Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween 2009!
Friday, October 30, 2009

Bright and early today I could be found sitting in the chair at the podiatrist office. After taking x-rays the Dr. determined that my plantar fascia was very very swollen. He thought the best bet would to do a cortisone shot. I politely told him I have had one of those before and passed out.
He didn't care.
I already knew but hoped he would give me a better answer. "How big is the needle?" His reply was "Does it really matter, a needle is a needle."
Not the answer I wanted.
I needed some time to think. The doctor left me in the room for a period of time so that I could "meditate." I detected some sarcasm in his voice when he said this. Whatever.
Alright I got the shot. I was hiding under my puffy vest however. Now I feel nauseous.
I was feeling proud of myself, until I told Steve.
"For being such a strong woman, you sure are a wimp!"
Love ya too honey!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Will the stars align for me?
For months I have been training for the Snow Canyon Half Marathon. I have been so excited. I love running. It makes me so happy. I especially love running in beautiful places, anywhere that is remote, has a view of the city, or mountains! So you can see why I was so excited to run in Snow Canyon. Breathtaking.
These running shoes have carried me many many miles. I actually have many pairs of running shoes and trade them often. But my poor feet have had it. The last two months I have been suffering from plantar fasciitis. Oh boy does it hurt. You could call me Forest Gump, or just plain stubborn. I just kept running through the pain.
Yesterday I was down. I had no hope. I thought I probably could not run the race. Steve promised to still take me down to St. George for the weekend though.

It was uncomfortable but not too bad. Then over night something very bad happened. I could not move my foot. Any slight twitch in any direction or motion would warrant a scream.
Heaven help me! I came close to heaven helping--my mom to the rescue. This lovely accessory was given to me along with some heavy duty pills. It was NOT fun wearing this to church! But after waking up today feeling a ton better, I am glad I humbled myself to wear it.
Today I woke up and could walk. All of a sudden my spirits have lifted. Just maybe I can do this.
So wish me luck. I am going to cross train and do small runs for the next week or so. Then hopefully, the stars will align and I will be running. How is that for optimistic?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Array of Emotions
"I am angry!" declared Peter
as we walked to our trunk or treat.
Peter's best friend and cousin Nate.
I love when the mature trees on my street turn golden.
The anger turned into tears.
One solo tear running down the sad clowns face.
I vant your blood.
Luke and his long time friend Alexis
AKA-- Buffy an the vampire.
My beautiful snow princess.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Indian Summer Hike
"Mom, you might just be a genius!"
Nothing like an ego boost, even if it is coming from a three year old.
How cool is this hike?
I loved watching my kids run across this open field.
Hiking is my new favorite family activity.
On this particular hike I only had two complainers.
They were both boys....hmmm.
I promised to keep them anonymous--sort of.
Destination. Willow Heights.
Pulled out the grub and enjoyed.
Notice the beaver lodge out yonder.
Steve loves hiking, when it's behind me in this skirt.
I could do this everyday!
"What is Sarah wearing?" asked Steve's friend.
"Tight running shorts, and a skirt over to cover it up" replies Steve.
"Well it doesn't cover much!" said friend.
I am what I am.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fall Days
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
Cute as a button. Not to mention her sweet little button nose!
Rachel loves pumpkins.
My day started off trail running with a friend.
Orange everywhere we looked.
The tunneled trails were full of color.
As we ran we talked about our lives.
How they were not our dream lives,
and that life is hard.
Audrey shared with me a quote from one of her professors in college.
"Everyone is living another persons dream."
How true.
I need to be more grateful.
It is still hard though.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
That made me laugh.....
Funny things are always happening in our house. OK, the Wii breaking was not funny. Steve desperately tried to save the gaming system, and when he took it apart he found pirate money. Little plastic gold coins. AARRGGG!!! At least it is working again.

This morning Peter was screaming at me while I was showering. "I NEED HELP!" What in the world could not wait? He took my hand and led me to the chocolate milk carton. Inside was a half a dozen plastic spoons floating around.
That made me laugh!
As we were dishing out the cake and ice cream at Luke's birthday celebration, the birthday boy was MIA. Where was he? Hiding under the table chowing down on his King size Kit Kat that came with a present.
That made me laugh!
Steve came home the other day and asked me "how much do you love me?" This is a typical question when he brings home a"surprise" for me. Well Steve, let me think, I carried and birthed all 4 of your kids, and even stay home with the little stinks. Does that tell you how much I love you?
After getting my hopes up for Brad Paisley tickets a few weeks back I was not expecting much to come out of his bag. My curiosity was peeked however. Then he pulled out a macaroon from his luncheon earlier that day.
That made me laugh!
If I am going to express my undying love for this man, that macaroon better be from Bakers de Normandee Cafe. Or even better--those Brad Paisely tickets.
Steve will never live this down. His main reason for not taking me to the concert: I would just fantasize about the singer all night. WELL DUH, who wouldn't?

