Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Extreme Sledding

Today brought another day of sledding.

After a bunch of runs down the hill we decided to go play on the playground.

Maggie had an idea. A crazy idea. She is full of these.

I love how you can hear the rumbling, similar to a roller coaster. Then blastoff!

Love this girl and the tricks that come along with her!
Any wonder she broke an arm at the age of 3?
I think we are on our way towards another,
thanks to mom's easy going attitude and encouragement.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays

Is this the cutest picture you have ever seen?

Rachel on Christmas morning, sporting her new nightgown.

Christmas recap:

-Luke received an electric scooter. When I asked him when he was going to try it out, he said, "oh maybe this spring when it warms up".

-Maggie got a Karaoke machine. All the kids love it. I am now on the hunt for new karaoke cds, particularly kid friendly ones. The CD we have, features Lady Gagga, Pink, and Katy Perry. The kids love the "Hot and Cold" song. But I feel like a bad mom when they are singing the words..."you PMS, like a b**** I would know".
In case you were wondering--the "b" word appears exactly like I typed it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Slip slidding away

My favorite pictures from sleigh riding with the kids on Christmas Eve.

Peter loved sledding.
He jumped out of the car, hopped on his sled
and was at the bottom of the hill before we had gotten out of the car.
Later, he accidently went off a very large ramp.
He did not really love that.

And donuts are a must after a cold workout. Off to Banburry Cross for the best.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

It is almost here. If you came to our house, you would be immediately energized. The kids are happy, laughing, dancing, running, and super excited with the anticipation of presents. I have to admit I am excited too. I love watching my kids open their presents. It is an emotional experience. Feelings of love, joy, and gratitude, knowing how blessed we are to provide such wonderful gifts for the kids.
Speaking of gifts, Luke sure has a gift for singing. Take a listen, I think you will agree.

Merry Christmas from the Dunham family!

The yule log

Grandma: "Peter, what do you want for Christmas?"
Peter: "hmm. How about a hot air ballon. I am asking for a hot air balloon."
Looks like we might have another balloon boy on our hands!
In other news:
Peter does this every time he is on the john.
Unravels all the toilet paper and drops it on the floor.
When I was cleaning the kid, Rachel (who is diaperless) poops on the floor.
Peter walks in and states: "Well, at least it is a log!"
I was glad it was a log too, since I was the one cleaning it up.
And on that note--wishing you a warm yule log holiday!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You might be a redneck....

We had a family Christmas party this past Sunday. It is what it is. Family that is.

I left the party, pretty sure that I had just attended a redneck Christmas party.

You might be a redneck if.....
If you attend a family Christmas party and did not know a good chunk of the people in attendance.

You might be a redneck if....
Your daughter exclaims-"I am having fun, but have no idea who the person I am playing with is."

You might be a redneck if ....
Looking for your little girl (Rachel), and finding her playing in a room with another boy who tells me, "she can say my name and I never even told her my name." Naturally I ask the child his name--Bubba. Nice.

You might be a redneck if....
During the children's present exchange, a child opens Depends Diapers.
Probably meant for the adult white elephant--never-the-less, very rednecky.

You might be a redneck if....
One of the guests shows up dressed as "Cousin Eddie".
Do you remember what cousin Eddie says in this scene?
Hint...something was full.

For once I "forgot" my camera, or I may have had some good pictures. But I also would have had evidence that I too was in attendance!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Favorite Things #7

Snow Covered Pine Trees

Pictures taken on Mirror lake highway.
One of the most beautiful places in Utah.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


School Christmas Program!
I guess if we are going to be PC it was the "Holiday Program".

It was a *hectic morning. I was lucky for a good friend who saved me a seat. A front row seat.

Maggie totally cracked me up with her antics.
She loves to perform.

Luke was honored before the program for winning an award in Reflections.

*My hectic morning was lightened by my awesome 9 year old son. He fed the dog, packed two lunches, warmed up the car and scrapped the frost off my windows. I did not even ask him to do any of it. Did I mention that I love this kid?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Walmart and other funny facebook statuses

In the last day two friends have posted the funniest facebook statuses about Walmart. I think everyone has the same feelings about the store, yet we keep shopping there. Dang economy! I thought I would share minus the names.

Should I tell the woman in front of me that fighting w/ boyfriend on her cell phone in the checkout line is socially inappropriate? Oh wait! What am I thinking??? I'm at Walmart.

About to spontaneously combust right in the middle of walmart. Some lady just totally squished my guts out between our two carts without acknowledging the fact she just disemboweled me. I really hate coming here.

Someone please tell me there's more to life than fantasty football.... hurry, please......while there's still time to put the gun down.

Did the jazz really just lose to the timberwolves at home? really? really? really? I'm gonna hit a child!

