Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh, that "Socks!"

Laundry is the most overwhelming task for me. More specifically, matching socks. Check this out.
The pile under the red chair are socks that are fresh out of the wash. Let me rephrase that--the socks have been washed. Just need to fold them, and put them into the next pile--the bin.

The tuperwear bin next to that pile, are all matched. Problem is everyone's are thrown in there. Sad to say, this is where everyone goes to find socks in the morning, not their dresser.

The basket on Peter's denim chair, are all stray socks. Where has their match gone?

What is the problem here?
A)Do we own too many socks?
B) Do we just have too many people that wear socks?
C) Do we have a ding-bat house keeper?
D) all of the above.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Lace them up

Like it or not, today I officially have orthotics in my shoes. I don't like it.

Maybe it is because they cost so much ($350), maybe it is because I associate them with old men, maybe I am angry that I had to go back to the office twice in one day to fix a problem, maybe I don't like the doctor I paid so much money to.

What can I do? Unless I never want to run again in my life, these things will be in tow.

Looking back I can not believe I let the problem of my plantar fascitis get so out of control. I wanted to run that half marathon so badly, and my training runs were coming in at seven and a half minute miles. The only goal I could foresee was that of a PR in the race. Today I am paying for it, literally and figuratively. After taking 12 weeks off from running, you don't really get that "runners high" trying to get back into the swing of things.

So here is the plastic I received today. After a couple weeks of wearing them, they will be reinforced so that my foot can only move one direction-forward.

The process of getting fitted for orthotics was interesting. It honestly felt so good to have my injured foot wrapped in hot gauze. I could feel my injury starting to inflame, but the temperature was soothing. They have you keep these heavy molds for 10 years, incase you need something fixed. Hmm, something else useless to find a home for in this tiny home.

This highly recommended doctor, who happens to be the foot doctor of the Utah Jazz, will not get a recomendation from me. I guess if I was Derron Williams, I might be important enough to be treated like I was actually sitting in the same room.

After wearing them for a mere hour or so, I had a sharp pain in the ball of my foot. I knew immediatly this was not going to work until my next appointment in two weeks. When I went back to his office, he told me, "It takes longer than a half day to know if these work. It takes getting used to." Thank you Doctor, but I think I know my body better than anyone, including you. Thanks to your "getting me out the door quickly" tactics, my foot still hurts.

Tomorrow I will take them on a test run. Wish me luck, I have now joined the ranks of crippled old men and fat people everywhere. I don't fall into either category. So I'll add a third category: idiot runners. Yeah, I fall into that.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Simple Gratitudes of the Day

What is it with January and getting sick? One after another, after another, after....
It is times like this that I love being a stay at home mommy. Would not want my kids throwing up on anyone else but me. That is what happened to me last night. Oh, the glory.

Today I am feeling grateful, so hold on is a long one!
As above mentioned, being a stay at home mom. Love it! So grateful for it!
Playing puzzles with Peter.

Hanging up this picture, that came in the mail. I took it on our summer vacation, and had it printed on a wrap canvas. Love how it looks on my wall.
The upcoming arrival of my orthotics. Looking forward to running again, minus the pain.

Watching Rachel follow Peter around with such admiration.

Peter making us laugh, even when he is sick.
Story: Peter got out of bed the other night and said his tummy hurt. Steve took him to the bathroom, where Peter starred into the mirror for some period of time. Then he threw up on the mirror. Steve was yelling at him to throw up in the toilet. So he throw up in the toilet, but never took his eyes off the mirror. Watching himself in awe. Then he stops and says,
"Well that was disgusting!"

Luke's excitement over loosing a tooth, and the anticipation of what the tooth fairy will bring. His friends told him that because it was a molar, he would get a hundred dollars. I told him that would be a world record as far as tooth fairy deliveries go.

Not over scheduling my kids. While everyone around us is running their kids back and forth, I get to spend time and create memories. All in the comfort of a loving, warm home.

