Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blustery Day

The kids were begging to go fly a kite.
Why not? It was a very windy day.
Yet, the outing turned out different than I anticipated.
Take a look.

Upon arrival, Peters bandage fell off,
and the wind on an open wound did not help matters.

Spent the whole time unraveling
the kids from the kite string.

At least a couple of the kids had fun.
Luke worked hard designing his kite.
However, he was so disappointed it did
not fly very well.
Go figure!

Most of the time, Maggie was in
her own little world,
smiling and giggling.
I was doing the same thing...yet I
was smiling and giggling at her stupidity.
I think we need a lesson in kite flying 101.

While Maggie was taking this picture of
me (below) trying to console the little ones,
Luke informed me that Grandma offered
to help with this outing.
Information a little late in the coming Luke!
Seriously! How does one get so tangled?
I had to shuffle up the hill with
the string around my ankles, while carrying
a sobbing child.
Peter was as frustrated as I was.
"This is going to take you forever to get off,
and I want to go home!"

Believe me child, I wanted to go home too!
I will never attempt this by myself AGAIN!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Good start to the week

Hello! I just crammed a whole ding dong in my mouth.
Who doesn't have a smile after consuming one of those,
with chocolate still stuck to the teeth?

Surprisingly enough, I love Mondays.

On Monday's I wake up before 5:00 and go running with a friend, then hit our favorite gym class. Or maybe our favorite gym teachers class. He really is the best. We walk home with him, and laugh at his crazy life stories. And then keep laughing about them the rest of the day.

Today we met up with some friends at a favorite park. We played for over two hours. The kids met a little boy dressed up as a Power Ranger, who was being watched by his Great-great Grandma. This great-great grandma ended up watching my kids too while I gabbed. Thanks granny.

And I catch Rachel getting medicine bottles out of the fridge hourly. She feels very left out. At meal time I have syringes lined up for the sick kids. Rachel cries and cries that their is not one for her. So (right or wrong) now I fill a syringe with strawberry milk just for her. And now she is happy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I have an angel on one shoulder, and the devil on the other

The lesson in Relief Society today was on a talk given by Ann M. Dibb called Hold On.
The instructor had each of us write down things that gave us fear/stress in our everyday life's. That was easy for me.

A story was told about workers in Ontario who were two weeks shy of ending a two year painting project. The men were painting a sky way bridge (125 ft. high) when the bridge gave way and four people fell to their death, while seven others hung their for an hour waiting to be rescued. Turns out the men had safety equipment and choose not to wear it.

We then thought about our stresses and fears and how they applied to this story. Did we feel like we were in a scary situation in our life? YES!

Some of peoples fears were read aloud for everyone to hear. This was hard for me to listen to. I would trade mine in a heartbeat. Are these people, and earthquake. Do they know what my stress is? It weighs on me minute by minute. Heavier and heavier as each day passes and as we still do not have answers.

A comment came up that we always have the companionship of the Holy Ghost helping us through this tough time. Another wise woman said "Yes, but we also always have the companionship of Satan trying to pull us down." BINGO! That is what I have been feeling lately.

I feel it so strongly. I feel one side of me telling me to have peace and hope and faith. And the other taking away all possibility of Hope; that their is not any good jobs out their for us, that the economy is bad, and that I will always live in poverty.

This may perhaps be one of the greatest talks ever given at General Conference. I love it. Here is a clip.

I know my trials and my life are not more important than others. I don't know what is going on in other's life's as they do not know what is going on in mine.

So many times I wanted to walk out of the classroom today. I am glad I didn't. It gave me perspective and a goal that I can do better. That there are many "things" (safety equipment) I can do to have more hope.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poor Guy

We noticed a blister on Peter's hand last night. Looked like a burn. We questioned him over and over, and reviewed our day and how this could have happened. We could not figure it out and all went to bed and forgot about it.

Today I took Peter to school and then shopping, he was sad and said his hand hurt. Not till we got home did I think to look at it. It had more than tripled in size.

My friend who works at PCMC stopped by and looked, and suggested I go into the doctors. So glad that I did. Turns out this dude had a staph infection. If I had let it go it would continue to grow and spread into his tissues and joints.

Peter was so brave. But shook his index finger in the doctors face and told him, "Don't you hurt my finger!"