Time to invest in some winter clothes. I wore Kinslee's coat, gloves, and hat this morning to the school. I swear I heard people singing " Fat girl in a little coat!"

I'm thinking, wow, wtf? Are you kidding? Sweeeeet! (In eric cartman voice)

I just refilled my Diet Coke in my robe and pink slippers!! I am so embarrassed for myself. I also had my 1 pound dog with me in it's dress and a bow.

I just bought myself some feet pajamas!!! I am so excited!!

I love it! I wish more people would post things that make us laugh!

Favorite Christmas #5

Classroom Christmas Crafts!

A few weeks ago I volunteered in Luke's classroom, helping make pinatas. I did not think I would ever be able to stand up straight again. I was bent over for hours helping the kids with the pasty substance. I loved every minute of it!

The kids finished the project and they are now on display. Luke brought home a note from the teacher, asking the parents to come take a look at "the exquisite collection of holiday pinatas hanging in our classroom".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Favorite Christmas thing #4

Red Velvet Cheesecake!

This is from the Cheesecake Factory. On our date the other night we ordered a slice. I could have had another, and another, and another. So yummy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Few of my favorite (christmas) things #3

The lights @ Temple Square!

I love the big red tree. Did you know it is a Cedar of Lebanon? Just like they talk about in the Bible. Maybe now that they use LED lights they will light it every year, rather than every other year. Lets hope so, since it is SO amazing!

We encountered some difficulties this year. Leaving Steve wondering why we do this. After finding parking (next time we will take TRAX), we roamed around the grounds waiting for the lights to turn on. 6:00 is the magic number. The kids are always drawn to the water-of course. And what do you know Rachel throws her glove in. Here is Steve fishing it out.

Can you see the glove drowning? The flow of the water would not allow
it to come to the surface.

The rest of the trip consisted of Maggie being in a grumpy mood, she had
"slug-bugged" Peter on the ride down which put him in a grumpy
mood as well.
Rachel sitting in a puddle of water and sticking her bare hands in it.
Peter and Rachel wanting to walk, while Luke and Maggie
wanting to ride in the stroller.
And all four kids were frustrated at mom who wanted a picture of them together.
I kept telling them to "freeze" so that I could capture the image and light.
Peter thought "freezing" was funny, but no one else did!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Few of my favorite (christmas) things #2

Breakfast with Santa.
This is not by any means a Halmark Christmas card photo.

It looked like a hard year for Santa, the economy must have stressed him out as well.
He had lost and incredible amount of weight, and was constantly losing a pillow.

Maggie is still asking for Aqua Sand. Heaven help Santa find this sand. It is in such high demand that people are selling it for $70. It lists for $20.

By the end of the breakfast, Peter had escaped and walked home.
"I am sick of this party."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bah Humbug

This dudes Christmas spirit is nonexistent.
What has gotten into him. He is always grumpy and yelling, but still manages some manners: "I SAID NO THANK YOU!"

At my birthday lunch the other day he spilled his drink on the floor. Within the first minute of receiving it, none-the-less. We were going to ask the waiter for a new drink, but he beat us to the punch. He stood up with his arms extended high and yelled to the poor waiter "I don't even have a drink anymore!" When the waiter burst out in laughter, Peter then started with the sulks--arms folded and head down.

Grandma tries to console Peter @ Rachel's B'day Party.
This is the moment Peter realized the gifts were not for him.
"Fine, I will have my birthday tomorrow!"

"Peterism" of the day
I got home from the gym and he ran up to me telling me he missed me. As I held him in my arms he looked at me strange and asked what happened to my hair. I explained to him that was sweat. He then said "We better check your bum too!"

Little Stevie is not going to have good things to report to Santa.....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A few of my favorite (christmas) things #1

The Mo Tab!
This is my favorite song they perform-ever! At 2 min. and about 55 seconds into the song, I get the chills. I listen to this song a lot durring this miraculous season. And It never ceases, I get the chills every time. To me, this is how I invision heaven sounding .

I went to a Mo Tab concert last year. Once was enough. This girl can only take so much, and likes to pick and choose her songs. This one however, is a keeper.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday "2" You

Dear Rachel,
Today you turn two years old! My precious baby girl. How long can I keep calling you a baby? I now know why the youngest is always spoiled--it is hard for a mom to let go and watch their youngest grow up.
Rachel, you brighten each day with your sweet little voice and toothy grin that brightens every room you walk into.
Some of my favorite things as of late, are when you look at a picture of me, and point to my cheeks. Then repeat the word "Cheeks" over and over. Yes, I know, I too have chubby cheeks.
I also love when I put you in a new dress and you say "pretty". Yes, you are pretty, just like your sister.
I love that you are a tease, can sing the Hannah Montana theme song, and that you give me sloppy kisses.
Today I love that we share a birthday! I am honored to be your mom and celebrate this happy day with you.
Loves & a million kisses,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My kids love the Webkinz. If you are not familiar with Webkinz, they are a stuffed animal that comes with a code that allows you into the world of Webkinz. It is basically taking care of a pet online. You must feed it, put it to sleep etc. By playing the games on the website you can earn KinzCash to pay for food and clothing for your pet, items for the pet's room or extra's like the hot tub Luke was dying to have.