Learning new concepts. Rachel is trying hard to talk, and always answers with "shoe", translation=sure. Peter on the other hand is learning how to sound out letters. Pa, Pa, P is for Peter. He loves his alphabits cereal. He found an o, and said that is for Rachel. Steve asked where he heard the o sound. Racho, he told him. Good thing I don't home school! ;-)

And last but not least, I am grateful for the power of prayer. I never tell people my new years resolutions, but this year mine was to pray more often. I am trying hard. I know my Heavenly Father hears my prayers, and is grateful that I remember him. I know that my life would lead me in circles, if I did not have him guiding me.

Last night Rachel folded her arms when I was tucking in the boys, reminding me of family prayer. Then later that night, I heard talking coming from one of the kids rooms. It was Maggie saying another prayer.

As members of the LDS church, our leaders have told us to pray for those in Haiti--"We invite people everywhere to supplicate God for a spirit of calm and peace among the people.”
Last night, the news, reported on the atmosphere in Haiti, and how in some places the tension was starting to build. I hope this is as bad as it gets, but I also know their was a reason we were told to pray for peace.

There is so much hope in Haiti, so many good people, I know our prayers will be heard, even if the news does not report on it.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Just when I think I can't possibly stand my house any more, I look at these pictures.
This is how the house looked when Steve and I bought it.

Carol Brady would have been SO jealous of this kitchen.

When we pulled the shag carpet out, the old lady living next door paid us a visit, inquiring about why we would do such a thing. When it went in the gutter for the city cleanup she was flabergasted.
White! Love the wrap-around-the-room curtains!

The only thing this bathroom is missing, is a neon peace light.

Today my house has had more plastic surgery than Heidi Montag. I feel confident it looks better than her too!

My house is not perfect. I need a bigger dining room, (not a triple D dining room though), a microwave that does not sit on my counter, and a full size dishwasher would be nice. But who am I to complain, when you look at what is going on around the world, it puts into perspective how blessed I am.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Upon arriving at our cabin this weekend, I thought I could help Steve out by bringing some loads up to the cabin. They lock the gates for the winter, no cars allowed, only snowmobiles. So we have to make a couple trips.

I loaded up the machine, in the parking lot, and a couple of kids jumped on. It is kind of a blur, but here is what I think happened. Maggie was in the way, so I could not make a sharp enough turn. While yelling at her, a bag was pressed against the gas. I could not stop. Slammed right into a truck!

Kids were crying, onlookers were judging, and I was plain shook up with blood all over my hand. If only I listened to my smart 9 year old, who told me Maggie should sit behind me-twice he told me. I apologized and Maggie made it clear that Luke is much smarter than me.

Who let this crazy lady back on the machine?

Notice who is not wanting to come on another ride with me.
Pretty nervous with me at the wheel.
I really am a good driver, just not when there are cars around.

The truck happened to belong to an old friend of mine. Very little damage. He brushed it off, saying it was a work truck. Then offered to help fix our machine. Now that kind of generosity does not come around every day.

Monday, January 18, 2010


This past week was parent teacher conferences at the kids school. It is a tradition to let the kids pick out a book to buy after we meet with their teachers. Luke picked out this book, and I was proud of my sons choice.

The book is not just about Obama, but about the Presidency as a whole. It has some very cool facts.

As Luke picks up this book to read, it is evident that he sees Obama as merely President of the USA. He thinks nothing of his color. As adults we will always view Barack Obama as the first African American President.

While I am sure we have a long ways to go in the arena of equality, I believe each generation will bring about huge gains. Luke exemplifies Martin Luther Kings dream..."I have a dream, that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Brad Paisely performed this song at the White House for the President. He talked about how the President inspired him to write this song. Now that is cool!

I have used this video before, but I love it. What he sings is so true, not to mention he plays a mean guitar.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fresh Air

This is the view from the front porch at our cabin.
Love that we are out of the polution.
People may call it fog or an inversion, but lets get down to the facts--it is polution!

Mom had a little accident, upon arriving.
Jammed or broken thumb, along with a
thumb nail that is going to fall off!

I should have taken a picture of the make-shift brace
Steve made for me. He must love me a lot!
Because it was awesome--
& a tad funny.

Yesterday the temperature was reading 49 degrees.
I bet it will be even warmer today.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dang, it's that time of year...AGAIN.

