Fall is my "runner up" season. In other words, my second favorite season. It will never be my favorite because you can't swim outside in the Fall. However, I do love the changing colors and the brisk morning air that warms to a perfect temperature by afternoon. On Sunday our family took a relaxing walk in the mountains.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Runner Up
Fall is my "runner up" season. In other words, my second favorite season. It will never be my favorite because you can't swim outside in the Fall. However, I do love the changing colors and the brisk morning air that warms to a perfect temperature by afternoon. On Sunday our family took a relaxing walk in the mountains.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Luke finally talked his dad into helping build a tree house, or something that slightly resembles one. I think Steve was sick of listening to him talk about one (I think we were all sick of listening.) Now that there is a platform to sit on, Luke thought he would make it official and post his one rule: No girls allowed. However it is spelled like a 7 year old would spell which makes it extra cute!
Funny side note: Some of his best friends are girls. There will be a new post comming soon about that topic. Just waiting on a picture.
Pet Peeve of the Week
When I go to pick up my daughter from kindergarten, I am surrounded by moms ready for the fall-fashion show. Don't get me wrong their outfits are fabulous and very stylish, but come on, did they check the thermometer before they left the house? And by chance they did not see the weather report, maybe the sweat pouring out from under their layering of shirts and sweaters and long pants should give them a clue. Ladies put on some shorts and a T-shirt and enjoy this fabulous "summer like" weather. Believe me, there will be plenty fall weather to come!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Traffic School
Last night was the last night I could attend traffic school in order for points to be taken off my driving record. I showed up at the Matheson Court House, went through security and stood in a huge line. Who knew? I was expecting around 20 people to be in my class--try over 100.
The instructor talked like an auctioneer..a mile a minute. He was very entertaining and funny. His first question to the class was: "How many of you look for cops while driving?" Everyone raised their hand. His response "Obviously you're not very good at it."
The most annoying part was when people wanted to tell their story, and their "what if" stories. "What if I was driving down the street and someone stepped out of their car and I hit her, and it was an undercover cop...." blah blah blah, this is coming from the girl who got her ticket for driving the wrong way down a one way street!
So Traffic School is not so bad. I'll tell you this, after paying $4 for parking, $50 for the class and another HUGE undisclosed amount in a traffic ticket (speeding in a construction zone is double the fine), I think I learned my lesson.
The instructor talked like an auctioneer..a mile a minute. He was very entertaining and funny. His first question to the class was: "How many of you look for cops while driving?" Everyone raised their hand. His response "Obviously you're not very good at it."
The most annoying part was when people wanted to tell their story, and their "what if" stories. "What if I was driving down the street and someone stepped out of their car and I hit her, and it was an undercover cop...." blah blah blah, this is coming from the girl who got her ticket for driving the wrong way down a one way street!
So Traffic School is not so bad. I'll tell you this, after paying $4 for parking, $50 for the class and another HUGE undisclosed amount in a traffic ticket (speeding in a construction zone is double the fine), I think I learned my lesson.
Edible Bug Show
In Kindergarten, the kids are given the assignment of making an "incredible" edible insect. My true feeling is that this is an "incredible" waste of food. But since we had the assignment why not make the best of it. Maggie was such a great helper with a good attitude. We made a bee out of gourds, lemons and candy. We named it Gourd-on Bee. After our late prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley.
Maggie loves it when I show up at school, but I must say it is a lot of work. Carrying a baby and a toddler, who is hopefully following along, and constantly lifting my skirt--Hello! At the same time holding Maggie's backpack, 2 sweaters, her project, trying to take pictures all while wearing heals!
Maggie walked around and very adult like checked out her competition.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cute Actors, Dumb Video
Sometime back in April, Steve worked way too many hours of overtime to create videos for Western Family Foods. What the videos have to do with Western Family is yet to be determined. The only thing cute about Episode 7 is Maggie and her friend Seth who star as trick or treaters. Way to go cute kids--you made the video worth watching!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Stay At Home MOM!
My kids are always asking "What are we doing today?" Today my answer was, "We are spending time together." I have been thinking a lot about Elder Ballard's talk last conference and trying to be a better mom. In his talk he said: "Don’t over schedule yourselves or your children. We live in a world that is filled with options. If we are not careful, we will find every minute jammed with social events, classes, exercise time, book clubs, scrapbooking, Church callings, music, sports, the Internet, and our favorite TV shows. Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together."
I love this and found it true in my life. The reason I am a stay at home mom is not to be bogged down with lessons and sports teams, or to be a PTA supermom. I am a stay at home mom so I can Love my children, hold them when they wake up, read to them cuddled in a blanket, clean up their hurts, hear about their day at school and concerns, make them homemade meals, keep a semi-clean house for them to live in, play spontaneous games, and most importantly to teach them about the Gospel and their Savior Jesus Christ. It is so sweet to hear my little Peter, who can barely speak, sing "I Am A Child of God." I love my kids and know this time will pass quickly so I am trying to soak it all in.
My poor husband sees the dark side of my job. He is my shoulder to cry on when I have had a bad day. Without Steve I would go insane, and probaly need extensive counseling. He makes sure that I have time for ME, (granted it's usually a 6:00am run) but none-the-less he makes it happen.
When Maggie was 2 she made up a song that went "I love my family...ya..ya..ya.." I have to agree!
"You must be strong and bold and brave and march forward with gladness in your eye and love in your heart. How blessed you are, my dear young mothers. You have children who will be yours forever." President Gordon B. Hinckley
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Picture Perfect
We were up at the cabin this weekend and like all moms do I wanted some pic's. I am frustrated that I can never get everyone looking, smiling, happy, eyes open, and looking semi-cute.
Peter having an his hourly meltdown.