Introduce the Christmas season in the land of Webkinz. Toys and gifts galore. Luke and Maggie have been spending a large amount of time on the website lately. Candy for the, buy, buy. Must be so fun to buy whatever you want without your Mom saying "No!"

Maggie needed some help the other day. She always asks Steve. (He has even been known to log into Maggie's account, when she is asleep, and earn her extra money). When he logged into the account he found her cat, Rosalita with a thermometer in her mouth and a hot water bottle on her head. At which point Luke walks by, "OMgosh, your Webkinz is almost dead!"

After checking her account, the cat had the flu, no food, outstanding doctor bills, and $6 to her name. After visiting the doctor she had to pay $50 in medicine. Steve showed her the food she was suppose to feed the cat--"That is too expensive, I just feed it grapes." Steve explains to Maggie that maybe she should not buy sweaters, lamps and snow globes if she can't feed her pet. "Oh that is stuff I can just return or sell later."

This is typical for my Maggie, but it also sounds like my parenting skills are rubbing off on my daughter.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby it's cold outside!

You might as well have fun while your freezing your little booties off.
We bundled up the kids and went for a late night walk this weekend.

Off to the local Christmas tree lot, just around the corner.

The owner brought out candy canes for the little ones
and let them run around and be true children.

How festive are we?
All sporting our Rudolf red noses!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Do I have sucker written across my forehead?

This week I ventured into the mall to get a gift for Luke. Do you know how long it has been since I went to the mall? A very long time. I could not find the store I was looking for. The next thing I know a lady is making a b-line across the floor with her arm stretched out, and holding something. My first thought was that I must have dropped something. A receipt perhaps? How nice of her to track me down and return it. As she got closer I realized I had been suckered.

She grabbed my hand and looked at my nails. I automatically pulled my hand back (since my nail polish was peeling). She shook her head as if to say "No matter, it is all good." She buffed away with this magic tool. She turned the tool in a different direction and began the shinning process. WOW! My nail looked awesome. How did she do this. "It is all natural" she told me. "From the dead sea of Israel."

I was desperately trying to explain that I only came to the mall to buy one thing. I really wanted to ask her where the Fanzz store was located but quickly figured that was a lost cause. She asked me my name. Told me I had a beautiful name. A Bible name. "Yes, I know I have a Bible name, so do the majority of my children" I explained. "Oh, so your Mormon? " Then she explained that my name was in the Bible of Israel and gave me a bunch of other religious information, I was having a hard time following her thick accent.

The price of the kit at this point had now been dropped half price to $59.99. I kept having flash backs of Steve telling me to stop spending money. Be strong Sarah--Sarah of Israel. Then she looked in my eyes. She loved my eyes, they were beautiful. Green. She never sees green eyes in Israel. Then she noticed the wrinkles around my eyes and wanted me as a client. So she threw in an extra kit, FOR FREE!

"Wow, you are quite the sales lady," I told her, "I am impressed." "No sales lady, I am your friend." At this point a neighbor walks by, pinches me, and gives me the "I'm sorry" look. I explain to the "sales lady" (still not convinced she is my friend) that was my neighbor. "Oh, please don't tell her the deal I am giving you. It is just for you." The price is now at $29.99. A picture of Steve and dollar signs is still going through my head. I must walk away.

Ten minutes later, I have some shiny nails, new facts about my name, I have pretty eyes that get lost in the wrinkles that surround them, a possible new friend (ok, that is stretching it) and a small piece of my life I will never get back. Precious time in my life--I was without kids.

When I told Steve this story he laughed and laughed and then told me: "Wow! If she wanted to get you into bed, she could have done it."
Excuse me, I said "No!"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finding the mojo of Christmas

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. For some reason, I just can't catch the spirit this year. Cards that have been ordered are now collecting dust, waiting for me to address. Steve tells me to stop spending money. The closets are crammed full of presents waiting to be wrapped. Steve tell me to stop spending money. No fun parties to attend this year. Stop spending money. Can't find my favorite Jim Shore decoration, with Mary and Joseph. You get the picture.

The one thing that does bring me joy is a Christmas tree all lit up! I put six strands on this year. It took me awhile. Apparently that is too many. Why? It is not a fresh tree that is a potential fire hazard. Oh, so after a blown fuse, I found out why. Bummer. Do you know what else is a bummer. That keeping the tree lit all day makes for an expensive power bill--at least that is what I am told. Stop spending money.