With green gloves on, the nurse and doctor poked it open, and puss sprayed and dripped everywhere. Then they cut out all the extra skin and bandaged it up. Peter watched the whole transaction, like he was a surgeon in training. Then looked up at me with tears dripping down his face, and told me "I don't want to die, I am afraid to die." Oh, my sweet child.
You like how it is his middle finger?

I have been to the doctors office twice this week and we now have two kids on antibiotics. Maggie's prescription was only $14 dollars (for strep throat). Peters was $5o and needs to take it three times a day. Heavy duty stuff. Rachel throws herself on the floor in hysterics because she wants medicine like everyone else.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today is my husbands birthday. We have been celebrating it all week. I think I love it more than him. I have not had to cook dinner.

It is obvious what a great dad Steve is by the love and excitement the kids are having planning his special day. As soon as the kids woke up on Sunday they were making cards for him. I was awaken in bed and asked to sign one of them.

This is Maggie's. I love the slashes "/". Every name has a slash: Dad/Steve, Max/the Dog, Rachel/Little sister.

We will be celebrating tonight. Perhaps with his favorite cake. One of the ingredients requires you to be of legal age to buy. (Don't worry all my conservative friends, it cooks out!) The problem is deciding who is going to go buy the specific ingredient. We used to make this cake a lot in the earlier years of our marriage. When we moved, I was still in bed recovering from a C-section and could not help a ton. Steve's sister and my mom were packing up the kitchen when I heard laughter, whispers and giggles. Yes they had found our secret ingredient.....

Happy Birthday Steve!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Peter vs. Church

To put it simply, Peter does not like Church.
Now that he is three, he can no longer go play in the nursery for 2 hours. He has graduated to Primary, and does not like it, to say the least.

Here are some examples of Peter at Church:
  • on a couple occasions he has tried to walk home.
  • Cries and sobs loudly over the rest of the kids singing.
  • refuses to fold his arms.
  • sulks to the level that every woman that walks by him has a sympathetic look and comment.
  • gone back to nursery with much enjoyment.
  • takes off with little sister and found giggling on the elevator.
  • Refuses to look at his teachers. Folds arms (not for prayers) and hangs his head.
  • comes up with excuses and plans to avoid primary. Sometimes he is sick, sometimes he is going to the cabin.
  • Always wants mom. Steve says it is because I am a softy and give in. I say it is because I am an Awesome Mom!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Observation Day @ Maggie's Dance this week.
Her dance teacher is fun but very much all business.
When you walk into the building you can hear her yelling out the steps.
This is great for Maggie.
Her tap dance is to a Micheal Buble song. One of my favorite artists.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Heaven is...

Steve told me that nothing could be closer to Heaven than the frosting I made for the sugar cookies tonight.

I think the closest thing to Heaven is cuddling with a soft two year old after her nap. The security blanket joins us in our cuddles.

As Rachel was coloring at the table today she started to say "Pee-pee", over and over.
She got off her stool and walked to the bathroom.
Steve followed her and watched her lean against the toilet and lift up her shirt.
After a couple of seconds, she then walked away.
Can you tell who she has been watching?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Shortly after I returned home from my morning run I could hear the older kids wandering the house. Then Maggie walks into the bathroom where Steve is showering, and shouts "Happy St. Patrick's Day Dad." I then hear her fling open the shower curtain and try to pinch him. Which woke up Rachel.

My kids were confused why the leprechaun had not shown up yet. They reminded me that he usually left stamps on their faces, the toilet water green, and surprises in their beds. Oh yeah.

Luke took night vision binoculars to school to help spot the leprechaun.
Not sure how the night vision helped his cause.
Maggie was also wearing a different shade of green sweat pants,
and a green jacket.
On a normal day I would care-not today.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It amazes me how the sunshine and warmth can bring such happiness. I feel it, my kids feel it, and the world seems like a better place.
Soon after the kids were at school, Rachel's demands begun. She wanted to be pushed on the swing. Her smile comes so easily and it melts my heart.
Do remember this was first thing in the morning. Rachel was still in PJ's along with crazy bed hair.

At the grocery store, I made the mistake walking down the Easter aisle. Rachel wanted everything; balls, stuffed animals, sand toys, wind-up toys, and cute Adirondack chair. I may be a sucker, but not that big of one, we only came home with side walk chalk.
Hello early edition of Springtime. We love you and can't wait for more!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get a load of this!!

I spent today cleaning out the storage room. As I was doing so, I came across some old picture albums. One picture caught my attention, as I am sure it will yours. And no it is not because I am in a bikini. Look at us! My goodness.
This picture was taken on our Honeymoon.
I don't know if Steve was being fed or not, and could my skin be any darker?