Two unhappy Kids

This one is pretty cute of Mag's

Who can resist this face? On any given day-- his Mom.
Peter having an his hourly meltdown.
Two unhappy Kids
This one is pretty cute of Mag's
Who can resist this face? On any given day-- his Mom.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Good things come in small packages?
I know when my neighbors read this post they are going to think we are moving. NOT SO! I have just been thinking a lot lately about living in a "small" house. To us the house is not so small, it is all we need. But after so many comments from others like "aren't you crowded?", or "you still live in a starter home?", I thought I would make a list of the pros/cons of living in our HUMBLE ABODE.
-Turn on the water faucet or flush the toilet and their is a good possibility that you will wake someone up.
-If you open the fridge or the dishwasher no one can get through the kitchen.
-You need to go to the bathroom? Get in line.
-Storage? What Storage? Thus is why we still have a hideous shed in our backyard.
-Furniture rearranging is difficult.
-Nighttime wakings become a family get together.
-The character and charm. I love my old fireplace and arched doorways.
-Not so much house to clean!
-You always know where your kids are and what they are doing.
-Don't have to host the Dunham Family Christmas party (50+people) oops did I just write that?
-Affordable house payments.
-Brings us closer together as a family.
-You can make dinner, watch your kids play in the next room and spy on your neighbor all at the same time!
Honestly I love my house. Their are a lot of things that bug me, but in the long run they really do not matter. All my kids were born here and we have so many memories. This is a picture of my favorite room in the house, I love the colors, I could relax in a bubble bath in this room for a long time.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our ward had a goal to read the Book of Mormon in two months. I always roll my eyes when challenges to read the scriptures come around but end up doing it anyways. I was not going to participate in this particular one, except everyday I felt the promptings that I did need to read it. I am so glad that I did. It started off a breeze, I can totally do this I thought. That was until I got to 2 Nephi and all the Isiah chapters. After plugging through those I was on my way. I had so many neat experiences while reading the Book of Mormon. Our family was blessed in so many ways. When things were going really well in my life it started getting harder to read and I would skip some days. I remembered the scripture that "they were quick to forget the Lord their God." Wow, the scriptures really are applicable. While reading this book I gained a firmer testimony that indeed this is a true book. I know that Joseph Smith translated this book, but did not write it. It was written from prophets of old and buried until God was ready for it to be revealed. Mormon 8:16" And blessed be he that shall bring this thing to light; for it shall be brought out of darkness unto light, according to the word of God; yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, and it shall shine forth out of darkness, and come unto the knowledge of the people; and it shall be done by the power of God." I know this is Jesus Christ's chuch and he leads it though prophets. I know the day will come that Jesus will return to the earth and look forward to that day.
California here we come
Thanks to the Parr's for the cool idea of a countdown calculator. The kids are super excited about Disneyland!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Give me a break
Yesterday was definitely a "give me a break" day. Two things happened to make me say this. First I had scheduled a babysitter to come over after school. I even confirmed it with her the day before. SHE NEVER SHOWED UP! What a disappointment. I had so many big plans, oh well. So I loaded up the car with all the kids to take Maggie back and forth to dance class--what a pain. That is when I saw my second "give me a break." A cop was giving a bicyclist a ticket. What? Come on, lets focus on some bigger issues here: teenage drivers, elderly drivers, and of course drivers like me. If a person is doing his part to help out the environment (and their check book) while getting a little exercise at the same time; Give them a Break! The babysitter called late last night with about 5 different excuses, one of them being some mysterious injury. Whatever.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I think that I need to print out a shirt for Peter that says "My mom apologizes for whatever I do!" It is getting out of control, Peter is horrible. The kicking kids in the head, biting, pushing, throwing toys at faces, pinching, not to mention the body slams he does on his baby sister. I feel like I have no control over the kid. I can't leave him for 2 seconds, which is hard when 4 kids are going in opposite directions. I have created a monster and need a break!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Maggie's First Day of Kindergarten
Doesn't she look adorable? As I dropped her off I noticed a lot of moms were getting teary eyed. Oh yeah, I must have been too busy to remember that moms are suppose to be sad when their kids start kindergarten. "Bye Maggie, I love you." Nope, still no emotions. Well OK I won't lie their was one emotion, EXCITEMENT, that I will not have a melodramatic girl for a couple of hours. Am I horrible?
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