What is it with January and getting sick? One after another, after another, after....
It is times like this that I love being a stay at home mommy. Would not want my kids throwing up on anyone else but me. That is what happened to me last night. Oh, the glory.
Today I am feeling grateful, so hold on tight...it is a long one!
❦ As above mentioned, being a stay at home mom. Love it! So grateful for it!
❦ Playing puzzles with Peter.
❦ Hanging up this picture, that came in the mail. I took it on our summer vacation, and had it printed on a wrap canvas. Love how it looks on my wall.
❦ The upcoming arrival of my orthotics. Looking forward to running again, minus the pain.
❦ Watching Rachel follow Peter around with such admiration.
❦ Peter making us laugh, even when he is sick.
Story: Peter got out of bed the other night and said his tummy hurt. Steve took him to the bathroom, where Peter starred into the mirror for some period of time. Then he threw up on the mirror. Steve was yelling at him to throw up in the toilet. So he throw up in the toilet, but never took his eyes off the mirror. Watching himself in awe. Then he stops and says,
"Well that was disgusting!"
❦ Luke's excitement over loosing a tooth, and the anticipation of what the tooth fairy will bring. His friends told him that because it was a molar, he would get a hundred dollars. I told him that would be a world record as far as tooth fairy deliveries go.
❦ Not over scheduling my kids. While everyone around us is running their kids back and forth, I get to spend time and create memories. All in the comfort of a loving, warm home.
❦ Learning new concepts. Rachel is trying hard to talk, and always answers with "shoe", translation=sure. Peter on the other hand is learning how to sound out letters. Pa, Pa, P is for Peter. He loves his alphabits cereal. He found an o, and said that is for Rachel. Steve asked where he heard the o sound. Racho, he told him. Good thing I don't home school! ;-)
❦ And last but not least, I am grateful for the power of prayer. I never tell people my new years resolutions, but this year mine was to pray more often. I am trying hard. I know my Heavenly Father hears my prayers, and is grateful that I remember him. I know that my life would lead me in circles, if I did not have him guiding me.
Last night Rachel folded her arms when I was tucking in the boys, reminding me of family prayer. Then later that night, I heard talking coming from one of the kids rooms. It was Maggie saying another prayer.
Last night, the news, reported on the atmosphere in Haiti, and how in some places the tension was starting to build. I hope this is as bad as it gets, but I also know their was a reason we were told to pray for peace.
There is so much hope in Haiti, so many good people, I know our prayers will be heard, even if the news does not report on it.