I could escape it no longer-my annual "womanly" exam. After canceling and rescheduling twice, the inevitable arrived this morning. In all honesty, I think Steve is more anxious than I. Worried that after being "violated", (straight from his mouth), that I will not want to have sex for quite some time. It all boils down to that doesn't it: Sex. Whatever rocks your boat, I guess.

I have a great doctor, he delivered my two youngest children. Which were by far my best deliveries. But I have to say when I first met the guy 4 years ago, I thought he was gay. When he was about to put the tools in, I thought to myself, "I guess it alright that a gay guy is doing this to me." Then he started talking about his wife, dang! Awkwardness returns.

Out of all my visits to this doctor, I think Steve has come with me once. Fine by me. I think it is kinda lame to bring your husband along. Come on, Women's Lib is in full swing. But that one visit left a lasting impression. Steve still giggles about how when the doctor exams me he is apologizing the whole time. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Today's visit, came and went with no problems. Just some funny tidbits, that I think I will share.

One of the most important parts of the visit is the breast exam. As the doctor lifted up my gown to play, he asked me if I breastfed my children. This made me laugh. "Are they really that bad?" I teased, "I did not realize they were shriveled". I assumed he asked me that because of the way they looked. Turns out it wasn't. Your chances of breast cancer decrease if you feed your child the golden milk. He did add however, if I had an extra four grand lying around it would be a good investment. I totally agree with him.

Then I asked him about the recent study, saying women do not need a pap-smear every year. He told me he thinks I qualify for skipping some years. Here is what he said:

"Seeing as you are healthy, have had many normal exams,
and are in a monogamous relationship,
I think you are in a monogamous relationship, a, a, a,
well I am just guessing that you are,
I guess it is none of my business."
Stammer, stammer, stammer.

What the hell? What kind of vibe am I putting out! Of course I am in a monogamous relationship. I love my husband. Maybe the doctor has seen the movie, The waitress, one two many times. Yeah, great movie, but that doesn't happen. Well I think it doesn't happen, I am guessing it does not happen, I have no idea if it happens. (For those who have not seen the movie, the ob/gyn has an affair with his patient).

Great visiting with you doc, until next year.....

Who remembers this episode, where the men were quite taken by Marie's feminine-like sculpture?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
I could not resist, I had to try this experiment. What do you know-I look like a man. 78% like a man. Who is that guy anyway-he ain't ugly, so I won't complain. Another man showed up on the graph as well, but there was only room for 9 celebrities. Brendan Fraser. I can not stand that actor, maybe because he is George of the Jungle. Geek.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wish come true

I have had a lot of time to think today. Home sick! I have good company though, both my little's are sick too.
My kids want nothing but cuddles. Alright, Peter wants to play on the computer constantly, but there is A LoT of cuddles.

Right before Christmas I wished that Rachel would want to cuddle. She would never sit on my lap and would push me away when I wanted a hug.
Not anymore. A couple days after my wish, things changed. Now she hugs me-check to cheek, and wants me to rock her to sleep every night.

Today Rachel came and gave me get better hugs.

I do so gladly. I am going to miss these days. I am going to miss her soft body cuddled against my chest, and how every now and then she peeks up with her big blues, to see if I am looking

$$When I have not been resting, cleaning up "accidents" or cuddling, I have been looking for the money I hid. I hid Christmas money when we went out of town, apparently I hid it too well. I can't find it. $$

Monday, January 11, 2010

Physical Attraction

In Luke's Christmas stocking he received the movie, The Sandlot.
This is a great movie, and was actually filmed right by where Steve and I grew up.
We cuddled up on the couch with our popcorn yesterday to enjoy the movie.

When it got to this scene, (see below) Steve asked the kids if they knew what was happening.

Maggie: He is pretending he can't swim so that he can touch her.
A little too close to correct for a 6 year old girl. In my opinion.
Luke: Well that is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of!

You would think that their comments should be reversed since Luke is older and understands more. I guess not in this area. But he does have a MASSIVE crush on Taylor Swift. We have caught him cutting out her picture. Better than a friend at the gyms boy-he has a crush on Kim Kardashian.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


These cupcakes are from my neighbors bakery.

Have you ever been in line at a bakery or ice cream store, excited for your purchase, when you then look at the people standing in front of you. Or the drive through at a fast food restaurant and someone is taking FOREVER to order. Do you notice who is occupying the car? Does it make you change your mind about your soon-to-be purchase?

