The kids were begging to go fly a kite.
Why not? It was a very windy day.
Yet, the outing turned out different than I anticipated.
Take a look.
Upon arrival, Peters bandage fell off,
and the wind on an open wound did not help matters.
Spent the whole time unraveling
the kids from the kite string.
At least a couple of the kids had fun.
Luke worked hard designing his kite.
However, he was so disappointed it did
not fly very well.
Go figure!
Most of the time, Maggie was in
her own little world,
smiling and giggling.
I was doing the same thing...yet I
was smiling and giggling at her stupidity.
I think we need a lesson in kite flying 101.
While Maggie was taking this picture of
me (below) trying to console the little ones,
Luke informed me that Grandma offered
to help with this outing.
Information a little late in the coming Luke!
Seriously! How does one get so tangled?
I had to shuffle up the hill with
the string around my ankles, while carrying
a sobbing child.
Peter was as frustrated as I was.
"This is going to take you forever to get off,
and I want to go home!"
Believe me child, I wanted to go home too!
I will never attempt this by myself AGAIN!