Session XI - PART II
Having discovered that they are under a murder indictment by parties unknown, and that Drusilla's family/clan are not happy with her the party determines it must find the deed to the Old Brewery and hand it over to the corrupt Fist Officer Lieutenant Tsu to escape trial and execution.The Cast
Huxley McTeeth - (m) Fighter (Lvl 2) - Short, strong, grizzled, armored, and wielding a magic white saber from the tomb of a Rocket Man.
Grimgrim "The Seared of Monstcrom"- (m) Cleric (Lvl 3) - Recently extra fervent. pig masked.
Druizzilnax (aka Drusilla) - (f) Elf (Lvl 1), physically frail,
spear wielding, hideous armor wearing and from a society of militarized
Nell Hassenphafler "The Topstown Gore Bird" - (f) Assassin (Lvl 3), Scarred face, sinewy physique, fancy purple metal dress and poison hatpins.
Lemon Jackson, Evoker - (m) Magic-User (Lvl 2) Gun totting & hell-bolt flinging,
Gurgur, Greymol - (m,m) Moktar, Moktar Holy Tom, (Lvl1,Lvl1) Moktar henchmen , serious catbrawn.
The boarded window pivots smoothly on hidden bearings and within a mere moments the worried band is back inside the Old Brewery again. The room they enter is remarkably clean as if it had recently been scrubbed clean, and indeed a mop bucket full of filthy bloody water stands in the corner.
Opening the door cautiously the party peers into the room that hold the Brewery's central stair. Directly opposite them is the former guard post, it's door now ripped off its hinges and the interior charred with fire. Close examination of the guard post reveals signs of violence and a pile of burnt corpses.
Shaking their heads at the violence of gang warfare, the party returns to the stairs and shifts the steel plate to descend into the Brewery Depths. The warm, tidy brick chamber below is decorated with glass cases and daguerreotypes in glass frames. The East wall has a dark passage and to the West is barred by a steel grate. Examining the displays the party finds that it's a museum of sorts dedicated to the brewery's operational days. The Weedstone Family is featured prominently, and most of the photos depict the mildly unwholesome process of making mushroom beer. Grimgrim (Wisdom Check's are good for noticing things) finds one strange photo of a young Weedstone in what appears to be a large cavern lit with sodium lamps hugging some sort of large, white plated fish to his chest. The cavern in the photo contains a pool and great rafts of giant mushrooms, growing in wooden boxes. A peeling label says 'Brewery Mascot "Bleachy Pete" and Master J. Weedstone'.