What a sad, sad scenario is playing out in
todays society. Some feel it is their constitutional right to speak out and voice their opinion. AND IT IS! But come on people. VOICE your opinion don't scream, yell, and be down right rude. How
unattractive, pathetic, and uneducated. Just because you are loud and cause a scene does not mean you are right.
Take for example the town hall meetings being held across the country discussing health care reform. Closer to home, and especially my home, since my husband is employed by them, the Jordan School District controversy. After coming home from many meetings, and listening to BOTH sides, Steve has seen his fair share of disrespect for others.
To me the irony is the fact that people are making such a fuss about paying for education. Isn't that a goal of society--to gain knowledge and better our education. I guess as long as someone else is paying for it. The people who showed up to last weeks meeting, showed their lack of education, by coming uniformed, unprepared, and unwilling to listen or compromise. I feel sorry for their kids, for their parents do not value an education and it shows!
To the angry and rude citizens of JSD: Because of the "scare tactics" used in this case, you essentially won the argument and lowered the tax increase. But no, you are still mad. Pay up and look beyond today. Look at what is to come of your actions: bigger class sizes, less teachers, not too mention loosing qualified, skilled teachers who will not want to work for your district. Your children will loose out on programs no longer deemed as essential but an extra, when we all know Arts/Music/Science are an important part of education.
I wonder if you cry out in a temper-tantrum when you go buy a new flat screen tv, snowmobiles and other toys parked in your extra driveway, when your wife comes home with a load of shopping bags, new hair cut, or an addition somewhere else on her body.
As a Salt Lake City tax payer, I am being asked to help pay for your shortage. Do I like it? Not really. But I will do it for the good of the system. If outsiders are paying for your kids education, the least you can do is the same. It seems as if you are not happy until everyone has lost a job and had a pay cut. How is that going to help your problem?
Do you also practice your constitutional right to vote? If you do, you elected this school board. The school board who spends time learning the facts that will help your students succeed.
Life's tough. Reality stinks. Now lets move forward in a productive, civilized manner.
*And that is my soap box for the day! My views do not necessarily reflect my husbands--just saying.