Friday, March 12, 2010


Steve's nephew, Andrew got married today. How gorgeous is this couple? I say very! They go perfect together.

We first met Carrie at the red-neck family Christmas party. She is so bubbly and outgoing and was trying her darndest to remember every one's name. She came up to Steve and said "Hello, I am Carrie, you must be Sam." She was quite embarrassed that she got the wrong brother, but it is nothing Steve's mom doesn't do on a daily basis.

It is fun to see people that are so in love, and so happy. Loved dinner with them last night at the JMB, top floor, overlooking the city.

It was the typical mormon-stand-in-the-line-forever reception. Thus my pictures were rushed and crowded. Andrew made fun of me, but I took them anyway.

Steve-you are a funny man. (apparently)
Her dress was amazing.
Dancing w/Feeve.

& my favorite picture of the night,
Kisses for Grandpa!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mom has seen better days

Signs that I am losing it:

-I ran out of sandwich bags for lunches. I had to pack the items in large bread bags. This did not make Luke happy, but he preferred it over the aluminum foil option. Maggie goes along with anything and suggested I use garbage bags.

-Luke asks me to show him how to put soap in and start the dishwasher. "I think that I can remember to do it better than you mom." Sad, but true.

-I peeked in on the boys at play group yesterday, and my son is playing without pants on. What is with this boy always being naked from the waist down?

-Driving my car on empty for days. Nope did not even notice!

Things my kids do that make me laugh & happy.

-Sit down to play pictionary with Maggie. She goes first and says she is going to think of something on her own, rather than picking a card. Then she starts writing letters. ???? I explained to her, that you DRAW a picture. "Well just guess what I am writing, okay mom." Well this game just got easier.

-Peter tells me I deserve a hug. Why? Because hugs are good for you!

-The other night in the hot tub, Maggie and Peter made a wish upon a star. I apparently made Peters come true the next day when I gave him a motorized water boat. (He had wished for a toy that floats in the hot tub.) Maggie was sad hers did not come true as well. She had wished for a castle in the clouds. Such a bright young girl.

-Driving in the car to meet Steve, Rachel yells out "Feeve (Steve), I lub you dad!"
Whenever he does not respond to Dad, she calls him Feeve.

I think I will go open a *Diet Coke--Here is to another day!

*trying to get off this dang drink. I have cut back, but still buying! My hot workout friend says I could loose an easy 5 lbs. if I got off the drink. Shouldn't this motivate me? Cause it is not.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Silly girl

I love this girl and her pronounced dimples are just too dang cute.
I love how she makes sure that her dad gets a hug and kiss everyday before he leaves.
I love that when I drop her off at school, she blows me a kiss. (something both my girls do)

Maggie loves to read. She can read, and read, and read. We tell her she can stop but she just keeps going. Last night she was reading aloud to Steve. Although Steve did not realize she wanted him to listen. He was wandering from room to room trying to set up some equipment. Maggie could be seen following, reading as she walked, with the book in her face. She finally told him it was hard to read to him when he kept walking around.

Then as Steve tucked her into bed, she asked him, "Did you know we are blessed because of Abraham?" Steve chuckled. This was their lesson in Primary on Sunday. Steve teaches the older boys so he knew what she was talking about. "Not Abraham Lincoln dad!"
" I know Abraham the prophet." She still felt the need to convince Steve, it was not the former President of the USA.
Steve thought this was hilarious, because in his class on Sunday, the kids said the same thing when Abraham's name came up. Can you just picture every primary class having the same conversation to their kids? Not Abraham Lincoln--Abraham the prophet.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My brother and his wife offered to take our kids to lunch yesterday. Rather they liked it or not, Steve and I tagged along as well. We walked over to the local pizzeria.

These past weeks have brought an enormous amount of stress. Although the kids know nothing about Steve's job, I am sure they feel the pressure in our home. So this little outing was great for their spirits. My kids are so happy when they are with Jesse and Kortney.

Then today we were lucky enough that they joined us at church. I have never seen my older kids so content. We loved having them with us.
I felt bad that we were together while my other brother was blessing his baby. As circumstances would have it we were unable to go down to St. George and be with them.
You love Maggie's glasses? She made them herself (I know-SHOCKER!) out of bendaroos.
She looks like quite the darling, and is even sporting a leftover "U" from the gymnastics meet the night before.