And finally, this made me laugh!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lukes last year of single digits
9 years ago my life was made happier.
I am constantly having moms tell me what a great kid I have.
I love to hear it, but I already know.
Happy Birthday Buddy, I love you!
Luke's Top 9 for 09.
1.Responsible. On many mornings you will see Luke reminding me of what time it is. Getting me back on task, and making sure I get everything done in time for them to get out the door in time for school. Luke is completely ready for the day by 7 am.
2.Helper. On the weekends Luke will come get Rachel out of her crib and take her downstairs so mom and dad can sleep longer. Or he will clean up spills that the little ones make at dinner time while I am pre-occupied getting everyone fed.
3.Inquisitive. Always asking questions-always. I love that his little mind is always turning and he is not afraid to ask questions. They are honestly hard questions--at least to a woman. Like how an engine works. So my answer is usually, "ask dad."
3.Inquisitive. Always asking questions-always. I love that his little mind is always turning and he is not afraid to ask questions. They are honestly hard questions--at least to a woman. Like how an engine works. So my answer is usually, "ask dad."
4.Peacemaker. From the day we brought Luke home, he brought with him a peaceful spirit. He gets anxious when disagreements/arguments/chaos is transpiring at our house. He looks for ways to soothe the problem and make everyone happy.
5.Problem Solver. The other day our computer monitor went out. Luke was following Steve around the house telling him his theory how it was the rain outside that had gotten into a cord and blew a circuit breaker. It was annoying both Steve and I (but he always does this) and Steve was insistent that it was just a loose cord. Guess what? Luke was right! Steve had left an extension cord out in the rain hooked to a light socket, resulting in a blown breaker.
5.Problem Solver. The other day our computer monitor went out. Luke was following Steve around the house telling him his theory how it was the rain outside that had gotten into a cord and blew a circuit breaker. It was annoying both Steve and I (but he always does this) and Steve was insistent that it was just a loose cord. Guess what? Luke was right! Steve had left an extension cord out in the rain hooked to a light socket, resulting in a blown breaker.
6.Smart. At homework time Steve loves throwing in extra spelling words that are not on his list. He still gets them right! I also love how he reads with such inflection. Very skilled reader.
7.Sensitive. When I am having a hard day he can tell. He offers a hug, or tries his best to shoo the other kids away so I can have some time alone. Disciplining Luke is EASY, no more than a stern look will do the job.
8. Pretty eyes. Lukes friend Pheobe calls him "The Luke with the pretty eyes." I love that.
9.Patriotic. Loves the country he lives in. His favorite shirts to wear are from the National Guard given to him by my friends dad. Steve took him to Governor's Day for the Utah National Guard. Luke was in heaven looking at the men in uniform, military vehicles and the fly overs. Luke always reminds us to fly our flag. But if I have to watch the Top Gun clip with Kenny Loggins singing Danger Zone one more time.....
Friday, October 9, 2009
Awww Mom
If pictures could talk, this picture would say: "Enough with the kisses mom!"
But I will never stop.
Those chubby and soft cheeks are so fun to kiss. And with such a round face, how can a mom resist the urge to smother.
Peter's Southern accent is yesterday's news. He now has a Boston accent. Aunt Nancy--you will be so proud. He now does not say his "r's". This kid is the funniest ever--he wants to be a witch for Halloween. Have not decided if that will happen yet.
I needed a sweet picture to look at today. Today has been hard. Combination of things, but mostly the sad news that our neighbors are moving. Very, very sad news. It is not everyday you get cool people to live next to and visit with at night. I had to shut my kitchen blinds as their realtor went through taking pictures.
I am a bit jealous as well. They are moving because their house is too small for 3 people. I challenge anyone who thinks their house is too small to come take a visit to my house around dinner time. I think it will change your mind.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Easy as ABC
As I was cleaning up dinner last night, Peter approached me with some questions. The questions came in the form of a song, sorta of. He had a tune that accompanied each question.
"Mom, what shape is this?" holding up a square block. "Alright."
"Mom, what shape is this?" holding up a triangle block. "Alright."
He continued asking the shape of each individual block.
Then he held up a cup, and circled the rim with his finger...."What shape is this?"
I passed with flying colors. I think.....
"Good job Mom, now you know all your letters!"
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I have been feeling sorry for myself a lot lately. Things just are not going our family's way... at all. Items, mostly expensive electronics, are breaking. Household fixes are adding up. Medical bills, including immunizations that I was told would be covered and were not. Kids and mom with cavities, but basically without dental insurance.
I sometimes have a woe is me attitude, and complain to Steve. If we only had more money. Isn't that the fix to everything? I strongly believe money does not fix problems, only brings about more. More money earned generally means more money spent. However, like everyone I wish I had more money. Yes definitely a selfish attitude.
As I took this picture I saw a fathers love. I saw a selfless father. A father who loves his children. A father devoted to his family. How many times do I think about Steve's worries instead of my own. He has all of mine on top of his own. How stressful it must be to try and provide for a family of 6. As necessities become more expensive. People are getting bigger and space is getting smaller.
I must say he hides it well. But it must be taxing. I love the man I choose to marry. I love the kids we have brought into our home. How boring and sad would our life be without them.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Joys of Nature
After "calming" down I remember that I had packed some Ambien. I never sleep well at the cabin. You know why....I am afraid of mice crawling all around me. Seriously.
I took the whole pill. Not the usual half a dose that was recommended. Steve told me to go to bed right away. I told him I needed to be really tired to fall asleep. A little while later, Steve is lunging for the computer that I am dropping, because my head is bobbing. He helped me to the room since my legs did not work (even stepped on the dog.) Then I said some very unlady-like things, and Steve figured it was the drugs talking and decided not to pursue..........
Yada, yada yada. Good thing I don't drink, I would have been knocked up more than 4 times.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Rachel can officially say every siblings name, well almost. She refuses to say Luke. I know she can do it, she loves Luke the most, giving him good morning hugs when she wakes up. When you ask her to say "Luke" she responds with a very snooty "NO!"
My favorite is how she calls to Peter. It makes me laugh everytime. It is hard to get Rachel to perform with a camera focused on her. This is the best I could get.
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