeseburger and Diet Coke. I now know, I eat when I am stressed!

The picture above describes Peter during the entire process. He never gets sad, or feels bad. He just laughs at you!

By the end of the day he asked me a riveting question. "Does Fat Lard mean your stupid?" I did not know how to respond, and don't believe that their is any good answer for that! Thank you Napoleon Dynamite for teaching my child that phrase!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh what a night!

At 5:30 last night I told the kids to turn off the television.
"Please, can we just watch the Brady Bunch?"
I relented, and just as the theme song started, the power to the house went off.
I don't mind the power going off, especially when it helps with getting the TV off, and gets me out of making dinner.
After a stop at Arby's we went from Grandparent to Grandparents house. Just to pass the time. Sounded like a good idea at the time, until we came home to a dark house. In no time at all Luke had rounded up some flashlights. If you call them flashlights. At first I thought it was funny, and we took some pictures.
Then I realized that we were in trouble. What a sorry group of people.
Check out what we had to use as light.
Small random flashlights that put off limited light, key chains from Vinh's auto repair, a Tinker Bell twirly from Disneyland, a ball that when you hit it-lights up, Handy Manny flashlight (you can see this in the top picture, where Rachel is holding it up like the Statue of Liberty) and other random light up toys.
I think this is a wake up call for us to get our 72 hour kits ready.
And why does something like this always happen when Steve is working late?
Steve walked in the door at 10:30, and shortly after the power came back.

Luckily homework was done before the power went out.
But Maggie wanted to read in the dark!

Monday, April 26, 2010


enjoying the weather.
Where ever Peter is--Rachel is right beside.

*Peterism of the day: (runs in the house holding his bottom) "Mom, it feels like a pineapple is coming out of my butt! It is big and pokey." Quite the analogy for a 3 year old.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Simple Gratitudes of the Day

Knowledge that I have a loving Heavenly Father: that his love includes tender mercies, hope, answered prayers, and a calming spirit of comfort.

Four healthy and beautiful children. They are SO much work, and I have been falling asleep early this week because of them. But, they bring a tremendous amount of joy to me daily.

A house. I personally think we have outgrown our house-it is small. I still love it and am grateful for it. It is a home full of love.

My husband. Who comes home from work and is immediately thrown back to work with household duties. He recognizes the need of his presence with the children, and has taken some pretty hard tackles from Peter as of late.

Running. Although I love exercising in general, Running will always be my favorite. I am grateful for a healthy body that can keep up, with my fast running partner. She is crazy strong!

Wonderful School Teachers. I feel so lucky to have such great school teachers for my children.

Hulu & Modern Family. We are to busy to watch prime time television, and have to find time late at night or on weekends to watch our favorite shows. Our favorite is Modern Family. I laugh out loud at this show. I love shows that make me laugh since it helps me forget about life's troubles.

Support of friends and family. The love everyone has shown us these last couple of months is so appreciated. It is like people knew exactly when we needed some lifting up! Thank you to all! x0x0

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hiking weather

Oh, I think it would be like living in heaven,
if we had this type of weather, every day of the year.

Today I have already been on two hikes. Rachel rode in the backpack this morning while Peter was at school. She loved it as much as I did, and cried when I took her out of the carrier.

When we picked up Peter from school he was very jealous. So we agreed to take him on one as well. However, this one was more like a nature walk-complete with peeing on a tree.

Don't be deceived.
On the car ride home these kids fight like cats and dogs.
Peter told Rachel, "I am going to squeeze your arm like a lemon!"

Just because you must be dying to know-my pet peeves about hiking: First off the trails I have been running and hiking on for years and years, are being taken over by buildings. I would never consider myself a supporter of the Sierra Club, but the open spaces are disappearing and it is so sad.
The other thing that irks me is the bikers you have to share the trail with. They act like they are Gods gift. Today four bikers had just finished their ride and were sitting in their truck talking, with their bikes and gear, all piled behind my van. I politely stepped over them and put Rachel in the car. They still did not move their bikes. So I started my car. Still nothing. I bet you have guessed by now they were men. So typical (wink, wink). Do I really have to ask them to move their bikes and bodies when it is blatantly obvious that I need to back up? Apparently.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Peter show

See this funny dude--he is a handful, and makes me tired! Imagine that!

Yesterday I took my two sons to Target. Peter threw a fit over the fact that I would not buy him a toy. The fit got bigger and louder and multiplied by the minute. He would pick up displays of items and throw them on the floor. Luke took over pushing the cart and I carried Peter. Then he started throwing punches at me. I was on my way to the check out when I was approached by a manager. While she tried to help calm Peter down, he looked at her picked up items in the cart and threw them across the aisle. That is when I was told by the manager that "this shopping trip might be best resumed tomorrow." Hint taken.

Earlier in the day we had walked down the street to cheer for friends running the half marathon. As I was scanning the crowd, I turn to notice Peter, who is throwing seeds and sticks at the runners. I scolded him and he in turn said, "I am sick of this running show anyway."

