This week I ventured into the mall to get a gift for Luke. Do you know how long it has been since I went to the mall? A very long time. I could not find the store I was looking for. The next thing I know a lady is making a b-line across the floor with her arm stretched out, and holding something. My first thought was that I must have dropped something. A receipt perhaps? How nice of her to track me down and return it. As she got closer I realized I had been suckered.
She grabbed my hand and looked at my nails. I automatically pulled my hand back (since my nail polish was peeling). She shook her head as if to say "No matter, it is all good." She buffed away with this magic tool. She turned the tool in a different direction and began the shinning process. WOW! My nail looked awesome. How did she do this. "It is all natural" she told me. "From the dead sea of Israel."
I was desperately trying to explain that I only came to the mall to buy one thing. I really wanted to ask her where the Fanzz store was located but quickly figured that was a lost cause. She asked me my name. Told me I had a beautiful name. A Bible name. "Yes, I know I have a Bible name, so do the majority of my children" I explained. "Oh, so your Mormon? " Then she explained that my name was in the Bible of Israel and gave me a bunch of other religious information, I was having a hard time following her thick accent.
The price of the kit at this point had now been dropped half price to $59.99. I kept having flash backs of Steve telling me to stop spending money. Be strong Sarah--Sarah of Israel. Then she looked in my eyes. She loved my eyes, they were beautiful. Green. She never sees green eyes in Israel. Then she noticed the wrinkles around my eyes and wanted me as a client. So she threw in an extra kit, FOR FREE!
"Wow, you are quite the sales lady," I told her, "I am impressed." "No sales lady, I am your friend." At this point a neighbor walks by, pinches me, and gives me the "I'm sorry" look. I explain to the "sales lady" (still not convinced she is my friend) that was my neighbor. "Oh, please don't tell her the deal I am giving you. It is just for you." The price is now at $29.99. A picture of Steve and dollar signs is still going through my head. I must walk away.
Ten minutes later, I have some shiny nails, new facts about my name, I have pretty eyes that get lost in the wrinkles that surround them, a possible new friend (ok, that is stretching it) and a small piece of my life I will never get back. Precious time in my life--I was without kids.
When I told Steve this story he laughed and laughed and then told me: "Wow! If she wanted to get you into bed, she could have done it."
Excuse me, I said "No!"