I can't win. But my kids can. The decorations in our house have brought a whole new spirit and excitement. We even have a designated Christmas dancing zone. Kids are what make Christmas magical. So that is what I will enjoy this year--the magic of children.

**Steve thinks I pick on him, and paint a poor picture. Honestly, doesn't every husband tell their wife to stop spending money. I think they do. I hear it all the time. Just the dynamics of a household I say.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

He he, giggle giggle

I bought the kids "The elf on a shelf" tradition. At $30, I think it is overpriced, which is why I have avoided it to this point. I am glad I flipped for it this year. They love it.
Each night the elf reports to Santa and then reappears in a different spot in the morning.

The first item of business is to name your elf. The kids had a hard time agreeing upon a name.

Until this name popped up.

Meet Little Stevie.

Now we have two little Stevie's in our home! Although Big Steve would disagree with that statement.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday night

Saturday night I could be found doing this.....

Cuddling under a blanket with an adorable girl,
next to a fire.
"Relaxing" in the hot tub with four water loving kids.
I miss my date nights with Steve, but this will do.
Yes, this was nice!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some. --Charles Dickens

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for:
Sunsets, happy children, laughter, my camera, flannel sheets, Donny winning DWTStars, Diet coke, my health, nature, gerber daisys (they make me smile), fire in the fireplace, pancakes and bacon on cold days, living in this great country, funny shows/movies, the tile floor in my kitchen, dancing to tween music with my children, wonderful school teachers, temple ordinances and blessings, knowledge of my God, and his son Jesus Christ, freedom of religion (even though I believe this right is slowly disappearing), when people come together to do the right thing in a nondiscriminatory fashion, service, my kids walking group, and most of all this thanksgiving I am grateful to be a mom to such a wonderful family. It is a dream come true!

That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
Alma 34:38

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Funny mistake

Luke was invited to a birthday party Monday night. (In Draper, at rush hour, on a school night, for an undetermined amount of time!) Needless to say I am thankful for great neighbors who drove him down for me. Thank you!

The kids had a blast at Boondocks. They picked out prizes with the tickets they won. Luke picked out what he thought was a toy cell phone. On the car ride home he opened it to see that it was a eyeshadow kit. I think he got some slack from his friends, but as always he was a good sport.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It arrived early

Although Rachel does not turn two for another couple weeks, the terrible two's have arrived with a vengance!

She can move faster than I, and create messes faster than I can keep up.

On Friday I did not know if I would survive.

She painted my bedspread with red paint, stuck new rolls of toilet paper in the toilet, unrolled toilet paper, tries to brush her teeth and gets soaked and manages to soak the bathroom while at it. Her favorite task is moving stools around the house to her convience, so that she can get into even more spaces.

I just finished the whole terrible two's with Peter. I did not get enough of a break. Here we go again.

Most times, the good outweighs the bad. If it didn't I would need extensive counseling!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Won't you be my neighbor?

I live in a great neighborhood. Mature tree's, charming houses, friendly neighbors, mountain views, sidewalks, and a stip of neighborhood shops. Our older neighbors remember when there was a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Shop, a 7-11, and gas station. All here on Stratford!
I also love that we have elderly neighbors. It gives my children the opportunity to learn respect and how to serve them. Luke was spoted getting off his bike and helping a lady bag her leaves. Wonderful!
Our families new favorite is the local pizzeria and coffee shop. Of course we go for the pizza, and it is SO yummy. The best part is we can walk. I am sure when my kids grow up they will remember this wonderful memory we are creating.
Luke's primary teacher is the local artist featured this month at the cafe. She described our neighborhood, as our very own Mr. Rogers town. I know he would be proud.

*On the corner you can see the local lawn care and nursery shop. When I was in high school we would take the sign that said "Pansy's for Sale" and put it on my friend Adams door step, who lived a couple houses down. Oh, he would be mad, but that was his nickname (pansy) and it was fun!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daddy is going to be mad!

Today was the last straw. Rachel had syrup stuck in her hair-again. (My kids like syrup on their eggs and to dip the bacon in.) I am sick of her hair getting food in it. Last week I took her on a run. When I put her in the jogger, I handed her a sucker. The sucker keeps her quiet and gives me a nice relaxing run. Except on this day it was really windy. So her hair was completely stuck to the sucker and all over her face.

Today I made the appointment, even without my husbands consent. He is very attached to this little girl, and loves her locks. What is it with men and girls/women with long hair?

Rachel's mom is so mean. Making her get a hair cut when she is sick.

I wish I could see my husbands face when he looks at these pictures. The whole idea of this post was the shock factor.
Now I think someone else needs a haircut. Max. Poor dog. Very shaggy.
However grooming him is quite the expense.