And to top it off my back is still sore from the following Peter stunt. Friday was our schools big Art Fundraiser night. I was going back and forth all day with projects and setting up. On one particular trip, I decided to pull the little kids in the wagon. They were still in their flannel pj's and playing with Nerf guns. As we turned off the school grounds, Peter climbs out of the wagon and sprints down 2700 South. Full speed ahead. In pj's, holding a Nerf gun and crossing street after street without looking. I could be seen running after him dragging Rachel inside the wagon behind me. For the life of me, I could not catch him. I am sure I looked like the crazy lady running down the street waving and yelling at my child who is blocks ahead of me.

Oh the life with Peter. But I do love him.

Nice aim my boy has.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maggie's Journal

I should have learned my lesson about reading kids journals. When I was growing up my brothers read my journal. Inside they found that I had snooped for the Christmas gifts, found them, and wrote down what everyone was getting. Of course they turned into tattle-tales and told my mom. Guess who got in trouble? ME! Not the "heavenly" boys who were reading their sisters journal. I remember being dropped off from babysitting and my mom standing on the front porch waiting for me. The family said "Looks like your in trouble!" Yes I was.

This however is Maggie's journal from school. Fair game I say. This entry made me laugh.

"I know alot abot Luke. Frst of all he vots for BYU. Next of all he lise. Next he hats me! Next he plays to much. I think he is cut. I love hem. He is wierd. Last he's in love with Alexis."

The picture pretty much cracks me up, with thoughts coming out of Luke's head: I'm cute, Maggie wird, lie, byu, I want to play alot.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pinewood Derby

A couple weeks back was the Pinewood Derby. Luke had so much anticipation for this event, and as a family we were excited for him. Luke invited everyone to come and watch. Including his school teacher.
He had designed his own car--he wanted a semi truck. These were the competitors.
Most everyone who reads this, already knows the outcome of the night. It was disappointing, thus the reason I have put off posting pictures.
Luke lost every single race. More specifically, his car barely made it down the track. I turning to Steve with a look that said "do something!" All we could do was reassure a very discouraged child. With each race lost, his head hung lower and he sunk deeper into his seat.
It got so bad that a socially-inept father yelled out- "Somebody do something about that car!"
After the night was over, Luke started looking toward next year, and his plans. I am also coming up with plans. Like asking the guy pictured above, Stan, who built the track for a little bit of help! ;-)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mommy said a naughty

It is not a news flash. I let a swear word or two slip every now and then. At lunch the other day with some ladies, one of them told how she swore and all her kids were flabbergasted. I laughed and said that my kids probably would not even flinch.

Flash forward to today carpooling some kids plus mine, home from a fun birthday party. The car in front of me decided to come to a complete stop at the off ramp, even though their is not even a need to yield, let alone stop. I had to slam on my breaks and out came the word!

Then I remembered I had other peoples kids in my car. "I am so sorry, so so sorry guys, I said a bad word. I am really sorry!" Maggie pipes up first and says "Did you say G-O-D?" She is obsessed with this word, trying to figure out why we do not use it, but we can use it in a song.

"NO!" I make it perfectly clear that was not the word.
Then the boy (W) asks "Then what word did you say?"
I am thinking I dodged a bullet. This child has lived in the neighborhood for a shorter amount of time and the family is super nice but also more conservative.
I quickly found out, No bullet dodged.
Boy (S) shouts, "She said the "Sh.." word.
Deep breath.

I drop off the kids and talk to boy S's mom first. She laughs and laughs. She completely understood. When her husband first had his stroke those were the only words he could say.

Boy W's mom however was forgiving yet I think very surprised. "Well that is the first time he has ever heard that word. He was going to be introduced to it sooner or later I guess!"

What? Now I feel even worse!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I looked out the window.....

And what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!

As I was relaxing in the hot tub this morning with the kids, I looked up and saw this beautiful sight. My kids were not as excited, "We have already seen that mom", Maggie said with a little snoot in her voice.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Where's Max?

It snowed, and snowed, and snowed at the cabin. No one seemed to care, since it was beautiful! As we packed up to leave, we locked the door to the cabin, and the family started walking down the road to where our car was parked. Steve asked "where is Max?" No one knew. So we went back to the cabin and unlocked the door. There he was--inside, just waiting to be rescued.
I think that must have been Max's worst nightmare!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter morning 2010

We awoke to over 4 inches of freshly fallen snow!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Snow bunnies

Happy Easter

Morning Brunch & Egg Hunt @ Grandma's.

Then off to the cabin, for flying dogs,
digging with spatula's and snow ball fights!

This Easter day, I know Jesus Christ is our Savior, he is the Son of God, and will be our advocate. I know that I belong to his church on earth today. That he speaks through his apostles today just as he did in his earthly life. How wonderful to have General Conference on this Easter weekend. I watched some of it streamed online here at the cabin, and listened to the Latter Day apostles. The messages they delivered are true & timely, and will help us to become more Christlike.