Saturday, November 29, 2008

Iced in at the cabin

Why is everyone happier when they are at the cabin? Is it the air? Is it the water? It certainly is not the sleep! Whatever the reason we sure had fun this weekend!
The main road was iced over and the kids spent hours flying down the hill on sleds.
We made lots of "comfort foods" and all were declared "numers" by Peter!
Laughs were shared as we watched people getting stuck in their cars all over the place, and we prayed it would not happen to us as well.
Luke loved figuring out the prints we saw in the snow, and his sister must think we live in Africa since she was sure many of the prints were from Kangaroos and monkeys. Such a bright child.
It was so beautiful in the snow that I say, "Let Winter Begin!"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

Today I am Thankful for sleeping in next to my husband. Who by the way brought these home for me yesterday, with a note that read, "I am thankful for you!"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pixie Hollow

Maggie and her friends, twins, Alex and Lizzy are off on an adventure. Pixie Hollow that is. Their bags are packed and wings are attached. They drew a map and are determined to leave home without parents, they will miss us they say, and will return in time for Thanksgiving.
I was raking leaves in the front yard when they took off down the street and they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me. At that point they had to come up with a new plan.
I can just see us explaining the story to the police and news media when they get lost for good!

Family Home Evening

After singing a million songs, and after scolding Luke for making "farting" noises to the songs we were singing, we got busy on the activity for FHE!
We made turkey cards. Can you tell who made which one?
Later we will deliver them to people we love--maybe it will be you!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Television Time

I am so excited I turned on TV today at 1:00 to find out this was on!

Now my girls are watching another one of my favorites! JOSEPH!

Go Go Joseph!
Click HERE for my favorite part of the movie.

Steve will disagree he knows my real favorite spot is Donny in his loin cloth. It really is just the song he sings while wearing it. Really!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jesse & Kortney

My kids absolutely love their aunt and uncle. This Halloween Grandpa and Grandma Greer hosted a fun party for the kids. I just loved these pictures. Jesse is even loved when he looks like a "Super-Freak!"

Friday, November 21, 2008

Utah Woman am I


This will be flashing Saturday Night.

Today at the childrens school it was "Wear your team colors."
Maggie was true to her family with her University of Utah sweatshirt, Luke however DISAPPOINTED. (Thanks Uncle Adam)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Today I am GRATEFUL for:

-A two year old who says "NO, Thank you!"

-An early morning walk with a friend

-The pink clouds of the sunrise behind the purple mountains

-Crumb Cake for Breakfast

-A latter day Prophet who guides us in a confusing world

Click HERE to learn more.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wake up call!

Here is the scoop--I am sick of running. I needed a diversion. So I joined a gym. Last night I went to a class called "Boot Camp." Yikes! First item of business was jump roping for 4 min. I could feel my middle section jiggling, and did not dare look in the mirror for fear of what I would see. Yes I got my wake up call and am getting to work just in time for the holidays.

Side note...a girl in Maggies dance class said I look like a cat! For that I did look in the mirror.

Not seeing it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I bought the girls matching Christmas skirts and wanted to get their pictures. Halfway through taking the pictures I figured out my lens was dirty. Photoshop is not going to fix that. But instead of being frustrated that my pictures are not perfect, I am going to be grateful that I have two beautiful girls!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mia Hamm.....almost

Although her team NEVER won a game, and there were more goals scored in the OPPONENTS goal than their own, we are proud of our Maggie.
This was Maggie's first season on a "real" soccer team. She has played before on a county/rec team but the coach was useless ie..her mom, a pregnant mom to boot! This fall Maggie was so great at turning the ball around and taking it down the field. And that is about where the story ends.
Great Season Mag!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Desperate Housewife

I spent a good amount of time Sunday night folding laundry. Yuck hate it! Worst part about being a mom in my opinion!

After getting the kids off to school the next morning I went downstairs to start putting the dreaded laundry away. Peter had destroyed the whole room. The neatly stacked towels, separated children's clothes ALL GONE and were no longer. After a little bit of cussing I got to work.
As I finished the job for the SECOND time, I walk into the family room to see Peter drawing with crayon all over our new TV!
Mom is not thinking this face is so cute anymore!

To top it off he picked a fight with the wrong 3 year old girl at the library. The sassy girl marched up to me and said "Are you going to take care of your child or what?" I no longer felt sorry for the girl and let Peter do his thing. Yes desperate times call for desperate actions. The girl then said "Well what are you waiting for, pick him up!"
With what hand little girl, the one holding my baby or the one holding my purse and library books!
Honestly, if I needed to I think I could have figured out a way to use my hand but it would not have been to discipline my child, if you get the picture.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Unsupervised Kids

I told the kids to get in the car we were going shopping. When we got to the store Maggie hopped out of the van and this is what she was wearing.

I took a deep breath and held my shoulders high, I didn't care what people thought today.

Later that night the 3 older kids and I were upstairs reading a book. Rachel was downstairs playing with toys (or was she?) The next thing I know my little daughter Rachel is crawling through the kitchen. She climbed 13 stairs all by herself. She has never attempted this before. Once again I took a deep breath and put aside thoughts of what could have happened.

Do you think I need to supervise my kids closer? In my defense it was a REALLY long day.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet Rachel.......Why I love you!

Oh sweet girl we are so happy you are in our family.
Without you there would not be as much HAPPINESS, LOVE, PEACEFUL HOURS, and CUDDLE TIME!
I love how when you wake up I am greeted by a big smile and arms reached towards me. I love how you call me "DA DA" because it shows me how much you love your Daddy and how good he is to you. I love how you crawl through our legs like a cat rubbing against a pole. I love how your rarely cry and sleep so well! I love how your hair hangs in your face and that you won't keep in any bows (because honestly I am not a bow person.) I love how you are CHUBBY and HEALTHY. I love that we share a BIRTHDAY. You are a special spirit Rachel and I love being your MOMMY!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Falling like Crazy

Leaves are falling off our apricot tree at an incredible rate. The kids have not left the area, in fact you could say they are WHISTLING WHILE THEY WORK.

We have enjoyed a game of UNO, bowls of ice cream, and leaf fights all under the beautiful yellow tree. Oh how I love this warm weather and the sound of falling leaves, so sad to see it go.