I have, and yes it does make me change my mind!

I have a theory. Purely my theory. It has no ground to stand on and is filled with a million loopholes, but never-the-less, I am sticking to it:

If the person standing in front of me has "lots to love", I get out of line and save myself the hundreds of calories I would have just indulged in.

The day after Christmas, Steve and Maggie made a trip to our least favorite super store. Those who know Steve well, would not be surprised that they made their way to the candy aisle. Where all the candy goes on sale that day. The aisle was crowded. Two people crowded. Two very overweight people crowded.

Maggie had a hard time looking for her favorite, since the other company was concerned about getting first choice. Maggie took matters into her own hands, squeezed past "the junk in the trunk", and grabbed her Recess Christmas Trees. As she maneuvered her way out, the ladies saw her choice of candy. "Oh sweetie, those are great! They are even better frozen. You should get an extra pack to freeze."

Maggie had a look of confusion on her face. Steve turned around to escape but were blocked again. Yup, you guessed it!

You see if I was the one shopping, we would have never entered that aisle upon spotting the sight at hand. (Yes, I consider myself Christian, but obviously not a very good one). Maybe we could solve America's obesity problem by following my theory. A stretch, but a start.

So in the spirit of "lots to love", with all adieu, I give you my favorite cake recipe as of late. We made it twice over Christmas.

Poppy Seed Bundt Cake
1 yellow cake mix w/pudding
1 box vanilla instant pudding (3.5 oz)
1 TB poppyseeds
1/2 cup o.j.
1/2 cup oil
1 cup sour cream
4 eggs
Mix, and put into a well greased bundt pan.
Cook @ 350 for 45 min.

1 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1 cube butter
Bring to a boil, and pour over warm cake. Let soak.
Flip pan over and stick a fork in it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Scarfs are in, right?
I went shopping about a month ago. Black Friday to be exact. I walked by this scarf and loved it. You know how some items you have to really think about if you like it enough to buy, or is it worth the money. Well this was NOT one of those items. I grabbed it and never looked back.
You could see me sporting this scarf around my neck similar to the picture below. I did this for the month of December.
Then on Christmas day, Steve approaches me at his parents home and asks, "Do you know how to tie a scarf?" I am guessing that apparently I do not, since he asked. Come to think of it, it was tied differently at the store, but I felt like I was wearing a tie.
He took off my scarf, and while he did his magic, he explained that the ladies at his work had given him a demonstration (I did not dare ask why) and told him this is the NEW way to wear a scarf.
Well, I'll be damned. My husband is more up on the trends than I. Bound to happen when you are a stay at home mom. Kind of embarrassing however when your husband corrects you on a style trend.
So I guess scarfs are in, but it depends on how you tie them.
P.S. While walking me through the steps, Steve pointed out that you do not want it too tight around the neck. Good tip hun.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A warmer start to the New Year

In love with this photo, and the people in it!
We went south to ring in the new year.
Is it just me, or is the sky bigger down there?
We spent New Years Day in Snow Canyon.
So fun, so beautiful!

The sand dunes are incredibly awesome.
It brings out the inner athlete in Steve,
but we all know white men can't jump.

And white men probably should not teach their kids to jump.
They all have the same goofy look as their daddy.

It was a last minute decision to head to St. George. So glad that we did. The first night festivities are so family friendly, including an early firework show (10:00) for the kids. Who are we kidding, the adults love the early show too.
The kids participated in an Iron Man competition, since St. George will soon be hosting their very own Iron Man.
Steve could not find where to purchase the tickets at the event. After walking aimlessly, Luke had to talk him into asking a police officer. I thought this was hilarious. Steve is the typical guy that will not ask for directions.

After slamming my husband twice in this post, I will put in an awesome photo. I love this photo. This guy is a great dad to his kids. On Friday afternoon my uncle drove them out to the Arizona boarder to the Silica Quarry. The BB gun is a huge hit with the kids.
"Your gonna sho0t your eye out!"
Lucky me, the kids each brought home their own bag of this treasure!

After a long ride home, I may not have this big of a smile on my face, but I am happy. We officially wore out the kids.
Mission accomplished!